BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30143 (674 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_12646| Best HMM Match : SSrecog (HMM E-Value=0) 80 1e-15 SB_42643| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 50 2e-06 SB_33348| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=3.2e-34) 50 2e-06 SB_13764| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 48 9e-06 SB_21901| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 47 1e-05 SB_53304| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.9e-32) 47 1e-05 SB_18968| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.2e-19) 45 5e-05 SB_23256| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=3.3e-22) 45 6e-05 SB_25642| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.3e-29) 44 9e-05 SB_10678| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.3e-29) 44 9e-05 SB_41131| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=4.1e-28) 44 1e-04 SB_15122| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 43 2e-04 SB_29734| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 42 3e-04 SB_24989| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 42 3e-04 SB_37758| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 42 3e-04 SB_26162| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.5e-31) 42 5e-04 SB_40969| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 42 5e-04 SB_3516| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 42 6e-04 SB_31139| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 41 8e-04 SB_16422| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=8.7e-26) 41 0.001 SB_2908| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.5e-08) 40 0.002 SB_52386| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 39 0.003 SB_1832| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.7e-22) 38 0.007 SB_16438| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=7.2e-31) 38 0.010 SB_8014| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=0.00031) 36 0.030 SB_57274| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=0.021) 36 0.040 SB_27742| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.3e-24) 36 0.040 SB_16481| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.2e-08) 34 0.091 SB_23680| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 32 0.37 SB_46509| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=4.2e-10) 30 2.0 SB_12182| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 30 2.0 >SB_12646| Best HMM Match : SSrecog (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 783 Score = 80.2 bits (189), Expect = 1e-15 Identities = 32/56 (57%), Positives = 44/56 (78%) Frame = +1 Query: 46 KKVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDKTEW 213 KK K + PKR MSAYMLWLN R++IK +NPG+ VTE++K GE+WK++ DK++W Sbjct: 534 KKKKDPNAPKRAMSAYMLWLNDTRQEIKDKNPGISVTEVSKVAGEMWKNLTDKSKW 589 >SB_42643| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 557 Score = 50.0 bits (114), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 21/50 (42%), Positives = 31/50 (62%) Frame = +1 Query: 52 VKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 VK + KRPM+A+M+W R +I ENP + +EI+K+ G WK + D Sbjct: 321 VKPVEHVKRPMNAFMVWSREERRKIAQENPKMHNSEISKRLGSEWKQLAD 370 >SB_33348| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=3.2e-34) Length = 179 Score = 50.0 bits (114), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 21/50 (42%), Positives = 31/50 (62%) Frame = +1 Query: 52 VKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 VK + KRPM+A+M+W R +I ENP + +EI+K+ G WK + D Sbjct: 4 VKPVEHVKRPMNAFMVWSREERRKIAQENPKMHNSEISKRLGSEWKQLAD 53 >SB_13764| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1099 Score = 47.6 bits (108), Expect = 9e-06 Identities = 18/52 (34%), Positives = 32/52 (61%) Frame = +1 Query: 49 KVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 K D+ KRPM+A+M+W R ++ +NP + +EI+K+ G WK + ++ Sbjct: 782 