BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30121 (767 letters) Database: uniref50 1,657,284 sequences; 575,637,011 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value UniRef50_UPI00015B641F Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to dosage com... 65 2e-09 UniRef50_Q9C005 Cluster: Dpy-30-like protein; n=17; Deuterostomi... 61 3e-08 UniRef50_A7RP67 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=1; Nematostella ve... 60 6e-08 UniRef50_UPI0000515181 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to Dpy-30-lik... 55 2e-06 UniRef50_A0NF89 Cluster: ENSANGP00000029814; n=2; Culicidae|Rep:... 53 7e-06 UniRef50_Q9VZJ1 Cluster: CG11591-PA; n=2; Sophophora|Rep: CG1159... 52 1e-05 UniRef50_Q10661 Cluster: Dosage compensation protein dpy-30; n=2... 49 1e-04 UniRef50_Q9VKQ9 Cluster: CG6444-PA; n=2; Sophophora|Rep: CG6444-... 47 6e-04 UniRef50_A0DY51 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_7, who... 43 0.010 UniRef50_A2DF05 Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1; Trich... 42 0.013 UniRef50_A4H9H0 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 40 0.051 UniRef50_Q7R2I8 Cluster: GLP_623_6604_6804; n=1; Giardia lamblia... 39 0.12 UniRef50_Q4CNN8 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 39 0.12 UniRef50_Q0IGB6 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 39 0.12 UniRef50_P56597 Cluster: Nucleoside diphosphate kinase homolog 5... 39 0.12 UniRef50_Q29EK3 Cluster: GA17255-PA; n=1; Drosophila pseudoobscu... 39 0.16 UniRef50_Q96M32 Cluster: Putative adenylate kinase 7; n=42; Eume... 38 0.21 UniRef50_Q86BI5 Cluster: CG33060-PA; n=1; Drosophila melanogaste... 38 0.27 UniRef50_A2QMQ8 Cluster: Contig An07c0080, complete genome; n=1;... 38 0.27 UniRef50_A2DXL2 Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=2; Trich... 38 0.36 UniRef50_UPI00006CBA02 Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1... 37 0.48 UniRef50_A0EFY8 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_94, wh... 37 0.48 UniRef50_Q1DYB8 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=1; Coccidioides im... 37 0.48 UniRef50_UPI00006CB3DB Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1... 37 0.63 UniRef50_UPI00006CA3EC Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1... 36 1.5 UniRef50_UPI0000D56AF0 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to Putative a... 35 1.9 UniRef50_Q4CYE7 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 35 1.9 UniRef50_Q4WGJ7 Cluster: COMPASS complex subunit Sdc1, putative;... 35 1.9 UniRef50_O74861 Cluster: Set1 complex component sdc1; n=1; Schiz... 35 1.9 UniRef50_UPI000023E83D Cluster: hypothetical protein FG07047.1; ... 35 2.6 UniRef50_Q7SDH1 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=1; Neurospora cras... 35 2.6 UniRef50_A7TDQ5 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 35 2.6 UniRef50_UPI0000D571E1 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to CG30264-PA... 34 3.4 UniRef50_Q8WWB3 Cluster: DPY30 domain-containing protein 1; n=17... 34 3.4 UniRef50_UPI0000499D85 Cluster: Met-10+-like protein; n=1; Entam... 34 4.5 UniRef50_Q5TQ76 Cluster: ENSANGP00000026385; n=1; Anopheles gamb... 34 4.5 UniRef50_A0D0V0 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_33, wh... 34 4.5 UniRef50_UPI00015B5569 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to ENSANGP000... 33 5.9 UniRef50_Q386G1 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 33 5.9 UniRef50_Q6FMN7 Cluster: Similar to tr|Q03323 Saccharomyces cere... 33 5.9 UniRef50_UPI000069E9C0 Cluster: DPY30 domain-containing protein ... 