BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30119 (505 letters) Database: uniref50 1,657,284 sequences; 575,637,011 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value UniRef50_Q8JGR4 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=6; Metazoa... 109 5e-23 UniRef50_P83731 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=72; Fungi/... 107 1e-22 UniRef50_O01868 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=4; Bilater... 81 1e-14 UniRef50_Q0ULI2 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=12; Pezizomycotina... 79 6e-14 UniRef50_P24000 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24-B; n=22; Fung... 71 1e-11 UniRef50_UPI000049842E Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=2; ... 69 5e-11 UniRef50_Q42347 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24-1; n=22; Viri... 66 3e-10 UniRef50_A7T293 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=7; Nematostella ve... 66 4e-10 UniRef50_P54064 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=10; Eurya... 66 4e-10 UniRef50_Q6A1N0 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24; n=1; Euplotes va... 65 1e-09 UniRef50_Q54VN6 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24; n=1; Dictyosteli... 64 2e-09 UniRef50_UPI000049899D Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=3; ... 63 3e-09 UniRef50_Q5CFK2 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e; n=2; Cryptospor... 63 4e-09 UniRef50_Q10353 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein rlp24; n=2;... 62 9e-09 UniRef50_Q5CXQ6 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=2; Cryptos... 61 1e-08 UniRef50_A0CFQ8 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_177, w... 60 2e-08 UniRef50_Q9VGN9 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RL... 60 2e-08 UniRef50_Q7RRK8 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=5; ... 59 6e-08 UniRef50_Q4N0R3 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=... 59 6e-08 UniRef50_UPI00006CCD09 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e containin... 58 9e-08 UniRef50_O22165 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RL... 58 1e-07 UniRef50_Q07915 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=10... 58 1e-07 UniRef50_Q6CNW3 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=13... 58 1e-07 UniRef50_Q6JWX2 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=2; Deutero... 57 2e-07 UniRef50_Q3U5N8 Cluster: Bone marrow macrophage cDNA, RIKEN full... 57 3e-07 UniRef50_A2ENX8 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=1; ... 57 3e-07 UniRef50_Q9UHA3 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RL... 57 3e-07 UniRef50_Q7R0M0 Cluster: GLP_154_26137_25568; n=1; Giardia lambl... 56 3e-07 UniRef50_Q7QRA3 Cluster: GLP_2_13062_12754; n=1; Giardia lamblia... 56 3e-07 UniRef50_Q4UCL2 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24/L30, putative... 56 3e-07 UniRef50_Q7R991 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=3; ... 56 5e-07 UniRef50_Q4XZ61 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=... 56 5e-07 UniRef50_O29492 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=7; cellul... 56 5e-07 UniRef50_Q86B05 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RL... 55 8e-07 UniRef50_Q4P385 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 55 1e-06 UniRef50_A1CYX3 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24b; n=4; Euroti... 54 2e-06 UniRef50_A0DJ05 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_52, wh... 53 3e-06 UniRef50_A7AR75 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=... 53 4e-06 UniRef50_Q8SY98 Cluster: RH14088p; n=1; Drosophila melanogaster|... 52 6e-06 UniRef50_Q8SSF6 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RL... 52 1e-05 UniRef50_A6RB37 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=1;... 51 1e-05 UniRef50_A2DJQ1 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=1; ... 