KANSADRVKRPMNAFMVWSRERRRKMAQDNPKMHNSEISKRLGSEWKLLSEQ 833 >SB_21901| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 192 Score = 47.2 bits (107), Expect = 1e-05 Identities = 22/59 (37%), Positives = 36/59 (61%), Gaps = 2/59 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 43 RKKVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM--KDKTEW 213 +K+ K +KPKR +SAY ++N R+ +K +NP ++K GE+W M DKT++ Sbjct: 93 KKQTKDPNKPKRCLSAYFHFINLKRDDVKKDNPNASGGALSKVLGEMWSKMTDDDKTQY 151 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 0.030 Identities = 16/50 (32%), Positives = 27/50 (54%) Frame = +1 Query: 55 KMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 K +KPK SAY +L RE+++ E + + +K E WK+M ++ Sbjct: 7 KDPNKPKGAKSAYNFFLQDQREKLQREEGKFSLADFSKVSAEKWKNMSEE 56 >SB_53304| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.9e-32) Length = 398 Score = 47.2 bits (107), Expect = 1e-05 Identities = 20/49 (40%), Positives = 32/49 (65%), Gaps = 2/49 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 61 TDKP--KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 T KP KRPM+A+M+W +AR ++ + P L E++K G++WK + D Sbjct: 59 TQKPHVKRPMNAFMVWAQAARRKLADQYPHLHNAELSKTLGKLWKLLND 107 >SB_18968| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.2e-19) Length = 1204 Score = 45.2 bits (102), Expect = 5e-05 Identities = 16/54 (29%), Positives = 35/54 (64%) Frame = +1 Query: 43 RKKVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 ++K K+ +P +P+SAY ++ + I+ +NP + EIAK G++W+++ ++ Sbjct: 916 KRKTKIEGEPPKPLSAYQIFFKETQAAIRLQNPSAQFGEIAKIVGQMWENLPEE 969 >SB_23256| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=3.3e-22) Length = 523 Score = 44.8 bits (101), Expect = 6e-05 Identities = 20/52 (38%), Positives = 32/52 (61%), Gaps = 1/52 (1%) Frame = +1 Query: 43 RKKV-KMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 RKK K + PK P++ Y+ +LN RE+++SENP L E+ + G +W + Sbjct: 167 RKKAHKDVNAPKAPLTGYVRFLNEHREKVRSENPDLPFHEVTRILGNMWSQL 218 >SB_25642| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.3e-29) Length = 267 Score = 44.4 bits (100), Expect = 9e-05 Identities = 17/41 (41%), Positives = 28/41 (68%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 KRPM+A+M+W + R Q+ +ENP L ++I+K G W+ + Sbjct: 8 KRPMNAFMIWSSKKRRQLAAENPKLHNSQISKMLGTEWRKL 48 >SB_10678| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.3e-29) Length = 494 Score = 44.4 bits (100), Expect = 9e-05 Identities = 17/41 (41%), Positives = 28/41 (68%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 KRPM+A+M+W + R Q+ +ENP L ++I+K G W+ + Sbjct: 8 KRPMNAFMIWSSKKRRQLAAENPKLHNSQISKMLGTEWRKL 48 >SB_41131| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=4.1e-28) Length = 245 Score = 43.6 bits (98), Expect = 1e-04 Identities = 17/46 (36%), Positives = 28/46 (60%) Frame = +1 Query: 64 DKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 D KRP++++M+W R + ENP +R EI+K G+ W+ M + Sbjct: 8 DHVKRPLNSFMVWAKEKRRAMNRENPKMRNAEISKILGDEWRKMPE 53 >SB_15122| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 709 Score = 43.2 bits (97), Expect = 2e-04 Identities = 16/47 (34%), Positives = 30/47 (63%) Frame = +1 Query: 55 KMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 K K KRPM+++M+W SAR ++ + P + E++K G++W+ + Sbjct: 106 KKDPKVKRPMNSFMVWAQSARRKLAEQYPHVHNAELSKMLGKLWRML 152 >SB_29734| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 304 Score = 42.3 bits (95), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 18/52 (34%), Positives = 30/52 (57%) Frame = +1 Query: 46 KKVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 KK KRPM+A+M+W R ++ E+P + EI+K+ G+ WK + + Sbjct: 37 KKKSDMQHVKRPMNAFMVWSQIERRKMAEEHPDMHNAEISKRLGKRWKLLSE 88 >SB_24989| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 143 Score = 42.3 bits (95), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 20/47 (42%), Positives = 28/47 (59%) Frame = +1 Query: 55 KMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 K D KRPM+AYM+W R +I