SilkBase IMG001 IMG002 IMG003 IMG005 IMG006 IMG007 IMG008 IMG009 kuwako IMG010 IMG011 IMG012

Last updated: 2022/11/18
NCBI non-redundant
GO:0000122 P negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0000978 F RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0000980 F RNA polymerase II cis-regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding
GO:0001078 F DNA-binding transcription repressor activity, RNA polymerase II-specific
GO:0001709 P cell fate determination
GO:0001964 P startle response
GO:0002121 P inter-male aggressive behavior
GO:0003676 F nucleic acid binding
GO:0003677 F DNA binding
GO:0003682 F chromatin binding
GO:0005515 F protein binding
GO:0005634 C nucleus
GO:0005700 C polytene chromosome
GO:0006351 P transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0006355 P regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0007298 P border follicle cell migration
GO:0007422 P peripheral nervous system development
GO:0007426 P tracheal outgrowth, open tracheal system
GO:0007476 P imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis
GO:0008360 P regulation of cell shape
GO:0016476 P regulation of embryonic cell shape
GO:0017053 C transcription repressor complex
GO:0030707 P ovarian follicle cell development
GO:0031208 F POZ domain binding
GO:0031987 P locomotion involved in locomotory behavior
GO:0035001 P dorsal trunk growth, open tracheal system
GO:0035147 P branch fusion, open tracheal system
GO:0035151 P regulation of tube size, open tracheal system
GO:0040003 P chitin-based cuticle development
GO:0042675 P compound eye cone cell differentiation
GO:0042682 P regulation of compound eye cone cell fate specification
GO:0042803 F protein homodimerization activity
GO:0043388 P positive regulation of DNA binding
GO:0045467 P R7 cell development
GO:0045892 P negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
GO:0045944 P positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II
GO:0046843 P dorsal appendage formation
GO:0046872 F metal ion binding
GO:0048053 P R1/R6 development
GO:0048666 P neuron development
GO:0048750 P compound eye corneal lens morphogenesis
GO:0048813 P dendrite morphogenesis
GO:0048854 P brain morphogenesis
GO:0060446 P branching involved in open tracheal system development
FPKM:4.53 TPM:2.02
ORF Entry
(253 bp)

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