49 5e-05 UniRef50_Q4Q1W6 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=6; T... 48 2e-04 UniRef50_Q17606 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RL... 47 2e-04 UniRef50_Q8TVE8 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=5; Archae... 47 3e-04 UniRef50_Q8PU76 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=11; Eurya... 46 5e-04 UniRef50_Q980Q6 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=6; Thermo... 44 0.001 UniRef50_A3H7X1 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=2; Thermoprot... 42 0.006 UniRef50_P14116 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=6; Haloba... 42 0.008 UniRef50_Q9AVV9 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=1; Guillar... 39 0.074 UniRef50_A2ZTR3 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=3; ... 38 0.097 UniRef50_A7DR44 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=1; Candidatus... 37 0.22 UniRef50_Q9HJ58 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=4; Thermo... 37 0.22 UniRef50_A0RUB6 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=1; Cenarchaeu... 36 0.52 UniRef50_A4YCQ3 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=1; Metallosph... 34 1.6 UniRef50_Q22PH3 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; ... 34 2.1 UniRef50_Q9RGZ5 Cluster: Na(+)/H(+) antiporter subunit A; n=26; ... 34 2.1 UniRef50_Q96AX6 Cluster: DENND1B protein; n=2; Homo sapiens|Rep:... 32 6.4 >UniRef50_Q8JGR4 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=6; Metazoa|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Danio rerio (Zebrafish) (Brachydanio rerio) Length = 157 Score = 109 bits (261), Expect = 5e-23 Identities = 48/89 (53%), Positives = 59/89 (66%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K+ LC++SGYKIYPGHG+ +VDGK F FLN+KCE+A L +RNPR++ WTVLYRRK KK Sbjct: 2 KVELCSFSGYKIYPGHGRRYARVDGKVFQFLNAKCESAFLSKRNPRQINWTVLYRRKHKK 61 Query: 182 GQEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYLVTL 268 GQ EE I GA L + Sbjct: 62 GQSEEVSKKRTRRAVKFQRAITGASLAEI 90 >UniRef50_P83731 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=72; Fungi/Metazoa group|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 157 Score = 107 bits (257), Expect = 1e-22 Identities = 47/89 (52%), Positives = 58/89 (65%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K+ LC++SGYKIYPGHG+ + DGK F FLN+KCE+A L +RNPR++ WTVLYRRK KK Sbjct: 2 KVELCSFSGYKIYPGHGRRYARTDGKVFQFLNAKCESAFLSKRNPRQINWTVLYRRKHKK 61 Query: 182 GQEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYLVTL 268 GQ EE I GA L + Sbjct: 62 GQSEEIQKKRTRRAVKFQRAITGASLADI 90 >UniRef50_O01868 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=4; Bilateria|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Caenorhabditis elegans Length = 159 Score = 81.0 bits (191), Expect = 1e-14 Identities = 35/61 (57%), Positives = 42/61 (68%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K+ C YSGYKI+PGHGK +V+ DGK FL+ K +RRNPR + WTVLYR K KK Sbjct: 2 KVETCVYSGYKIHPGHGKRLVRTDGKVQIFLSGKALKGAKLRRNPRDIRWTVLYRIKNKK 61 Query: 182 G 184 G Sbjct: 62 G 62 >UniRef50_Q0ULI2 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=12; Pezizomycotina|Rep: Predicted protein - Phaeosphaeria nodorum (Septoria nodorum) Length = 161 Score = 79.0 bits (186), Expect = 6e-14 Identities = 38/81 (46%), Positives = 46/81 (56%) Frame = +2 Query: 17 AYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQEEE 196 ++SG KIYPG GK ++ D K F F N K E+ L R+NPRK++WT LYRR KKG EE Sbjct: 7 SFSGQKIYPGKGKLYIRGDSKIFRFQNGKTESLFLQRKNPRKISWTTLYRRMHKKGISEE 66 Query: 197 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYL 259 IVGA L Sbjct: 67 VAKKRTRRTVKHQRAIVGASL 87 >UniRef50_P24000 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24-B; n=22; Fungi/Metazoa group|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24-B - Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's yeast) Length = 155 Score = 70.9 bits (166), Expect = 1e-11 Identities = 35/86 (40%), Positives = 46/86 (53%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K+ + ++SG KIYPG G V+ D K F F NSK + R+NPR++ WTVL+R+ KK Sbjct: 2 KVEVDSFSGAKIYPGRGTLFVRGDSKIFRFQNSKSASLFKQRKNPRRIAWTVLFRKHHKK 61 Query: 182 GQEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYL 259 G EE I GA L Sbjct: 62 GITEEVAKKRSRKTVKAQRPITGASL 87 >UniRef50_UPI000049842E Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=2; Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS Length = 163 Score = 69.3 bits (162), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 31/65 (47%), Positives = 43/65 (66%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K +CA+SG+KI G+ V++D K+FTF+N K L + NPRKV WT +YR+ KK Sbjct: 4 KTQVCAFSGFKIPVAKGRKYVRLDLKSFTFINKKSLMQFLRKTNPRKVFWTAIYRQLNKK 63 Query: 182 GQEEE 196 GQ+ E Sbjct: 64 GQQNE 68 >UniRef50_Q42347 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24-1; n=22; Viridiplantae|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24-1 - Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress) Length = 164 Score = 66.5 bits (155), Expect = 3e-10 Identities = 28/65 (43%), Positives = 39/65 (60%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K LC +SG KIYPG G ++ D + F FLNSKC+ + P K+ WT +YR++ KK Sbjct: 4 KTELCRFSGQKIYPGRGIRFIRSDSQVFLFLNSKCKRYFHNKLKPSKLCWTAMYRKQHKK 63 Query: 182 GQEEE 196 +E Sbjct: 64 DAAQE 68 >UniRef50_A7T293 Cluster: Predicted protein; n=7; Nematostella vectensis|Rep: Predicted protein - Nematostella vectensis Length = 143 Score = 66.1 bits (154), Expect = 4e-10 Identities = 29/40 (72%), Positives = 32/40 (80%) Frame = +2 Query: 77 KTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQEEE 196 K F FLN +CE A LMRRNPR+VTWTVLYR K KKG +EE Sbjct: 7 KVFNFLNKRCERALLMRRNPREVTWTVLYRCKHKKGTQEE 46 >UniRef50_P54064 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=10; Euryarchaeota|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Methanococcus jannaschii Length = 70 Score = 66.1 bits (154), Expect = 4e-10 Identities = 29/64 (45%), Positives = 42/64 (65%), Gaps = 3/64 (4%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLY---RRKFKKG 184 C++ GY+I PG GK +V+ DG F +SKCE ++ M RNPRK+ WT +Y + + KK Sbjct: 7 CSFCGYEIEPGKGKMVVEKDGTVLYFCSSKCEKSYRMGRNPRKLKWTKVYQDMKAELKKA 66 Query: 185 QEEE 196 QE + Sbjct: 67 QESQ 70 >UniRef50_Q6A1N0 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24; n=1; Euplotes vannus|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24 - Euplotes vannus Length = 155 Score = 64.9 bits (151), Expect = 1e-09 Identities = 27/61 (44%), Positives = 38/61 (62%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K LC +S YK+YPG G V+ DG+TF FL+ K + H + +TWT ++RRK +K Sbjct: 4 KTELCHFSEYKVYPGRGHRFVRKDGRTFFFLSRKTRSLHFQKVKTSDLTWTPMWRRKNRK 63 Query: 182 G 184 G Sbjct: 64 G 64 >UniRef50_Q54VN6 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24; n=1; Dictyostelium discoideum AX4|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24 - Dictyostelium discoideum AX4 Length = 127 Score = 64.1 bits (149), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 31/86 (36%), Positives = 43/86 (50%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K LC YS +KIYP G V+ D K F F+N+K E+ + NPR + W+++YRR +K Sbjct: 2 KTSLCNYSEFKIYPARGMKFVRGDSKVFHFINTKVESLFFRKINPRDIRWSMVYRRIYKN 61 Query: 182 GQEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYL 259 + IVGA L Sbjct: 62 TTTDVSAKKKARKTKKVERNIVGASL 87 >UniRef50_UPI000049899D Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=3; cellular organisms|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Entamoeba histolytica HM-1:IMSS Length = 179 Score = 63.3 bits (147), Expect = 3e-09 Identities = 27/55 (49%), Positives = 32/55 (58%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 +I C + G IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC + M+RNPRK WT YR Sbjct: 2 RIEKCYFCGANIYPGHGMMFVRNDAKVFWFCRSKCHKSFKMKRNPRKFKWTKAYR 56 >UniRef50_Q5CFK2 