BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30136X (465 letters) Database: arabidopsis 28,952 sequences; 12,070,560 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value At5g27850.1 68418.m03341 60S ribosomal protein L18 (RPL18C) 60S ... 100 4e-22 At3g05590.1 68416.m00621 60S ribosomal protein L18 (RPL18B) simi... 100 4e-22 At2g47570.1 68415.m05936 60S ribosomal protein L18 (RPL18A) 90 6e-19 At1g18750.1 68414.m02338 MADS-box protein (AGL65) similar to hom... 31 0.29 At2g02640.1 68415.m00203 DC1 domain-containing protein contain... 31 0.38 At3g28360.1 68416.m03544 ABC transporter family protein similar ... 29 1.2 At4g35730.1 68417.m05071 expressed protein contains Pfam profil... 28 2.7 At4g19865.1 68417.m02911 kelch repeat-containing F-box family pr... 28 2.7 At3g28415.1 68416.m03551 P-glycoprotein, putative contains ATP-b... 28 2.7 At3g28390.1 68416.m03547 P-glycoprotein, putative similar to P-g... 28 2.7 At3g15470.1 68416.m01962 WD-40 repeat family protein contains Pf... 28 2.7 At1g05440.1 68414.m00552 expressed protein ; expression supporte... 28 2.7 At5g04710.1 68418.m00480 aspartyl aminopeptidase, putative simil... 27 4.7 At3g54080.1 68416.m05979 expressed protein 27 4.7 At2g03140.1 68415.m00267 CAAX amino terminal protease family pro... 27 4.7 At1g32190.1 68414.m03959 expressed protein 27 4.7 At3g28380.1 68416.m03546 P-glycoprotein, putative similar to P-g... 27 6.2 At3g28345.1 68416.m03541 ABC transporter family protein similar ... 27 6.2 >At5g27850.1 68418.m03341 60S ribosomal protein L18 (RPL18C) 60S ribosomal protein L18, Arabidopsis thaliana, SWISSPROT:RL18_ARATH Length = 187 Score = 100 bits (240), Expect = 4e-22 Identities = 47/72 (65%), Positives = 59/72 (81%) Frame = +2 Query: 248 GDITNDVRLYKIPKMTVAALHVTAKARARILAAGGEILTFDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQR 427 G IT+D+R+++IP M V AL T +ARARI AGGE LTFDQLALRAP G+ TVL++G + Sbjct: 83 GTITDDLRVHEIPAMKVTALRFTERARARIEKAGGECLTFDQLALRAPLGQNTVLLRGPK 142 Query: 428 NAREAVRHFGPA 463 N+REAV+HFGPA Sbjct: 143 NSREAVKHFGPA 154 Score = 49.6 bits (113), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 23/47 (48%), Positives = 35/47 (74%) Frame = +3 Query: 114 TNAKFNQIVLRRLFMSRINRAPISVSRLARHMKKPTXEGLIAVVVGT 254 +N+ FN ++L+RLFMS++N+AP+S+SRL M + IAV+VGT Sbjct: 40 SNSNFNAVILKRLFMSKVNKAPLSLSRLVEFM--TGKDDKIAVLVGT 84 >At3g05590.1 68416.m00621 60S ribosomal protein L18 (RPL18B) similar to GB:P42791 Length = 187 Score = 100 bits (240), Expect = 4e-22 Identities = 47/72 (65%), Positives = 59/72 (81%) Frame = +2 Query: 248 GDITNDVRLYKIPKMTVAALHVTAKARARILAAGGEILTFDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQR 427 G IT+D+R+++IP M V AL T +ARARI AGGE LTFDQLALRAP G+ TVL++G + Sbjct: 83 GTITDDLRVHEIPAMKVTALRFTERARARIEKAGGECLTFDQLALRAPLGQNTVLLRGPK 142 Query: 428 NAREAVRHFGPA 463 N+REAV+HFGPA Sbjct: 143 NSREAVKHFGPA 154 Score = 54.0 bits (124), Expect = 5e-08 Identities = 26/47 (55%), Positives = 36/47 (76%) Frame = +3 Query: 114 TNAKFNQIVLRRLFMSRINRAPISVSRLARHMKKPTXEGLIAVVVGT 254 TN+KFN ++L+RLFMS++N+AP+S+SRL M E IAV+VGT Sbjct: 40 TNSKFNGVILKRLFMSKVNKAPLSLSRLVEFM--TGKEDKIAVLVGT 84 >At2g47570.1 68415.m05936 60S ribosomal protein L18 (RPL18A) Length = 135 Score = 90.2 bits (214), Expect = 6e-19 Identities = 44/73 (60%), Positives = 54/73 (73%), Gaps = 1/73 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 248 GDITNDVRLYKIPKMTVAALHVTAKARARILAAGGEILTFDQLALRAPT-GKKTVLVQGQ 424 G +T+DVR+ +P +TV AL T ARARI AGGE LTFDQLAL PT + TVL++G Sbjct: 30 GTVTDDVRIEDVPALTVTALRFTESARARIHKAGGECLTFDQLALPCPTWSENTVLLRGP 89 Query: 425 RNAREAVRHFGPA 463 +N REAV+HFGPA Sbjct: 90 KNTREAVKHFGPA 102 Score = 37.9 bits (84), Expect = 0.003 Identities = 18/33 (54%), Positives = 26/33 (78%) Frame = +3 Query: 156 MSRINRAPISVSRLARHMKKPTXEGLIAVVVGT 254 MS++N+AP+S+SRL R+M +G IAV+VGT Sbjct: 1 MSKVNKAPLSLSRLVRYM--DGKDGKIAVIVGT 31 >At1g18750.1 68414.m02338 MADS-box protein (AGL65) similar to homeodomain transcription factor (AGL30) GI:3461830 from [Arabidopsis thaliana]; contains Pfam domain PF00319: SRF-type transcription factor (DNA-binding and dimerisation domain); PMID: 12837945 Length = 389 Score = 31.5 bits (68), Expect = 0.29 Identities = 14/31 (45%), Positives = 16/31 (51%) Frame = -2 Query: 458 GQSDALPHEHFADLVPVLSSCQSEHEEPADQ 366 G S LPH +PV SSC E +P DQ Sbjct: 223 GDSSFLPHREMDGSIPVYSSCFFESTKPEDQ 253 >At2g02640.1 68415.m00203 DC1 domain-containing protein contains Pfam profile PF03107: DC1 domain Length = 627 Score = 31.1 bits (67), Expect = 0.38 Identities = 11/22 (50%), Positives = 15/22 (68%) Frame = +1 Query: 301 CSSCYRKSSCTHFGCWRRNSYF 366 CS+C RKS+ + C+ RN YF Sbjct: 423 CSACMRKSNGFGYSCYNRNCYF 444 >At3g28360.1 68416.m03544 ABC transporter family protein similar to P-glycoprotein homologue GI:2292907 from [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare] Length = 1158 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 1.2 Identities = 13/31 (41%), Positives = 17/31 (54%) Frame = +2 Query: 353 EILTFDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQRNAREAV 445 E L FD L L+ P+GK LV G + + V Sbjct: 290 ETLIFDDLCLKIPSGKTVALVGGSGSGKSTV 320 >At4g35730.1 68417.m05071 expressed protein contains Pfam profile: PF03398 eukaryotic protein of unknown function, DUF292 Length = 430 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 18/57 (31%), Positives = 27/57 (47%) Frame = +1 Query: 253 HHK*RETVQDTEDDGGCSSCYRKSSCTHFGCWRRNSYF*SAGSSCSDWQEDSTGTRS 423 HH + D SS Y K + G RR+SY + G + SD++E+ T T + Sbjct: 276 HHHHHPGSRRQSRDSETSSYYAKPGAENRGMGRRHSYN-NPGINESDYEEEYTNTEA 331 >At4g19865.1 68417.m02911 kelch repeat-containing F-box family protein contains F-box domain Pfam:PF00646 and Kelch motif Pfam:PF01344 Length = 393 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 15/45 (33%), Positives = 22/45 (48%) Frame = -3 Query: 451 VTHCLTSISLTLYQYCLLASRSTKSQLIKSKNFSSSSQNACTSFC 317 V HCL IS Y L S+S +S L ++ +++ S T C Sbjct: 38 VVHCLARISRLYYPTLSLVSKSFRSILSSTELYATRSHLGSTEQC 82 >At3g28415.1 68416.m03551 P-glycoprotein, putative contains ATP-binding cassette; related to multi drug resistance proteins Length = 1221 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 12/27 (44%), Positives = 15/27 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 365 FDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQRNAREAV 445 FD L LR P+GK LV G + + V Sbjct: 356 FDDLCLRIPSGKSVALVGGSGSGKSTV 382 >At3g28390.1 68416.m03547 P-glycoprotein, putative similar to P-glycoprotein homologue GI:2292907 from [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare] Length = 1225 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 12/27 (44%), Positives = 15/27 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 365 FDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQRNAREAV 445 FD L LR P+GK LV G + + V Sbjct: 365 FDDLCLRVPSGKTVALVGGSGSGKSTV 391 >At3g15470.1 68416.m01962 WD-40 repeat family protein contains Pfam PF00400: WD domain, G-beta repeat; similar to WD-repeat protein 5 (WD repeat protein BIG-3) (SP: Q9UGP9) [Homo sapiens] Length = 883 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 16/44 (36%), Positives = 23/44 (52%), Gaps = 2/44 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 265 RETVQDTEDDGGCSSCY--RKSSCTHFGCWRRNSYF*SAGSSCS 390 R+ + +E GGC+SC KS T C R+ + S G+ CS Sbjct: 145 RDHGECSESVGGCASCIVRSKSDITTSQCGDRDRRYTSPGNPCS 188 >At1g05440.1 