BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30155 (392 letters) Database: rice 37,544 sequences; 14,793,348 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value 03_06_0585 - 34912159-34912224,34912634-34913247,34913350-349137... 69 1e-12 05_01_0047 - 323097-323162,323287-323900,324233-324626,324718-32... 69 2e-12 01_07_0285 - 42476767-42476832,42476990-42477603,42477821-424782... 69 2e-12 12_01_0409 - 3230853-3230918,3231372-3231994,3232454-3232847,323... 68 2e-12 03_05_0926 + 28871800-28871859,28871943-28872336,28872586-288731... 68 2e-12 10_08_0597 + 19089616-19089675,19089789-19090182,19090451-190910... 65 2e-11 01_06_1455 + 37504175-37504231,37504357-37504750,37504865-375054... 65 2e-11 05_04_0450 - 21356877-21356942,21357482-21358095,21358173-213585... 65 2e-11 11_01_0403 + 3059650-3059709,3059807-3060200,3060275-3060930,306... 53 9e-08 12_02_1282 + 27528159-27529148,27529549-27529614 50 9e-07 03_06_0192 + 32230953-32231030,32231130-32231485,32232250-322324... 41 3e-04 08_01_0254 + 2078380-2078392,2078487-2078578,2079579-2079698,207... 31 0.33 07_03_0752 - 21241883-21242233,21242336-21242486,21242586-212428... 29 1.3 07_03_0008 + 12303536-12303893,12303910-12304176,12304635-123049... 29 1.8 03_02_0028 - 5118621-5119448 27 4.1 02_05_0615 - 30364956-30365729,30365813-30366286 27 4.1 07_03_0463 - 18449908-18450171,18450718-18450810,18451170-184512... 27 5.4 04_01_0501 - 6558120-6559312,6559441-6559518,6559818-6559877,656... 27 5.4 03_06_0303 - 32994697-32994831,32994959-32995096,32995205-329952... 27 5.4 01_01_0351 + 2790469-2790534,2791089-2791173,2791921-2792021,279... 27 5.4 02_05_0903 - 32630190-32630461,32631084-32631470,32631727-326318... 27 7.1 >03_06_0585 - 34912159-34912224,34912634-34913247,34913350-34913734, 34913824-34913883 Length = 374 Score = 68.9 bits (161), Expect = 1e-12 Identities = 31/32 (96%), Positives = 31/32 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWISK EYDESGPSIVHRKCF Sbjct: 343 SILASLSTFQQMWISKGEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 374 >05_01_0047 - 323097-323162,323287-323900,324233-324626,324718-324777 Length = 377 Score = 68.5 bits (160), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 30/32 (93%), Positives = 31/32 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWISK EYDESGP+IVHRKCF Sbjct: 346 SILASLSTFQQMWISKDEYDESGPAIVHRKCF 377 >01_07_0285 - 42476767-42476832,42476990-42477603,42477821-42478214, 42478301-42478360 Length = 377 Score = 68.5 bits (160), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 30/32 (93%), Positives = 31/32 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWISK EYDESGP+IVHRKCF Sbjct: 346 SILASLSTFQQMWISKDEYDESGPAIVHRKCF 377 >12_01_0409 - 3230853-3230918,3231372-3231994,3232454-3232847, 3233000-3233059 Length = 380 Score = 68.1 bits (159), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 30/32 (93%), Positives = 31/32 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWISK EYDESGP+IVHRKCF Sbjct: 349 SILASLSTFQQMWISKAEYDESGPAIVHRKCF 380 >03_05_0926 + 28871800-28871859,28871943-28872336,28872586-28873199, 28873281-28873346 Length = 377 Score = 68.1 bits (159), Expect = 2e-12 Identities = 30/32 (93%), Positives = 31/32 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWI+K EYDESGPSIVHRKCF Sbjct: 346 SILASLSTFQQMWIAKAEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 377 >10_08_0597 + 