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e; n=2; Cryptosporidium|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24e - Cryptosporidium hominis Length = 133 Score = 62.9 bits (146), Expect = 4e-09 Identities = 28/60 (46%), Positives = 37/60 (61%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K LC+YS Y+IYPG G+ V DG+ TFLN KC + + P K+ W+V +RR KK Sbjct: 9 KTDLCSYSEYRIYPGRGRKFVARDGRVSTFLNQKCASLFHQKIRPVKLKWSVGWRRMNKK 68 >UniRef50_Q10353 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein rlp24; n=2; cellular organisms|Rep: Ribosome biogenesis protein rlp24 - Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission yeast) Length = 192 Score = 61.7 bits (143), Expect = 9e-09 Identities = 26/60 (43%), Positives = 33/60 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 ++ C + +YPGHG V+ D K F F SKC M+RNPRKV WT YR+ K Sbjct: 2 RVHTCYFCSGPVYPGHGIMFVRNDSKVFRFCRSKCHKNFKMKRNPRKVAWTKAYRKAHGK 61 >UniRef50_Q5CXQ6 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=2; Cryptosporidium|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Cryptosporidium parvum Iowa II Length = 202 Score = 61.3 bits (142), Expect = 1e-08 Identities = 27/56 (48%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C Y IYPGHG T V+ D K F F SKC M+ NPRK WT YR+ Sbjct: 7 RIEKCWYCSSNIYPGHGVTFVRNDAKIFRFCRSKCHRHFKMKHNPRKSKWTKAYRK 62 >UniRef50_A0CFQ8 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_177, whole genome shotgun sequence; n=7; Paramecium tetraurelia|Rep: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_177, whole genome shotgun sequence - Paramecium tetraurelia Length = 162 Score = 60.5 bits (140), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 26/65 (40%), Positives = 40/65 (61%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K LC++S ++IYPGHG+ V DG+ F +LN K A + +++ WTV +RR KK Sbjct: 4 KTDLCSFSEWRIYPGHGRRFVAKDGRLFYYLNQKSRAFSARKIKSQEIQWTVAWRRLNKK 63 Query: 182 GQEEE 196 + +E Sbjct: 64 IKTDE 68 >UniRef50_Q9VGN9 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=10; Coelomata|Rep: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) Length = 191 Score = 60.5 bits (140), Expect = 2e-08 Identities = 26/56 (46%), Positives = 32/56 (57%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + KIYPGHG V+ D K F F KC A ++NPRKV WT YR+ Sbjct: 2 RIQTCYFCSSKIYPGHGVQFVRNDCKVFKFCRGKCHKAFKRKKNPRKVGWTKAYRK 57 >UniRef50_Q7RRK8 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=5; Plasmodium|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative - Plasmodium yoelii yoelii Length = 213 Score = 58.8 bits (136), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 25/60 (41%), Positives = 33/60 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 +I C Y IYPGHG ++ D + F F SKC + NPRKV WT +YR++ K Sbjct: 2 RIEKCWYCSGNIYPGHGIHFIRNDARVFRFCRSKCHKHFKAKHNPRKVKWTKIYRKERNK 61 >UniRef50_Q4N0R3 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=3; Piroplasmida|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative - Theileria parva Length = 159 Score = 58.8 bits (136), Expect = 6e-08 Identities = 24/60 (40%), Positives = 35/60 (58%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQEE 193 C ++ Y++YPG GK V DGK + F+N K A H + P K+ W + +R+ KK Q E Sbjct: 17 CNFTDYRVYPGRGKKFVARDGKVYFFINGKSAAFHKRKVKPAKLKWNLAWRKANKKFQTE 76 >UniRef50_UPI00006CCD09 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e containing protein; n=1; Tetrahymena thermophila SB210|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24e containing protein - Tetrahymena thermophila SB210 Length = 158 Score = 58.4 bits (135), Expect = 9e-08 Identities = 23/60 (38%), Positives = 36/60 (60%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 + G C++ Y+IYPG G+ + DG+ F FL K + L + +K+TWT+ RR +KK Sbjct: 4 RTGTCSFCEYRIYPGRGQRFIAKDGRGFFFLTKKAKCLSLRKVKAQKITWTIARRRLWKK 63 >UniRef50_O22165 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=3; core eudicotyledons|Rep: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse-ear