BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30144 (498 letters) Database: mosquito 2352 sequences; 563,979 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value AJ697721-1|CAG26914.1| 135|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-b... 47 3e-07 AY146734-1|AAO12094.1| 176|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 43 5e-06 AY146740-1|AAO12100.1| 139|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 41 2e-05 AY146733-1|AAO12093.1| 131|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 41 3e-05 AJ697724-1|CAG26917.1| 131|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-b... 41 3e-05 AY146728-1|AAO12088.1| 131|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 40 5e-05 AY146745-1|AAO12105.1| 153|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 38 3e-04 AJ697725-1|CAG26918.1| 153|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-b... 38 3e-04 AF437886-1|AAL84181.1| 153|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding pr... 38 3e-04 AF437888-1|AAL84183.1| 154|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding pr... 37 3e-04 AY146729-1|AAO12089.1| 156|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 37 4e-04 AY604021-1|AAT38515.1| 118|Anopheles gambiae LZ9988P protein. 36 8e-04 AY146735-1|AAO12095.1| 149|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 36 8e-04 AY146724-1|AAO12084.1| 151|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 36 0.001 AF437889-1|AAL84184.1| 155|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding pr... 36 0.001 AY146723-1|AAO12083.1| 155|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 33 0.005 AY146721-1|AAO12081.1| 144|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 33 0.005 AF437884-1|AAL84179.1| 144|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding pr... 33 0.005 AY146742-1|AAO12102.1| 154|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 32 0.012 AF437890-1|AAL84185.1| 154|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding pr... 32 0.012 AJ697720-1|CAG26913.1| 207|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-b... 28 0.15 AY146746-1|AAO12061.1| 333|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 27 0.27 AY146722-1|AAO12082.1| 107|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 27 0.27 AY146720-1|AAO12080.1| 147|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 27 0.27 AJ697719-1|CAG26912.1| 174|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-b... 27 0.47 AY146737-1|AAO12097.1| 119|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 26 0.82 AJ697722-1|CAG26915.1| 119|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-b... 26 0.82 AY146758-1|AAO12073.1| 289|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 25 1.9 AY146755-1|AAO12070.1| 320|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 25 1.9 AY146754-1|AAO12069.1| 334|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 25 1.9 AJ618930-1|CAF02010.2| 273|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 25 1.9 AF393485-1|AAL60410.1| 289|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding pr... 25 1.9 AY146747-1|AAO12062.1| 288|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 24 3.3 AJ618931-1|CAF02009.1| 288|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding pr... 24 3.3 >AJ697721-1|CAG26914.1| 135|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-binding protein OBPjj11 protein. Length = 135 Score = 47.2 bits (107), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 23/79 (29%), Positives = 43/79 (54%), Gaps = 1/79 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 3 LAFAVFNCGADNVHLTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYS-EDKAFKKFV 179 LA A C + +E Q+E A+Q +C++++G S + +N ++G D+ + FV Sbjct: 9 LASAFIACAVATI--SEEQREAARQLAGKCMQQTGASEDDVNRLRSGDTEGADRNTRCFV 66 Query: 180 LCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMD 236 CFF + ++ DG++ D Sbjct: 67 QCFFQGAGFVDQDGSVQTD 85 