33 7.8 UniRef50_Q3KPY9 Cluster: Dydc1 protein; n=3; Tetrapoda|Rep: Dydc... 33 7.8 UniRef50_Q4QII1 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=3; ... 33 7.8 UniRef50_A6RP18 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=2; ... 33 7.8 >UniRef50_UPI00015B641F Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to dosage compensation-related protein DPY30; n=1; Nasonia vitripennis|Rep: PREDICTED: similar to dosage compensation-related protein DPY30 - Nasonia vitripennis Length = 110 Score = 65.3 bits (152), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 29/39 (74%), Positives = 34/39 (87%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELANS 371 VPILLQ LS+LAKERPPDPINYLA+YLL+NK+ F+ S Sbjct: 67 VPILLQALSSLAKERPPDPINYLASYLLRNKSQFDTGGS 105 Score = 48.4 bits (110), Expect = 2e-04 Identities = 23/47 (48%), Positives = 36/47 (76%), Gaps = 2/47 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 127 TTKIPDSVKKIILMEKDNE-ANAN-RKSRIDLNALPTRQYLDQTVYP 261 T +PD+ +K I+M+KD + A+A +K+R+++ +LP RQYLDQTV P Sbjct: 22 TNVLPDATQKSIIMDKDADLASAPPKKTRVEVQSLPARQYLDQTVVP 68 >UniRef50_Q9C005 Cluster: Dpy-30-like protein; n=17; Deuterostomia|Rep: Dpy-30-like protein - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 99 Score = 61.3 bits (142), Expect = 3e-08 Identities = 28/38 (73%), Positives = 32/38 (84%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELAN 368 VPILLQGL+ LAKERPP+PI +LA+YLLKNK FE N Sbjct: 62 VPILLQGLAVLAKERPPNPIEFLASYLLKNKAQFEDRN 99 Score = 48.8 bits (111), Expect = 1e-04 Identities = 27/63 (42%), Positives = 38/63 (60%) Frame = +1 Query: 73 QPMSESSTQINHNKEEQSTTKIPDSVKKIILMEKDNEANANRKSRIDLNALPTRQYLDQT 252 + M E TQ+ N S + D+V++I+ EK N A + K ++DL +LPTR YLDQT Sbjct: 4 EQMLEGQTQVAENPH--SEYGLTDNVERIVENEKIN-AEKSSKQKVDLQSLPTRAYLDQT 60 Query: 253 VYP 261 V P Sbjct: 61 VVP 63 >UniRef50_A7RP67 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=1; Nematostella vectensis|Rep: Predicted protein - Nematostella vectensis Length = 114 Score = 60.1 bits (139), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 27/35 (77%), Positives = 32/35 (91%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 VPILLQGL+ LAKERPP+ I+YLAAYLLKNK+ +E Sbjct: 77 VPILLQGLATLAKERPPNAIDYLAAYLLKNKSQYE 111 Score = 45.6 bits (103), Expect = 0.001 Identities = 22/47 (46%), Positives = 34/47 (72%) Frame = +1 Query: 121 QSTTKIPDSVKKIILMEKDNEANANRKSRIDLNALPTRQYLDQTVYP 261 Q+ + ++++KII EK+ EA+ K+++DL +LPTR YLDQTV P Sbjct: 33 QAEIGLTENLQKIIEKEKE-EADKPTKAKVDLQSLPTRAYLDQTVVP 78 >UniRef50_UPI0000515181 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to Dpy-30-like protein; n=1; Apis mellifera|Rep: PREDICTED: similar to Dpy-30-like protein - Apis mellifera Length = 76 Score = 55.2 bits (127), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 25/39 (64%), Positives = 30/39 (76%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELANS 371 VPILLQ LS LAKERP DPI++LA YLL+NK ++ S Sbjct: 33 VPILLQALSTLAKERPADPISFLAGYLLRNKNQYDNGES 71 Score = 39.9 bits (89), Expect = 0.068 Identities = 18/34 (52%), Positives = 25/34 (73%), Gaps = 2/34 (5%) Frame = +1 Query: 166 MEKDNEANA--NRKSRIDLNALPTRQYLDQTVYP 261 M KD++ +KSR+++ +LPTRQYLDQTV P Sbjct: 1 MNKDSDLTGVPPKKSRVEVQSLPTRQYLDQTVVP 34 >UniRef50_A0NF89 Cluster: ENSANGP00000029814; n=2; Culicidae|Rep: ENSANGP00000029814 - Anopheles gambiae str. PEST Length = 80 Score = 53.2 bits (122), Expect = 7e-06 Identities = 24/37 (64%), Positives = 28/37 (75%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELAN 368 PILLQGL LAKERP DP+ YLA +LL+NK E +N Sbjct: 36 PILLQGLKVLAKERPQDPVQYLANFLLQNKNRVEESN 