cress) Length = 159 Score = 58.0 bits (134), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 26/61 (42%), Positives = 32/61 (52%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQEE 193 C + IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC M+RNPRKV WT +R K + Sbjct: 6 CWFCSSTIYPGHGIQFVRNDAKIFRFCRSKCHKNFKMKRNPRKVKWTKAFRAAHGKDMTK 65 Query: 194 E 196 + Sbjct: 66 D 66 >UniRef50_Q07915 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=10; Ascomycota|Rep: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's yeast) Length = 199 Score = 57.6 bits (133), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 25/56 (44%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + YPGHG V+ D K F F SKC A RRNPRK+ WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RIYQCHFCSSPCYPGHGIMFVRNDAKEFRFCRSKCHKAFKQRRNPRKLKWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_Q6CNW3 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=13; Ascomycota|Rep: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Kluyveromyces lactis (Yeast) (Candida sphaerica) Length = 198 Score = 57.6 bits (133), Expect = 1e-07 Identities = 24/56 (42%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 ++ C + YPGHG V+ D K F F SKC A RRNPRK+ WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RVYACHFCSSPCYPGHGIMFVRNDAKEFRFCRSKCHKAFKQRRNPRKLRWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_Q6JWX2 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=2; Deuterostomia|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Oikopleura dioica (Tunicate) Length = 165 Score = 57.2 bits (132), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 22/60 (36%), Positives = 32/60 (53%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 ++ C + +YPGHG V+ D K F F +KC ++NPRK+ WT YR+ K Sbjct: 2 RVEKCYFCSAPVYPGHGTVFVRNDSKQFRFCTAKCNKMFKKKKNPRKIKWTKAYRKAHGK 61 >UniRef50_Q3U5N8 Cluster: Bone marrow macrophage cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I830167A21 product:Similar to 60S ribosomal protein L30 isolog, full insert sequence; n=3; Murinae|Rep: Bone marrow macrophage cDNA, RIKEN full-length enriched library, clone:I830167A21 product:Similar to 60S ribosomal protein L30 isolog, full insert sequence - Mus musculus (Mouse) Length = 171 Score = 56.8 bits (131), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 25/56 (44%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC +RNPRKV WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RIEKCYFCSGPIYPGHGMMFVRNDCKVFRFCKSKCHKNFKKKRNPRKVRWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_A2ENX8 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=1; Trichomonas vaginalis G3|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative - Trichomonas vaginalis G3 Length = 178 Score = 56.8 bits (131), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 24/60 (40%), Positives = 34/60 (56%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 +I C++ G I+PGHG V+ D K F F SKC + ++NPRK +WT +R K Sbjct: 3 RIEKCSFCGGPIWPGHGTVYVRNDCKVFRFCKSKCRKFWMKKKNPRKFSWTKAFRAAMGK 62 >UniRef50_Q9UHA3 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=35; Euteleostomi|Rep: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 163 Score = 56.8 bits (131), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 25/56 (44%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC +RNPRKV WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RIEKCYFCSGPIYPGHGMMFVRNDCKVFRFCKSKCHKNFKKKRNPRKVRWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_Q7R0M0 Cluster: GLP_154_26137_25568; n=1; Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803|Rep: GLP_154_26137_25568 - Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803 Length = 189 Score = 56.4 bits (130), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 24/55 (43%), Positives = 31/55 (56%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 +I C++ +YPG G V+ D + F F SKC M+RNPRKV WT YR