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.012 Identities = 10/37 (27%), Positives = 22/37 (59%) Frame = +1 Query: 247 KTSPGVNKSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCY 357 K + + +A ++ +C++ G DA +++F + QCY Sbjct: 90 KLASEYGQEKADELVARCRNNDGPDACERSFRLLQCY 126 >AY146734-1|AAO12094.1| 176|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP24 protein. Length = 176 Score = 43.2 bits (97), Expect = 5e-06 Identities = 24/82 (29%), Positives = 36/82 (43%), Gaps = 1/82 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 15 VFNCGADNVHLTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKK-FVLCFF 191 VF L + Q ECVKE+G+ + +G +S D K FV CF Sbjct: 38 VFPSPLQGARLEAEHVRRIHQNARECVKETGILPKNAFRVLSGDFSVDTMKAKCFVKCFL 97 Query: 192 NKSAILNSDGTLNMDVALENFS 257 +K+ ++ DG + DV E + Sbjct: 98 DKAGFIDDDGVIQQDVIREKLT 119 >AY146740-1|AAO12100.1| 139|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP9 protein. Length = 139 Score = 41.1 bits (92), Expect = 2e-05 Identities = 17/51 (33%), Positives = 28/51 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 60 KEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILN 212 +E Y +ECVK GVS E++ K+ + ED + ++ C FNK + + Sbjct: 24 REDLLAYRAECVKSLGVSDELVEKYKSWNFPEDDTTQCYIKCIFNKMQLFD 74 >AY146733-1|AAO12093.1| 131|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP23 protein. Length = 131 Score = 40.7 bits (91), Expect = 3e-05 Identities = 19/69 (27%), Positives = 37/69 (53%), Gaps = 2/69 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 36 NVH-LTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQY-SEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAIL 209 +VH T Q++ + EC+ E+G+ E + + G + D+ K F+ CFF K + Sbjct: 16 SVHAFTLRQQKMVSIFALECMAETGIGAESLTKLRDGDLTANDRTAKCFMKCFFEKENFM 75 Query: 210 NSDGTLNMD 236 +++G L ++ Sbjct: 76 DAEGKLQLE 84 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 0.82 Identities = 9/31 (29%), Positives = 20/31 (64%) Frame = +1 Query: 268 KSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCYY 360 +++ +LE+C ++ +DA + AF + CY+ Sbjct: 96 RAKIDEMLEKCGEQK-EDACETAFNAYACYH 125 >AJ697724-1|CAG26917.1| 131|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-binding protein OBPjj14 protein. Length = 131 Score = 40.7 bits (91), Expect = 3e-05 Identities = 19/69 (27%), Positives = 37/69 (53%), Gaps = 2/69 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 36 NVH-LTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQY-SEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAIL 209 +VH T Q++ + EC+ E+G+ E + + G + D+ K F+ CFF K + Sbjct: 16 SVHAFTLRQQKMVSIFALECMAETGIGAESLTKLRDGDLTANDRTAKCFMKCFFEKENFM 75 Query: 210 NSDGTLNMD 236 +++G L ++ Sbjct: 76 DAEGKLQLE 84 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 0.82 Identities = 9/31 (29%), Positives = 20/31 (64%) Frame = +1 Query: 268 KSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCYY 360 +++ +LE+C ++ +DA + AF + CY+ Sbjct: 96 RAKIDEMLEKCGEQK-EDACETAFNAYACYH 125 >AY146728-1|AAO12088.1| 131|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP21 protein. Length = 131 Score = 39.9 bits (89), Expect = 5e-05 Identities = 15/39 (38%), Positives = 26/39 (66%) Frame = +1 Query: 247 KTSPGVNKSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 K S G ++A++ + C++ G+ A DKAF ++QCY+K Sbjct: 87 KLSKGNPTAKAEAFADVCENNEGETACDKAFSLYQCYHK 125 >AY146745-1|AAO12105.1| 153|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP3 protein. Length = 153 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 18/64 (28%), Positives = 32/64 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVA 242 EK K CV E+G S + I + ED K ++ C F+++ ++N G + V Sbjct: 45 EKMKPMHDACVAETGASEDAIKRFSDQEIHEDDKLKCYMNCLFHQAGVVNDKGEFHY-VK 103 Query: 243 LENF 254 +++F Sbjct: 104 IQDF 107 >AJ697725-1|CAG26918.1| 153|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-binding protein OBPjj15 protein. Length = 153 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 18/64 (28%), Positives = 32/64 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVA 242 EK K CV E+G S + I + ED K ++ C F+++ ++N G + V Sbjct: 45 EKMKPMHDACVAETGASEDAIKRFSDQEIHEDDKLKCYMNCLFHQAGVVNDKGEFHY-VK 103 Query: 243 LENF 254 +++F Sbjct: 104 IQDF 107 >AF437886-1|AAL84181.1| 153|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein protein. Length = 153 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 18/64 (28%), Positives = 32/64 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVA 242 EK K CV E+G S + I + ED K ++ C F+++ ++N G + V Sbjct: 45 EKMKPMHDACVAETGASEDAIKRFSDQEIHEDDKLKCYMNCLFHQAGVVNDKGEFHY-VK 103 Query: 243 LENF 254 +++F Sbjct: 104 IQDF 107 >AF437888-1|AAL84183.1| 154|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein protein. Length = 154 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 15/54 (27%), Positives = 29/54 (53%) Frame = +3 Query: 84 SECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVAL 245 S C + VSTE+++ + G ++ED+ K + +C + +N G +N+ L Sbjct: 47 SACAPKFKVSTEMLDNLRGGIFAEDRELKCYTMCIAQMAGTMNKKGEINVQKTL 100 >AY146729-1|AAO12089.1| 156|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP5 protein. Length = 156 Score = 36.7 bits (81), Expect = 4e-04 Identities = 15/54 (27%), Positives = 29/54 (53%) Frame = +3 Query: 84 SECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVAL 245 S C + VSTE+++ + G ++ED+ K + +C + +N G +N+ L Sbjct: 49 SACAPKFKVSTEMLDNLRGGIFAEDRELKCYTMCIAQMAGTMNKKGEINVPKTL 102 >AY604021-1|AAT38515.1| 118|Anopheles gambiae LZ9988P protein. Length = 118 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 8e-04 Identities = 18/61 (29%), Positives = 29/61 (47%), Gaps = 1/61 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 78 YTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKA-FKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVALENF 254 + EC+ ESG+ + + A + + + K V CFF K+ +N DG L + E Sbjct: 17 FALECLIESGLKLDSLAALSAKELDTNGSKIKCLVKCFFEKTGFMNKDGQLQEETITEQL 76 Query: 255 S 257 S Sbjct: 77 S 77 >AY146735-1|AAO12095.1| 149|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP25 protein. Length = 149 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 8e-04 Identities = 18/61 (29%), Positives = 29/61 (47%), Gaps = 1/61 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 78 YTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKA-FKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVALENF 254 + EC+ ESG+ + + A + + + K V CFF K+ +N DG L + E Sbjct: 41 FALECLIESGLKLDSLAALSAKELDTNGSKIKCLVKCFFEKTGFMNKDGQLQEETITEQL 100 Query: 255 S 257 S Sbjct: 101 S 101 >AY146724-1|AAO12084.1| 151|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP18 protein. Length = 151 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 0.001 Identities = 19/62 (30%), Positives = 30/62 (48%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVA 242 E AK C+ +S E+ N G + +DK FK +V C + + + G LN D A Sbjct: 40 EIAKGMRKVCMSRHKISEEMANYPSQGIFPDDKEFKCYVACLMDLTQ-TSKKGKLNYDAA 98 Query: 243 LE 248 ++ Sbjct: 99 VK 100 >AF437889-1|AAL84184.1| 155|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein protein. Length = 155 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 0.001 Identities = 19/62 (30%), Positives = 30/62 (48%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVA 242 E AK C+ +S E+ N G + +DK FK +V C + + + G LN D A Sbjct: 44 EIAKGMRKVCMSRPKISEEMANYPSQGIFPDDKEFKCYVACLMDLTQ-TSKKGKLNYDAA 102 Query: 243 LE 248 ++ Sbjct: 103 VK 104 >AY146723-1|AAO12083.1| 155|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP17 protein. Length = 155 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 0.005 Identities = 13/58 (22%), Positives = 32/58 (55%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMD 236 E K C+ ++GV+ E I + ED+ K ++ C F+++ +++ +G ++++ Sbjct: 36 EALKPLHDICLGKTGVTEEAIKKFSDEEIHEDEKLKCYMNCLFHEAKVVDDNGDVHLE 93 >AY146721-1|AAO12081.1| 144|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP1 protein. Length = 144 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 0.005 Identities = 13/58 (22%), Positives = 32/58 (55%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMD 236 E K C+ ++GV+ E I + ED+ K ++ C F+++ +++ +G ++++ Sbjct: 36 EALKPLHDICLGKTGVTEEAIKKFSDEEIHEDEKLKCYMNCLFHEAKVVDDNGDVHLE 93 >AF437884-1|AAL84179.1| 144|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein protein. Length = 144 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 0.005 Identities = 13/58 (22%), Positives = 32/58 (55%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 EKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMD 236 E K C+ ++GV+ E I + ED+ K ++ C F+++ +++ +G ++++ Sbjct: 36 EALKPLHDICLGKTGVTEEAIKKFSDEEIHEDEKLKCYMNCLFHEAKVVDDNGDVHLE 93 >AY146742-1|AAO12102.1| 154|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP7 protein. Length = 154 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.012 Identities = 17/65 (26%), Positives = 31/65 (47%), Gaps = 1/65 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 LTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILN-SDG 221 + + K+ AK C+ ESG S E + G A K ++ C F+K +++ + G Sbjct: 33 IPDRYKKPAKMLHEICIAESGASEEQLRTCLDGTVPTAPAAKCYIHCLFDKIDVVDEATG 92 Query: 222 TLNMD 236 + +D Sbjct: 93 RILLD 97 >AF437890-1|AAL84185.1| 154|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein protein. Length = 154 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.012 Identities = 17/65 (26%), Positives = 31/65 (47%), Gaps = 1/65 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 LTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILN-SDG 221 + + K+ AK C+ ESG S E + G A K ++ C F+K +++ + G Sbjct: 33 IPDRYKKPAKMLHEICIAESGASEEQLRTCLDGTVPTAPAAKCYIHCLFDKIDVVDEATG 92 Query: 222 TLNMD 236 + +D Sbjct: 93 RILLD 97 Score = 22.6 bits (46), Expect = 7.6 Identities = 9/40 (22%), Positives = 16/40 (40%) Frame = +1 Query: 268 KSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCYYKGTKTHILF 387 K+ + +C D + A+E +CY+ I F Sbjct: 108 KAAVDHLTRECSHIVTPDKCETAYETVKCYFNARDEVIKF 147 >AJ697720-1|CAG26913.1| 207|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-binding protein OBPjj10 protein. Length = 207 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 0.15 Identities = 10/28 (35%), Positives = 16/28 (57%) Frame = +3 Query: 174 FVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMDVALENFS 257 FV CF +K+ ++ DG + DV E + Sbjct: 123 FVKCFLDKAGFIDDDGVIQQDVIREKLT 150 >AY146746-1|AAO12061.1| 333|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP43 protein. Length = 333 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 0.27 Identities = 14/55 (25%), Positives = 25/55 (45%) Frame = +3 Query: 72 KQYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQYSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNMD 236 KQ +CV G+ +N + GQ+ +D + FV C ++ + N+D Sbjct: 165 KQIQQDCVDVYGLDPARLNHYQDGQFPDDPETQCFVRCVGLRAGLYTDRDGPNID 219 >AY146722-1|AAO12082.1| 107|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP16 protein. Length = 107 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 0.27 Identities = 13/54 (24%), Positives = 26/54 (48%), Gaps = 1/54 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 75 QYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQ-YSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNM 233 Q+ SEC++E+G + E I + Q + ++ C F + +G L++ Sbjct: 34 QFRSECLRETGTTDEQIEQFNSPQSVQASHELQCYMYCMFRLHNVTRPNGELDL 87 >AY146720-1|AAO12080.1| 147|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP15 protein. Length = 147 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 0.27 Identities = 13/54 (24%), Positives = 26/54 (48%), Gaps = 1/54 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 75 QYTSECVKESGVSTEVINAAKTGQ-YSEDKAFKKFVLCFFNKSAILNSDGTLNM 233 Q+ SEC++E+G + E I + Q + ++ C F + +G L++ Sbjct: 34 QFRSECLRETGTTDEQIEQFNSPQSVQASHELQCYMYCMFRLHNVTRPNGELDL 87 >AJ697719-1|CAG26912.1| 174|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-binding protein OBPjj9 protein. Length = 174 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 0.47 Identities = 18/75 (24%), Positives = 33/75 (44%), Gaps = 3/75 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 30 ADNVHLTETQKEKAKQYTSECVKESGVSTEVI-NAAKTGQYSE--DKAFKKFVLCFFNKS 200 AD + + + + ++C + + E + +TG + E DK F+ C+ Sbjct: 53 ADPATVKQVPEVTMQDAIAQCNRSFIIQPEYLAELNQTGSFPEETDKIPLCFIRCYLKAL 112 Query: 201 AILNSDGTLNMDVAL 245 IL D +N +VAL Sbjct: 113 GILTEDDKVNKEVAL 127 >AY146737-1|AAO12097.1| 119|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP27 protein. Length = 119 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 0.82 Identities = 11/38 (28%), Positives = 19/38 (50%) Frame = +1 Query: 250 TSPGVNKSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 T+ V+K ++ V C D AF+++QC Y+ Sbjct: 72 TNRFVSKEISEKVYNICTDNVTPTYCVTAFDVYQCIYE 109 >AJ697722-1|CAG26915.1| 119|Anopheles gambiae putative odorant-binding protein OBPjj12 protein. Length = 119 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 0.82 Identities = 11/38 (28%), Positives = 19/38 (50%) Frame = +1 Query: 250 TSPGVNKSEAQSVLEQCKDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 T+ V+K ++ V C D AF+++QC Y+ Sbjct: 72 TNRFVSKEISEKVYNICTDNVTPTYCVTAFDVYQCIYE 109 >AY146758-1|AAO12073.1| 289|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP30 protein. Length = 289 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 7/15 (46%), Positives = 13/15 (86%) Frame = +1 Query: 319 DAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 +A ++A+E F+CYY+ Sbjct: 142 EACERAYESFRCYYE 156 >AY146755-1|AAO12070.1| 320|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP32 protein. Length = 320 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 7/15 (46%), Positives = 12/15 (80%) Frame = +1 Query: 319 DAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 D ++A+E F+CYY+ Sbjct: 126 DVCERAYESFRCYYE 140 >AY146754-1|AAO12069.1| 334|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP33 protein. Length = 334 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 7/15 (46%), Positives = 12/15 (80%) Frame = +1 Query: 319 DAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 D ++A+E F+CYY+ Sbjct: 126 DVCERAYESFRCYYE 140 >AJ618930-1|CAF02010.2| 273|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein OBPjj83c protein. Length = 273 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 7/15 (46%), Positives = 13/15 (86%) Frame = +1 Query: 319 DAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 +A ++A+E F+CYY+ Sbjct: 126 EACERAYESFRCYYE 140 >AF393485-1|AAL60410.1| 289|Anopheles gambiae odorant binding protein 1 protein. Length = 289 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 7/15 (46%), Positives = 13/15 (86%) Frame = +1 Query: 319 DAADKAFEIFQCYYK 363 +A ++A+E F+CYY+ Sbjct: 142 EACERAYESFRCYYE 156 >AY146747-1|AAO12062.1| 288|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein AgamOBP42 protein. Length = 288 Score = 23.8 bits (49), Expect = 3.3 Identities = 9/19 (47%), Positives = 10/19 (52%) Frame = +1 Query: 301 KDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCY 357 K D +AFE FQCY Sbjct: 114 KAPVDDDLCSRAFETFQCY 132 >AJ618931-1|CAF02009.1| 288|Anopheles gambiae odorant-binding protein OBPjj83d protein. Length = 288 Score = 23.8 bits (49), Expect = 3.3 Identities = 9/19 (47%), Positives = 10/19 (52%) Frame = +1 Query: 301 KDKTGQDAADKAFEIFQCY 357 K D +AFE FQCY Sbjct: 114 KAPVDDDLCSRAFETFQCY 132 Database: mosquito Posted date: Oct 23, 2007 1:18 PM Number of letters in database: 563,979 Number of sequences in database: 2352 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 468,644 Number of Sequences: 2352 Number of extensions: 9541 Number of successful extensions: 61 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 34 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 52 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 60 length of database: 563,979 effective HSP length: 60 effective length of database: 422,859 effective search space used: 44400195 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
- SilkBase 1999-2023 -