72 Score = 36.7 bits (81), Expect = 0.63 Identities = 19/36 (52%), Positives = 25/36 (69%), Gaps = 4/36 (11%) Frame = +1 Query: 166 MEKDNEANANRKSRI----DLNALPTRQYLDQTVYP 261 MEK+N+++A R +L +LPTRQYLDQTV P Sbjct: 1 MEKENKSSATDNGRKPAGNNLQSLPTRQYLDQTVNP 36 >UniRef50_Q9VZJ1 Cluster: CG11591-PA; n=2; Sophophora|Rep: CG11591-PA - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) Length = 98 Score = 52.4 bits (120), Expect = 1e-05 Identities = 23/30 (76%), Positives = 26/30 (86%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 PILL GL ALA++RP DPI+YLA YLLKNK Sbjct: 58 PILLHGLQALARDRPSDPISYLATYLLKNK 87 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 1.5 Identities = 24/57 (42%), Positives = 33/57 (57%) Frame = +1 Query: 190 ANRKSRIDLNALPTRQYLDQTVYPYCCKVYQH*LKNVLRTR*II*QLTYLKTKLLSN 360 A +K R D +++P RQYLDQTV P + H L+ + R R ++YL T LL N Sbjct: 35 ACQKPRPDTSSMPVRQYLDQTVAP----ILLHGLQALARDR-PSDPISYLATYLLKN 86 >UniRef50_Q10661 Cluster: Dosage compensation protein dpy-30; n=2; Caenorhabditis|Rep: Dosage compensation protein dpy-30 - Caenorhabditis elegans Length = 123 Score = 49.2 bits (112), Expect = 1e-04 Identities = 22/38 (57%), Positives = 28/38 (73%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELAN 368 VPILLQGL ALAK+RP +PI +LA +LL+ K + N Sbjct: 79 VPILLQGLGALAKDRPENPIEFLANFLLREKDRYNAEN 116 >UniRef50_Q9VKQ9 Cluster: CG6444-PA; n=2; Sophophora|Rep: CG6444-PA - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) Length = 134 Score = 46.8 bits (106), Expect = 6e-04 Identities = 19/29 (65%), Positives = 25/29 (86%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 P+LL G+ ALA+ERP DPI +LA+YLLK+ Sbjct: 88 PVLLHGMQALARERPTDPIQFLASYLLKH 116 >UniRef50_A0DY51 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_7, whole genome shotgun sequence; n=4; Paramecium tetraurelia|Rep: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_7, whole genome shotgun sequence - Paramecium tetraurelia Length = 73 Score = 42.7 bits (96), Expect = 0.010 Identities = 17/30 (56%), Positives = 25/30 (83%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 VPILLQ ++ +AK RPP+PI ++A+YL +N Sbjct: 34 VPILLQAMTEVAKVRPPNPIEFIASYLTQN 63 >UniRef50_A2DF05 Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1; Trichomonas vaginalis G3|Rep: Dpy-30 motif family protein - Trichomonas vaginalis G3 Length = 109 Score = 42.3 bits (95), Expect = 0.013 Identities = 17/30 (56%), Positives = 24/30 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 VP+LL+G+S + KERP DP+ LA +L+KN Sbjct: 63 VPLLLEGISWIIKERPEDPVESLAMFLIKN 92 >UniRef50_A4H9H0 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Leishmania braziliensis|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Leishmania braziliensis Length = 196 Score = 40.3 bits (90), Expect = 0.051 Identities = 15/30 (50%), Positives = 24/30 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 +P+LL+GL +A+ RPPDP+ +L AY++ N Sbjct: 90 LPLLLRGLEVVAQVRPPDPLAFLGAYMICN 119 >UniRef50_Q7R2I8 Cluster: GLP_623_6604_6804; n=1; Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803|Rep: GLP_623_6604_6804 - Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803 Length = 66 Score = 39.1 bits (87), Expect = 0.12 Identities = 15/28 (53%), Positives = 23/28 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLL 338 VPI++QGL+AL +ERP +P+ +L +LL Sbjct: 33 VPIVMQGLAALVQERPENPVQFLGEFLL 60 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 15/28 (53%), Positives = 19/28 (67%) Frame = +1 Query: 178 NEANANRKSRIDLNALPTRQYLDQTVYP 261 N ++A RI L A+PTR YLD+TV P Sbjct: 7 NPSSAAVHDRISLEAMPTRAYLDETVVP 34 >UniRef50_Q4CNN8 