Sbjct: 3 RIEHCSFCSKPVYPGKGICFVRNDSRVFRFCTSKCHRNFKMKRNPRKVRWTKTYR 57 >UniRef50_Q7QRA3 Cluster: GLP_2_13062_12754; n=1; Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803|Rep: GLP_2_13062_12754 - Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803 Length = 102 Score = 56.4 bits (130), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 25/52 (48%), Positives = 32/52 (61%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 C+YSG KI PG+GK M + D FLN K +L + NPRK+ WT+ RR Sbjct: 7 CSYSGRKILPGYGKRMSRHDKVLLIFLNRKASVHYLNKWNPRKIRWTLASRR 58 >UniRef50_Q4UCL2 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24/L30, putative; n=2; Theileria|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24/L30, putative - Theileria annulata Length = 187 Score = 56.4 bits (130), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 25/55 (45%), Positives = 28/55 (50%) Frame = +2 Query: 5 IGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 I C IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC + NPRK+ WT YRR Sbjct: 3 INKCWLCSSNIYPGHGIVFVRNDSKIFRFCRSKCHRHFKAKHNPRKIKWTKAYRR 57 >UniRef50_Q7R991 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=3; Plasmodium|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative - Plasmodium yoelii yoelii Length = 178 Score = 56.0 bits (129), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 24/64 (37%), Positives = 38/64 (59%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K C++S Y+IYPG G+ + DGK + +L+SK + L ++ K+ WT +RR KK Sbjct: 9 KTEACSFSEYRIYPGRGQKYIAKDGKVYFYLSSKFASLALQKKKAAKLRWTQTWRRNNKK 68 Query: 182 GQEE 193 + E Sbjct: 69 TKVE 72 >UniRef50_Q4XZ61 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=2; Plasmodium (Vinckeia)|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative - Plasmodium chabaudi Length = 130 Score = 56.0 bits (129), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 24/64 (37%), Positives = 38/64 (59%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K C++S Y+IYPG G+ + DGK + +L+SK + L ++ K+ WT +RR KK Sbjct: 9 KTEACSFSEYRIYPGRGQKYIAKDGKVYFYLSSKFASLALQKKKAAKLRWTQTWRRNNKK 68 Query: 182 GQEE 193 + E Sbjct: 69 TKVE 72 >UniRef50_O29492 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=7; cellular organisms|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Archaeoglobus fulgidus Length = 58 Score = 56.0 bits (129), Expect = 5e-07 Identities = 25/54 (46%), Positives = 34/54 (62%), Gaps = 1/54 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 11 LCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +C++ GY I PG GK V+ DG+ F F + KCE L ++R PRK+ WT Y R Sbjct: 5 VCSFCGYDIEPGTGKMYVRRDGRVFYFCSGKCEKNMLKLKRKPRKLKWTKHYSR 58 >UniRef50_Q86B05 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=2; Eukaryota|Rep: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Dictyostelium discoideum (Slime mold) Length = 164 Score = 55.2 bits (127), Expect = 8e-07 Identities = 23/56 (41%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + +YPGHG V+ D K F F SKC ++RNPRK WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RIEKCYFCSGPVYPGHGVMFVRNDCKQFRFCRSKCHKNFKLKRNPRKTRWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_Q4P385 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Ustilago maydis|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Ustilago maydis (Smut fungus) Length = 181 Score = 54.8 bits (126), Expect = 1e-06 Identities = 24/56 (42%), Positives = 31/56 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + YPG G T V+ D K F F SKC ++RNPRKV WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RIEHCFFCSAPCYPGKGITFVRNDAKIFKFCKSKCHKNFKLKRNPRKVRWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_A1CYX3 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24b; n=4; Eurotiomycetidae|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24b - Neosartorya fischeri (strain ATCC 1020 / DSM 3700 / NRRL 181)(Aspergillus fischerianus (strain ATCC 1020 / DSM 3700 / NRRL 181)) Length = 188 