68414.m00552 expressed protein ; expression supported by MPSS Length = 393 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 2.7 Identities = 14/41 (34%), Positives = 24/41 (58%) Frame = -3 Query: 442 CLTSISLTLYQYCLLASRSTKSQLIKSKNFSSSSQNACTSF 320 CL S++ TL L +S+ ++L + NF S+ ++ TSF Sbjct: 71 CLDSLNATLDLMPLSVQKSSLTKLSSASNFKSTVESTPTSF 111 >At5g04710.1 68418.m00480 aspartyl aminopeptidase, putative similar to SP|Q9ULA0 Aspartyl aminopeptidase (EC {Homo sapiens}; contains Pfam profile PF02127: Aminopeptidase I zinc metalloprotease (M18) Length = 526 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 4.7 Identities = 19/68 (27%), Positives = 34/68 (50%) Frame = +2 Query: 161 PYQPGTNLCVSFGAPHEEANS*GFDCRGSGDITNDVRLYKIPKMTVAALHVTAKARARIL 340 P++ +++ H ++ S G D S I D+ Y T H TA+A+ ++L Sbjct: 37 PFRSFSSVSPILCTSHRDSRSPGSDSNAS--IVGDLLDYLNESWT--QFHATAEAKRQLL 92 Query: 341 AAGGEILT 364 AAG ++L+ Sbjct: 93 AAGFDLLS 100 >At3g54080.1 68416.m05979 expressed protein Length = 350 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 4.7 Identities = 11/26 (42%), Positives = 11/26 (42%) Frame = -2 Query: 245 YHGNQTLXSWLLHVARQTRHRDWCPV 168 Y GN L SW L V W PV Sbjct: 229 YSGNVNLHSWSLEVRHSEYEHSWAPV 254 >At2g03140.1 68415.m00267 CAAX amino terminal protease family protein very low similarity to SP|Q40863 Late embryogenesis abundant protein EMB8 from Picea glauca; contains Pfam profile PF02517 CAAX amino terminal protease family protein Length = 1805 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 4.7 Identities = 13/32 (40%), Positives = 19/32 (59%) Frame = +2 Query: 107 QTYKCQIQSDRSTPALYEPYQPGTNLCVSFGA 202 +T Q SD++ PA+ EP QP N+ +F A Sbjct: 916 ETKVMQPVSDQTKPAIQEPNQPNFNVSQAFEA 947 >At1g32190.1 68414.m03959 expressed protein Length = 422 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 4.7 Identities = 8/17 (47%), Positives = 10/17 (58%) Frame = +1 Query: 301 CSSCYRKSSCTHFGCWR 351 CSSC+ K C CW+ Sbjct: 359 CSSCFGKPKCPKCSCWK 375 >At3g28380.1 68416.m03546 P-glycoprotein, putative similar to P-glycoprotein homologue GI:2292907 from [Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare] Length = 1240 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 6.2 Identities = 12/31 (38%), Positives = 15/31 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 353 EILTFDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQRNAREAV 445 E FD L L+ P GK LV G + + V Sbjct: 373 ETTIFDDLCLKIPAGKTVALVGGSGSGKSTV 403 >At3g28345.1 68416.m03541 ABC transporter family protein similar to P-glycoprotein [Arabidopsis thaliana] GI:3849833; contains Pfam profiles PF00005: ABC transporter, PF00664: ABC transporter transmembrane region Length = 1240 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 6.2 Identities = 12/31 (38%), Positives = 15/31 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 353 EILTFDQLALRAPTGKKTVLVQGQRNAREAV 445 E FD LR P+GK LV G + + V Sbjct: 373 ETSIFDDFCLRVPSGKTVALVGGSGSGKSTV 403 Database: arabidopsis Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:56 AM Number of letters in database: 12,070,560 Number of sequences in database: 28,952 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 10,355,082 Number of Sequences: 28952 Number of extensions: 213021 Number of successful extensions: 645 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 18 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 627 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 644 length of database: 12,070,560 effective HSP length: 75 effective length of database: 9,899,160 effective search space used: 782033640 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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