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Trypanosoma cruzi|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Trypanosoma cruzi Length = 157 Score = 39.1 bits (87), Expect = 0.12 Identities = 14/30 (46%), Positives = 26/30 (86%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 VP+L++ ++A+++ RP DPI+++A YLLK+ Sbjct: 106 VPLLMEAMAAVSRVRPDDPIDFIAHYLLKH 135 >UniRef50_Q0IGB6 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Aedes aegypti|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Aedes aegypti (Yellowfever mosquito) Length = 1053 Score = 39.1 bits (87), Expect = 0.12 Identities = 16/29 (55%), Positives = 24/29 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 P+L+QGL A+AKERP +P+ +L+ +LL N Sbjct: 161 PVLMQGLYAMAKERPKNPVIWLSNWLLLN 189 >UniRef50_P56597 Cluster: Nucleoside diphosphate kinase homolog 5; n=30; Eumetazoa|Rep: Nucleoside diphosphate kinase homolog 5 - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 212 Score = 39.1 bits (87), Expect = 0.12 Identities = 16/30 (53%), Positives = 24/30 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 +P LL+GL+ L K++P DP+ +LA +LLKN Sbjct: 166 MPTLLEGLTELCKQKPADPLIWLADWLLKN 195 >UniRef50_Q29EK3 Cluster: GA17255-PA; n=1; Drosophila pseudoobscura|Rep: GA17255-PA - Drosophila pseudoobscura (Fruit fly) Length = 126 Score = 38.7 bits (86), Expect = 0.16 Identities = 15/31 (48%), Positives = 25/31 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 VPIL++G+ A+A+E+P DPI YL + L+++ Sbjct: 84 VPILMEGMLAVAREQPRDPIGYLEKFWLQDR 114 >UniRef50_Q96M32 Cluster: Putative adenylate kinase 7; n=42; Eumetazoa|Rep: Putative adenylate kinase 7 - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 723 Score = 38.3 bits (85), Expect = 0.21 Identities = 15/30 (50%), Positives = 21/30 (70%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 +P L+QGL+ RP DP+++LA YL KN Sbjct: 689 MPTLIQGLNECCNVRPEDPVDFLAEYLFKN 718 >UniRef50_Q86BI5 Cluster: CG33060-PA; n=1; Drosophila melanogaster|Rep: CG33060-PA - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) Length = 135 Score = 37.9 bits (84), Expect = 0.27 Identities = 16/31 (51%), Positives = 22/31 (70%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 VPIL++G+ LA+E P DPI YL + L +K Sbjct: 93 VPILMEGMLGLAREMPRDPIGYLQKFWLDDK 123 >UniRef50_A2QMQ8 Cluster: Contig An07c0080, complete genome; n=1; Aspergillus niger|Rep: Contig An07c0080, complete genome - Aspergillus niger Length = 138 Score = 37.9 bits (84), Expect = 0.27 Identities = 15/35 (42%), Positives = 23/35 (65%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 VP LL G++ +AKE+PP+P+ L YL++ E Sbjct: 95 VPHLLDGMTVVAKEQPPNPLRVLGEYLIQKSNEVE 129 >UniRef50_A2DXL2 Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=2; Trichomonas vaginalis G3|Rep: Dpy-30 motif family protein - Trichomonas vaginalis G3 Length = 84 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 0.36 Identities = 15/37 (40%), Positives = 24/37 (64%) Frame = +3 Query: 234 TVFGPDSVPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 T G +P+L GL L + RPPDP+ +L+ +LL++ Sbjct: 41 TYLGDTLIPLLAYGLDELERIRPPDPVLFLSHFLLRH 77 >UniRef50_UPI00006CBA02 Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1; Tetrahymena thermophila SB210|Rep: Dpy-30 motif family protein - Tetrahymena thermophila SB210 Length = 762 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.48 Identities = 25/81 (30%), Positives = 40/81 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 99 DKSQQGRTIHDENTRFGKENYINGKRQ*SQC*QKIQN*PQCSTDSTVFGPDSVPILLQGL 278 +K ++ R + +E+ R E N +R + ++ Q+ Q D+ V P L +GL Sbjct: 674 