19089616-19089675,19089789-19090182,19090451-19091064, 19091160-19091225 Length = 377 Score = 65.3 bits (152), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 28/32 (87%), Positives = 31/32 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWIS+ EY+ESGP+IVHRKCF Sbjct: 346 SILASLSTFQQMWISRAEYEESGPAIVHRKCF 377 >01_06_1455 + 37504175-37504231,37504357-37504750,37504865-37505478, 37506021-37506086 Length = 376 Score = 65.3 bits (152), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 29/32 (90%), Positives = 29/32 (90%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWISK EYDESGP IVH KCF Sbjct: 345 SILASLSTFQQMWISKAEYDESGPGIVHMKCF 376 >05_04_0450 - 21356877-21356942,21357482-21358095,21358173-21358566, 21358648-21358704 Length = 376 Score = 64.9 bits (151), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 29/32 (90%), Positives = 29/32 (90%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQMWISK EYDESGP IVH KCF Sbjct: 345 SILASLSTFQQMWISKGEYDESGPGIVHMKCF 376 >11_01_0403 + 3059650-3059709,3059807-3060200,3060275-3060930, 3060979-3061044 Length = 391 Score = 52.8 bits (121), Expect = 9e-08 Identities = 30/46 (65%), Positives = 31/46 (67%), Gaps = 14/46 (30%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQ--------------MWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 SILASLSTFQQ MWISK EYDESGP+IVHRKCF Sbjct: 346 SILASLSTFQQVNLTPTLYEVARMQMWISKGEYDESGPAIVHRKCF 391 >12_02_1282 + 27528159-27529148,27529549-27529614 Length = 351 Score = 49.6 bits (113), Expect = 9e-07 Identities = 22/30 (73%), Positives = 24/30 (80%) Frame = +2 Query: 8 LASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 LA S +MWI+K EYDESGPSIVHRKCF Sbjct: 322 LAPSSMKIKMWIAKAEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 351 >03_06_0192 + 32230953-32231030,32231130-32231485,32232250-32232425, 32233857-32234038,32234260-32234443,32235192-32235259, 32235343-32235495 Length = 398 Score = 41.1 bits (92), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 17/32 (53%), Positives = 24/32 (75%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQEYDESGPSIVHRKCF 97 +ILA + Q ++K +YDE+GPSIVH+KCF Sbjct: 367 AILAKVVFPQNQHVTKGDYDETGPSIVHKKCF 398 >08_01_0254 + 2078380-2078392,2078487-2078578,2079579-2079698, 2079924-2080097,2080184-2080257,2080847-2080927, 2081306-2081366,2081437-2081486,2082278-2082332, 2082599-2082676,2082757-2082810,2083703-2083756, 2083846-2083906,2084229-2084280,2085118-2085184, 2085393-2085452,2085546-2085608,2085752-2085814, 2086337-2086401,2086620-2086688,2086742-2086847 Length = 503 Score = 31.1 bits (67), Expect = 0.33 Identities = 13/18 (72%), Positives = 15/18 (83%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 SILASLSTFQQMWISKQE 55 SILASL +FQQMW SK + Sbjct: 452 SILASLGSFQQMWFSKAD 469 >07_03_0752 - 21241883-21242233,21242336-21242486,21242586-21242823, 21242917-21243127,21243214-21243344,21245046-21245931, 21246087-21246140,21246397-21246461,21246842-21246892, 21246960-21247029,21247493-21247597 Length = 770 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 13/24 (54%), Positives = 14/24 (58%) Frame = -3 Query: 132 RAAGGSDARCV*KHFLCTMEGPDS 61 RAAGG ARC+ LC E P S Sbjct: 675 RAAGGEIARCIHVGLLCVQENPAS 698 >07_03_0008 + 12303536-12303893,12303910-12304176,12304635-12304951, 12304975-12305819,12305859-12306069 Length = 665 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 1.8 Identities = 15/40 (37%), Positives = 20/40 (50%), Gaps = 4/40 (10%) Frame = -3 Query: 132 RAAGGSDARCV*KHFLCTM----EGPDSSYSCFEIHICWK 25 RA G CV + FLCT+ +G + C E H+ WK Sbjct: 301 RALGWDKFACVDEPFLCTLLKVGDGVNFRLFCKEYHLSWK 340 >03_02_0028 - 5118621-5119448 Length = 275 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 15/32 (46%), Positives = 18/32 (56%), Gaps = 3/32 (9%) Frame = +3 Query: 54 STTSLA---PPLYTGSASKRTARRCLQQPAAG 140 +TT LA PP + GS +R RR QQP G Sbjct: 22 TTTLLATDHPPFFPGSCPRRVPRRRPQQPPPG 53 >02_05_0615 - 30364956-30365729,30365813-30366286 Length = 415 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 15/35 (42%), Positives = 20/35 (57%), Gaps = 1/35 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 27 SNRC-GSRNRSTTSLAPPLYTGSASKRTARRCLQQ 128 +N C G +T + APP Y AS RTA R L++ Sbjct: 256 NNDCHGGDPNATAATAPPEYAVRASFRTALRALRE 290 >07_03_0463 - 18449908-18450171,18450718-18450810,18451170-18451254, 18451607-18451705,18452099-18452238,18453036-18453482 Length = 375 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 5.4 Identities = 13/27 (48%), Positives = 17/27 (62%) Frame = -2 Query: 199 ITIISYVQLN*RRLQA*IEQPAAGCWR 119 +T + +V L RLQ +E PAA CWR Sbjct: 245 LTFVPFVVL---RLQKFLESPAATCWR 268 >04_01_0501 - 6558120-6559312,6559441-6559518,6559818-6559877, 6560000-6560083,6560407-6560566 Length = 524 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 5.4 Identities = 12/23 (52%), Positives = 16/23 (69%) Frame = -1 Query: 134 RGLLEAATRGAFRSTSCVQWRGQ 66 RG +AATRGA RS+S W+ + Sbjct: 3 RGESKAATRGANRSSSSSSWKSR 25 >03_06_0303 - 32994697-32994831,32994959-32995096,32995205-32995282, 32995399-32995475,32996355-32996676,32996756-32996986 Length = 326 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 5.4 Identities = 12/26 (46%), Positives = 15/26 (57%) Frame = +3 Query: 57 TTSLAPPLYTGSASKRTARRCLQQPA 134 TT A P+ S+S RRC+ QPA Sbjct: 4 TTMKASPMSASSSSAPVLRRCVAQPA 29 >01_01_0351 + 2790469-2790534,2791089-2791173,2791921-2792021, 2792601-2792683,2792829-2792874,2792969-2793025, 2793118-2793172,2793244-2793344,2793432-2793495, 2793604-2793737,2794158-2794346 Length = 326 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 5.4 Identities = 13/38 (34%), Positives = 22/38 (57%), Gaps = 2/38 (5%) Frame = -1 Query: 215 RHYYVNYNYILRTIKLT--EITSLN*AAGRGLLEAATR 108 RH+ YNY+L + L +++ ++ AGRGL +R Sbjct: 120 RHFLSLYNYLLEEVALVPDQLSKISVQAGRGLFLLLSR 157 >02_05_0903 - 32630190-32630461,32631084-32631470,32631727-32631817, 32632320-32632492,32632671-32632842 Length = 364 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 7.1 Identities = 12/34 (35%), Positives = 16/34 (47%) Frame = +3 Query: 27 SNRCGSRNRSTTSLAPPLYTGSASKRTARRCLQQ 128 S+RC R R + APP +A+ CL Q Sbjct: 82 SDRCNKRQRMAEAAAPPRRPAAAAANEDLHCLLQ 115 Database: rice Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:57 AM Number of letters in database: 14,793,348 Number of sequences in database: 37,544 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 8,857,356 Number of Sequences: 37544 Number of extensions: 150955 Number of successful extensions: 412 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 21 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 405 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 411 length of database: 14,793,348 effective HSP length: 74 effective length of database: 12,015,092 effective search space used: 672845152 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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