E P + +EI+K+ G W S+ Sbjct: 3 KPGDHIKRPMNAYMVWSRKERRRIAEECPRMLNSEISKRLGLEWNSL 49 >SB_37758| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 382 Score = 42.3 bits (95), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 22/54 (40%), Positives = 32/54 (59%), Gaps = 3/54 (5%) Frame = +1 Query: 43 RKKVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLW---LNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 RKK +KPK P++ Y+ + LNS RE +K ++P L EI K G+ W S+ Sbjct: 185 RKKEYDLNKPKAPVTGYVHYVRFLNSRRESVKHQHPHLTFPEITKMLGQEWNSL 238 >SB_26162| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.5e-31) Length = 367 Score = 41.9 bits (94), Expect = 5e-04 Identities = 17/44 (38%), Positives = 25/44 (56%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 KRPM+++M+W R + ENP L EI+K G+ W + K Sbjct: 95 KRPMNSFMIWAKVMRRKFAEENPKLHNAEISKLLGKAWNELTTK 138 >SB_40969| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 374 Score = 41.9 bits (94), Expect = 5e-04 Identities = 17/41 (41%), Positives = 24/41 (58%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 KRPM+ +M+W R QI ENPG+ ++K G WK + Sbjct: 9 KRPMNCFMVWSREKRCQILQENPGINNARLSKLLGMAWKKL 49 >SB_3516| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 642 Score = 41.5 bits (93), Expect = 6e-04 Identities = 16/45 (35%), Positives = 28/45 (62%) Frame = +1 Query: 61 TDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 T++ KRPM+A+M+W R ++ NP L E++K G W+++ Sbjct: 363 TERIKRPMNAFMVWAQVERRRLADANPELHNAELSKMLGLTWRAL 407 >SB_31139| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 315 Score = 41.1 bits (92), Expect = 8e-04 Identities = 22/45 (48%), Positives = 32/45 (71%), Gaps = 1/45 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKS-ENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 KRPM+A+M+W + R +IKS E P + +EI+K G WK+MKD+ Sbjct: 10 KRPMNAFMVW-SKERRRIKSQECPRMHNSEISKILGCEWKAMKDE 53 >SB_16422| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=8.7e-26) Length = 245 Score = 40.7 bits (91), Expect = 0.001 Identities = 16/48 (33%), Positives = 31/48 (64%) Frame = +1 Query: 61 TDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 ++K KRP++A++LW R I +ENP + +I++K G W+ + ++ Sbjct: 16 SEKIKRPLNAFILWSKKRRRVIANENPQMHNFDISRKLGLEWQKLTEE 63 >SB_2908| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.5e-08) Length = 324 Score = 39.5 bits (88), Expect = 0.002 Identities = 13/44 (29%), Positives = 28/44 (63%) Frame = +1 Query: 70 PKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 P++P+ YM + +Q+K++NP ++ +I K G++W+ + D Sbjct: 28 PEKPLMPYMRYSRKVWDQVKNQNPDFKLWDIGKIIGQMWRDLDD 71 >SB_52386| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 384 Score = 39.1 bits (87), Expect = 0.003 Identities = 17/48 (35%), Positives = 25/48 (52%) Frame = +1 Query: 67 KPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDKTE 210 K KRPM+A+M+W R I P EI+ + GEIW + + + Sbjct: 100 KVKRPMNAFMIWARLHRSTIAKRYPQANNAEISIRLGEIWNDLSSEQQ 147 >SB_1832| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.7e-22) Length = 299 Score = 37.9 bits (84), Expect = 0.007 Identities = 15/42 (35%), Positives = 24/42 (57%) Frame = +1 Query: 79 PMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 P+SA+ LW N AR+ + NP + ++ KK WK + +K Sbjct: 230 PLSAFELWANQARKDLLVSNPDISAKKLKKKLKRKWKEIDEK 271 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 0.030 Identities = 13/47 (27%), Positives = 28/47 (59%) Frame = +1 Query: 64 DKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 ++PK P+++Y + R ++ + P L+ TE+A K + W+ M ++ Sbjct: 150 NQPKMPLTSYFRYCQKHRAKLAKKYPNLKSTELAAKLSKKWRKMSEE 196 >SB_16438| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=7.2e-31) Length = 690 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 0.010 Identities = 22/65 (33%), Positives = 35/65 (53%), Gaps = 2/65 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 16 KNYFKIFAIRKKVKMTDKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQI--KSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWK 189 + Y K K DKPKRP +AY L+L + R+++ K+ G ++ +A GE W+ Sbjct: 559 QRYLKESGKNDPKKDPDKPKRPPTAYFLFLAAFRKEMAGKALEDGKKIPSLA---GERWR 615 Query: 190 SMKDK 204 M D+ Sbjct: 616 EMSDE 620 Score = 33.5 bits (73), Expect = 0.16 Identities = 21/61 (34%), Positives = 33/61 (54%), Gaps = 7/61 (11%) Frame = +1 Query: 43 RKKVKMTDKP--KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSEN-----PGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKD 201 RKK D P KR SAY+ + + R ++K+++ P + E+AK GE WK + D Sbjct: 485 RKKKAKGDGPVVKRASSAYIHFTSDFRAKLKAKSAKSGTPLPKANEVAKLAGEEWKKLND 544 Query: 202 K 204 + Sbjct: 545 E 545 >SB_8014| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=0.00031) Length = 406 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 0.030 Identities = 15/52 (28%), Positives = 27/52 (51%), Gaps = 2/52 (3%) Frame = +1 Query: 64 DKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMK--DKTEW 213 D+ + + + LWL R+QI+ ENP + ++ K + WK + +K W Sbjct: 327 DRQTKKKNGFSLWLEENRDQIEEENPDIPDEDVVKIAMKTWKGLDSVEKKVW 378 >SB_57274| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=0.021) Length = 200 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 0.040 Identities = 13/44 (29%), Positives = 24/44 (54%) Frame = +1 Query: 64 DKPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 D+ + + + LWL R+QI+ ENP + ++ K + WK + Sbjct: 34 DRQTKKKNGFSLWLEENRDQIEEENPDIPDEDVVKIAMKTWKGL 77 >SB_27742| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.3e-24) Length = 201 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 0.040 Identities = 14/44 (31%), Positives = 26/44 (59%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMKDK 204 KRPM+A+M+W + R ++ + P + EI+K G W + ++ Sbjct: 10 KRPMNAFMVWSRTERRKLALKYPNMLNCEISKLLGAEWSRLSEE 53 >SB_16481| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=1.2e-08) Length = 271 Score = 34.3 bits (75), Expect = 0.091 Identities = 15/41 (36%), Positives = 23/41 (56%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 K PM+A+M+ R+ S NPG+ +E +K G WK + Sbjct: 10 KSPMNAFMVCSRGKRKHYASINPGMHNSEFSKSLGPEWKML 50 >SB_23680| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 548 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect = 0.37 Identities = 14/44 (31%), Positives = 24/44 (54%) Frame = +1 Query: 67 KPKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSMK 198 K KRP A+ + +++K ENP L+ EI K + W +++ Sbjct: 305 KHKRPTPAFFRFRQDYADKVKEENPHLKDAEIRKHLSDQWANLE 348 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 11/42 (26%), Positives = 25/42 (59%) Frame = +1 Query: 70 PKRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKSM 195 P++P + L++ +IK+EN G+ +I ++ G W+++ Sbjct: 374 PRKPPRHFSLFMRENFAKIKAENQGMSNPDIMRELGAKWRNL 415 >SB_46509| Best HMM Match : HMG_box (HMM E-Value=4.2e-10) Length = 145 Score = 29.9 bits (64), Expect = 2.0 Identities = 14/40 (35%), Positives = 23/40 (57%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKS 192 KR S Y+L+ + R I+ E+P EI++ GE W++ Sbjct: 36 KRGQSGYLLFSHEMRGIIRKEHPEYAFGEISRLIGEEWRN 75 >SB_12182| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1361 Score = 29.9 bits (64), Expect = 2.0 Identities = 14/40 (35%), Positives = 23/40 (57%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 KRPMSAYMLWLNSAREQIKSENPGLRVTEIAKKGGEIWKS 192 KR S Y+L+ + R I+ E+P EI++ GE W++ Sbjct: 1269 KRGQSGYLLFSHEMRGIIRKEHPEYAFGEISRLIGEEWRN 1308 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 15,110,016 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 244182 Number of successful extensions: 606 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 31 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 582 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 605 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 80 effective length of database: 12,036,817 effective search space used: 1733301648 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
- SilkBase 1999-2023 -