EKEEEQRRLQEEDYRLKMEKIKNQERD--KLDERSQSLRQYLADNVV------PFLTEGL 725 Query: 279 SALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLK 341 L K P DP++ LA YL K Sbjct: 726 IELCKTHPEDPVDQLAEYLFK 746 >UniRef50_A0EFY8 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_94, whole genome shotgun sequence; n=2; Paramecium tetraurelia|Rep: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_94, whole genome shotgun sequence - Paramecium tetraurelia Length = 880 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.48 Identities = 17/44 (38%), Positives = 26/44 (59%) Frame = +3 Query: 216 QCSTDSTVFGPDSVPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 +CS D+ +P+L+ L + ERP DP+ ++A Y LKNK Sbjct: 825 ECS-DADYLRKTILPLLMPALQLVDIERPKDPLEFIAMYCLKNK 867 >UniRef50_Q1DYB8 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=1; Coccidioides immitis|Rep: Predicted protein - Coccidioides immitis Length = 144 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.48 Identities = 14/28 (50%), Positives = 21/28 (75%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLL 338 VP LL+G+ LAK++PP+P+ L YL+ Sbjct: 100 VPYLLEGMKPLAKDQPPNPLRLLGEYLI 127 >UniRef50_UPI00006CB3DB Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1; Tetrahymena thermophila SB210|Rep: Dpy-30 motif family protein - Tetrahymena thermophila SB210 Length = 500 Score = 36.7 bits (81), Expect = 0.63 Identities = 15/31 (48%), Positives = 21/31 (67%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 +P+L L +ERP DPI+++A Y LKNK Sbjct: 424 MPLLNNALKLCDRERPSDPISFIALYCLKNK 454 >UniRef50_UPI00006CA3EC Cluster: Dpy-30 motif family protein; n=1; Tetrahymena thermophila SB210|Rep: Dpy-30 motif family protein - Tetrahymena thermophila SB210 Length = 1925 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 1.5 Identities = 14/31 (45%), Positives = 21/31 (67%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 +P+L + KERP DPI+++A Y LKN+ Sbjct: 476 LPLLYPAFQLVDKERPHDPISFIALYCLKNQ 506 >UniRef50_UPI0000D56AF0 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to Putative adenylate kinase 7; n=1; Tribolium castaneum|Rep: PREDICTED: similar to Putative adenylate kinase 7 - Tribolium castaneum Length = 785 Score = 35.1 bits (77), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 15/28 (53%), Positives = 20/28 (71%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLK 341 PIL +GL LA +P DP+++LA YL K Sbjct: 720 PILTKGLIELATLKPDDPVDFLAEYLFK 747 >UniRef50_Q4CYE7 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Trypanosoma cruzi|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Trypanosoma cruzi Length = 1031 Score = 35.1 bits (77), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 13/30 (43%), Positives = 23/30 (76%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKN 344 VP+L +GL + K RP DP+++LA +L+++ Sbjct: 992 VPLLSKGLVEVCKTRPKDPVDFLAEWLMRH 1021 >UniRef50_Q4WGJ7 Cluster: COMPASS complex subunit Sdc1, putative; n=4; Trichocomaceae|Rep: COMPASS complex subunit Sdc1, putative - Aspergillus fumigatus (Sartorya fumigata) Length = 89 Score = 35.1 bits (77), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 13/35 (37%), Positives = 22/35 (62%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 VP LL+G+ ++ KE+P DP+ L +L++ E Sbjct: 44 VPYLLEGMKSVVKEQPSDPLRVLGEFLIQKSNEVE 78 >UniRef50_O74861 Cluster: Set1 complex component sdc1; n=1; Schizosaccharomyces pombe|Rep: Set1 complex component sdc1 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission yeast) Length = 109 Score = 35.1 bits (77), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 12/27 (44%), Positives = 21/27 (77%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLL 338 P+LL+G+ LA++RP +P+ +L +LL Sbjct: 17 PVLLEGMKILARDRPENPLQFLGQFLL 43 >UniRef50_UPI000023E83D Cluster: hypothetical protein FG07047.1; n=1; Gibberella zeae PH-1|Rep: hypothetical protein FG07047.1 - Gibberella zeae PH-1 Length = 144 Score = 34.7 bits (76), Expect = 2.6 Identities = 13/33 (39%), Positives = 21/33 (63%) Frame = +3 Query: 261 ILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 +LL+G+ LAK++P DP+ L YL++ E Sbjct: 109 VLLEGMKQLAKDQPSDPLRVLGEYLIQKSKELE 141 >UniRef50_Q7SDH1 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=1; Neurospora crassa|Rep: Predicted protein - Neurospora crassa Length = 200 Score = 34.7 bits (76), Expect = 2.6 Identities = 14/32 (43%), Positives = 21/32 (65%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 LL+G+ LAKE+P DP+ L +LL+ +E Sbjct: 157 LLEGMKMLAKEQPKDPLRALGEFLLQRSKQYE 188 >UniRef50_A7TDQ5 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Vanderwaltozyma polyspora DSM 70294 Length = 139 Score = 34.7 bits (76), Expect = 2.6 Identities = 15/37 (40%), Positives = 20/37 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELAN 368 P LL G+ +A E+P DP+ L YL+K AN Sbjct: 98 PYLLNGMRMIAVEKPADPLRALGEYLIKQSDQLNNAN 134 >UniRef50_UPI0000D571E1 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to CG30264-PA; n=2; Endopterygota|Rep: PREDICTED: similar to CG30264-PA - Tribolium castaneum Length = 741 Score = 34.3 bits (75), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 14/24 (58%), Positives = 19/24 (79%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYL 335 L++GL+ +A +RP DPI YLA YL Sbjct: 415 LIKGLTEVANKRPDDPIAYLATYL 438 >UniRef50_Q8WWB3 Cluster: DPY30 domain-containing protein 1; n=17; Mammalia|Rep: DPY30 domain-containing protein 1 - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 177 Score = 34.3 bits (75), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 15/28 (53%), Positives = 20/28 (71%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNK 347 L QGL+ +A+ RP DPI YLA ++ K K Sbjct: 14 LTQGLAEVARVRPVDPIEYLALWIYKYK 41 >UniRef50_UPI0000499D85 Cluster: Met-10+-like protein; n=1; Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS|Rep: Met-10+-like protein - Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS Length = 382 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 14/42 (33%), Positives = 22/42 (52%) Frame = +3 Query: 243 GPDSVPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELAN 368 GP ++P L+G+ A + P + Y+ + NKTT E N Sbjct: 226 GPFAIPAALKGVKVYANDLNPTAVKYMRINAVNNKTTIECDN 267 >UniRef50_Q5TQ76 Cluster: ENSANGP00000026385; n=1; Anopheles gambiae str. PEST|Rep: ENSANGP00000026385 - Anopheles gambiae str. PEST Length = 691 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 13/25 (52%), Positives = 19/25 (76%) Frame = +3 Query: 261 ILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYL 335 +L +GL+AL + +P DP+ YLA YL Sbjct: 633 VLRKGLAALTRTKPDDPVGYLADYL 657 >UniRef50_A0D0V0 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_33, whole genome shotgun sequence; n=1; Paramecium tetraurelia|Rep: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_33, whole genome shotgun sequence - Paramecium tetraurelia Length = 114 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 13/27 (48%), Positives = 20/27 (74%) Frame = +3 Query: 261 ILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLK 341 ILL+GL + ++RP +PI +L YLL+ Sbjct: 83 ILLEGLKEIGRQRPENPIRFLGEYLLE 109 >UniRef50_UPI00015B5569 Cluster: PREDICTED: similar to ENSANGP00000015689; n=1; Nasonia vitripennis|Rep: PREDICTED: similar to ENSANGP00000015689 - Nasonia vitripennis Length = 608 Score = 33.5 bits (73), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 13/24 (54%), Positives = 18/24 (75%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYL 335 L++GL+ +A RP DP+ YLA YL Sbjct: 261 LIRGLTEVATTRPKDPVTYLATYL 284 >UniRef50_Q386G1 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Trypanosoma brucei|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Trypanosoma brucei Length = 1017 Score = 33.5 bits (73), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 12/28 (42%), Positives = 21/28 (75%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VPILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLL 338 +P+L +GL + K RP DP+++LA +L+ Sbjct: 978 IPLLSKGLVEVCKRRPVDPVDFLAEWLM 1005 >UniRef50_Q6FMN7 Cluster: Similar to tr|Q03323 Saccharomyces cerevisiae YDR469w; n=1; Candida glabrata|Rep: Similar to tr|Q03323 Saccharomyces cerevisiae YDR469w - Candida glabrata (Yeast) (Torulopsis glabrata) Length = 112 Score = 33.5 bits (73), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 12/28 (42%), Positives = 20/28 (71%) Frame = +3 Query: 258 PILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLK 341 P+LL+G+ +A E+P DP+ L YL++ Sbjct: 81 PVLLEGMRKIAVEQPADPLRVLGEYLIE 108 >UniRef50_UPI000069E9C0 Cluster: DPY30 domain-containing protein 1.; n=1; Xenopus tropicalis|Rep: DPY30 domain-containing protein 1. - Xenopus tropicalis Length = 175 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/32 (40%), Positives = 22/32 (68%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 L +GL+ +A++RP DPI YLA ++ K + + Sbjct: 14 LSEGLAEVAEKRPMDPIEYLARWIYKYRNNLD 45 >UniRef50_Q3KPY9 Cluster: Dydc1 protein; n=3; Tetrapoda|Rep: Dydc1 protein - Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog) Length = 221 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/32 (40%), Positives = 22/32 (68%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFE 359 L +GL+ +A++RP DPI YLA ++ K + + Sbjct: 31 LSEGLAEVAEKRPMDPIEYLALWIYKYRNNLD 62 >UniRef50_Q4QII1 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=3; Leishmania|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Leishmania major Length = 112 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 12/30 (40%), Positives = 20/30 (66%) Frame = +3 Query: 261 ILLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKT 350 +L L + + RPP+P++YL +YLL+ T Sbjct: 61 VLALALEDVCRVRPPNPVDYLGSYLLRRST 90 >UniRef50_A6RP18 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=2; Sclerotiniaceae|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Botryotinia fuckeliana B05.10 Length = 205 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 14/35 (40%), Positives = 20/35 (57%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 LLQGLSALAKERPPDPINYLAAYLLKNKTTFELAN 368 LL+G+ LAK++P DP+ L +LL E N Sbjct: 171 LLEGMKLLAKDQPKDPLRVLGEFLLSKSKELEGGN 205 Database: uniref50 Posted date: Oct 5, 2007 11:19 AM Number of letters in database: 575,637,011 Number of sequences in database: 1,657,284 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 707,253,592 Number of Sequences: 1657284 Number of extensions: 13371334 Number of successful extensions: 34731 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 44 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 33085 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 34691 length of database: 575,637,011 effective HSP length: 99 effective length of database: 411,565,895 effective search space used: 64204279620 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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