Score = 53.6 bits (123), Expect = 2e-06 Identities = 22/55 (40%), Positives = 31/55 (56%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 ++ C + +YP G T V+ D K+F F SKC A M+R PRK+ WT +R Sbjct: 2 RVETCHFCSRPVYPSKGITFVRNDAKSFRFCRSKCHANFKMKRQPRKLKWTKTHR 56 >UniRef50_A0DJ05 Cluster: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_52, whole genome shotgun sequence; n=4; Eukaryota|Rep: Chromosome undetermined scaffold_52, whole genome shotgun sequence - Paramecium tetraurelia Length = 171 Score = 53.2 bits (122), Expect = 3e-06 Identities = 23/56 (41%), Positives = 29/56 (51%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC + NPRK WT +R+ Sbjct: 2 RIEKCYFCSGPIYPGHGIVFVRNDSKMFRFCRSKCHRHFKAQHNPRKTRWTKAFRK 57 >UniRef50_A7AR75 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=1; Babesia bovis|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24, putative - Babesia bovis Length = 192 Score = 52.8 bits (121), Expect = 4e-06 Identities = 25/60 (41%), Positives = 29/60 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 +I C IYPGHG V+ D K F F SKC + NPRK+ WT RR K Sbjct: 2 RIDKCWLCSSNIYPGHGIVFVRNDSKIFRFCRSKCHKHFKAKHNPRKLKWTKAARRMHGK 61 >UniRef50_Q8SY98 Cluster: RH14088p; n=1; Drosophila melanogaster|Rep: RH14088p - Drosophila melanogaster (Fruit fly) Length = 123 Score = 52.4 bits (120), Expect = 6e-06 Identities = 26/49 (53%), Positives = 29/49 (59%) Frame = +2 Query: 122 MRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYLVTL 268 M+RNPRKVTWTVLYRRK +KG EEE IVGA L + Sbjct: 1 MKRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKHRKGIEEEASKKRTRRTQKFQRAIVGASLAEI 49 >UniRef50_Q8SSF6 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=1; Encephalitozoon cuniculi|Rep: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Encephalitozoon cuniculi Length = 155 Score = 51.6 bits (118), Expect = 1e-05 Identities = 24/60 (40%), Positives = 29/60 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 +I C + IY GHG V+ D K F F KC R NPRKV WT + R+ K Sbjct: 2 RIEKCWFCSSNIYQGHGTIYVRNDAKVFRFCRPKCRKLFARRVNPRKVKWTKISRKMANK 61 >UniRef50_A6RB37 Cluster: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=1; Ajellomyces capsulatus NAm1|Rep: Ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Ajellomyces capsulatus NAm1 Length = 191 Score = 51.2 bits (117), Expect = 1e-05 Identities = 22/55 (40%), Positives = 29/55 (52%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 +I C + YP G T V+ D +TF F SKC M+R PRK+ WT +R Sbjct: 2 RIETCHFCSQPCYPSKGITFVRNDARTFRFCRSKCHKNFKMKRQPRKLKWTKTHR 56 >UniRef50_A2DJQ1 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative; n=1; Trichomonas vaginalis G3|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24e, putative - Trichomonas vaginalis G3 Length = 113 Score = 49.2 bits (112), Expect = 5e-05 Identities = 21/60 (35%), Positives = 31/60 (51%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K +C +SG+ + GHG+ ++ D F + K +RNPRK+ WT YR KK Sbjct: 4 KTEICGFSGHIFHAGHGRVHIREDKHLMAFESRKAFRMWERKRNPRKIAWTEHYRHDHKK 63 >UniRef50_Q4Q1W6 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24, putative; n=6; Trypanosomatidae|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24, putative - Leishmania major Length = 124 Score = 47.6 bits (108), Expect = 2e-04 Identities = 26/86 (30%), Positives = 38/86 (44%), Gaps = 4/86 (4%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKV----DGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 C +S + ++PGHG+ V TF KC A ++ ++NPR + WT YRR +K Sbjct: 6 CEFSHFAVHPGHGRRYVPFAFLSTKPVLTFSRPKCFALYMRKKNPRFIPWTRTYRRIHRK 65 Query: 182 GQEEEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIVGAYL 259 + IVGA L Sbjct: 66 TTTDRVNRRRAARAVRVQRAIVGADL 91 >UniRef50_Q17606 Cluster: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24; n=2; Caenorhabditis|Rep: Probable ribosome biogenesis protein RLP24 - Caenorhabditis elegans Length = 162 Score = 47.2 bits (107), Expect = 2e-04 Identities = 21/56 (37%), Positives = 29/56 (51%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +I C + IYPGHG V+ D F F S+C ++NPRK+ +T RR Sbjct: 2 RIEKCYFCSSPIYPGHGIQFVRNDSTVFKFCRSRCNKLFKKKKNPRKLRFTKAARR 57 >UniRef50_Q8TVE8 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=5; Archaea|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Methanopyrus kandleri Length = 68 Score = 46.8 bits (106), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 24/52 (46%), Positives = 30/52 (57%), Gaps = 1/52 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 C + G I PG GK VK DG F +SKCE L + R+P+KV WT +R Sbjct: 7 CDFCGRIIEPGTGKMFVKNDGTILWFCSSKCERNMLKLGRDPKKVRWTEKHR 58 >UniRef50_Q8PU76 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=11; Euryarchaeota|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Methanosarcina mazei (Methanosarcina frisia) Length = 62 Score = 46.0 bits (104), Expect = 5e-04 Identities = 20/56 (35%), Positives = 30/56 (53%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 C + G + PG GK +K DG T+ +SKC + + R PR+ WT + + KK Sbjct: 6 CYFCGQMLEPGTGKLYIKKDGSTYFMCSSKCMSNFALGRLPRRTEWTEKGKIQLKK 61 >UniRef50_Q980Q6 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=6; Thermoprotei|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Sulfolobus solfataricus Length = 61 Score = 44.4 bits (100), Expect = 0.001 Identities = 20/53 (37%), Positives = 30/53 (56%), Gaps = 1/53 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 C++ G++I PG G V+ DG F +SKC + L R+P+K WT Y + Sbjct: 7 CSFCGHEIPPGTGLMYVRNDGTILWFCSSKCRKSMLKYHRDPKKYKWTTRYMK 59 >UniRef50_A3H7X1 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=2; Thermoproteaceae|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24E - Caldivirga maquilingensis IC-167 Length = 70 Score = 42.3 bits (95), Expect = 0.006 Identities = 21/61 (34%), Positives = 31/61 (50%), Gaps = 1/61 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQE 190 C+Y G I PG+G V+VDG F + +C + + M +NP+K W RR Q Sbjct: 6 CSYCGRPIPPGYGIMYVRVDGVVLRFCSRRCFVSMVKMGKNPQKQAWVRKIRRAKSAAQS 65 Query: 191 E 193 + Sbjct: 66 K 66 >UniRef50_P14116 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=6; Halobacteriaceae|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Haloarcula marismortui (Halobacterium marismortui) Length = 67 Score = 41.9 bits (94), Expect = 0.008 Identities = 22/60 (36%), Positives = 29/60 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKKGQEE 193 C Y G I PG G V DG T F +SKCE + R R + WT R + + ++E Sbjct: 7 CDYCGTDIEPGTGTMFVHKDGATTHFCSSKCENNADLGREARNLEWTDTARGEAGEAEDE 66 >UniRef50_Q9AVV9 Cluster: 60S ribosomal protein L24; n=1; Guillardia theta|Rep: 60S ribosomal protein L24 - Guillardia theta (Cryptomonas phi) Length = 106 Score = 38.7 bits (86), Expect = 0.074 Identities = 15/53 (28%), Positives = 27/53 (50%) Frame = +2 Query: 11 LCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 +C + G IYPGHG V F F ++KC+ + + + + WT+ + + Sbjct: 3 ICNFCGIGIYPGHGSMFVTNKFDKFYFCSTKCKKLKKIGKTNKGLKWTIKFSK 55 >UniRef50_A2ZTR3 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=3; Oryza sativa|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Oryza sativa subsp. japonica (Rice) Length = 202 Score = 38.3 bits (85), Expect = 0.097 Identities = 16/28 (57%), Positives = 17/28 (60%) Frame = +2 Query: 83 FTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 F F SKC M+RNPRKV WT YR Sbjct: 67 FRFCRSKCHKNFKMKRNPRKVKWTKAYR 94 >UniRef50_A7DR44 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=1; Candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24E - Candidatus Nitrosopumilus maritimus SCM1 Length = 66 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.22 Identities = 17/51 (33%), Positives = 26/51 (50%), Gaps = 1/51 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLY 163 C + + G G + K DG F ++KC+ L ++R+PRK WT Y Sbjct: 8 CNFCNRPVAKGSGTMLAKNDGTVLWFCSAKCKKNALELKRDPRKFKWTKKY 58 >UniRef50_Q9HJ58 Cluster: 50S ribosomal protein L24e; n=4; Thermoplasmatales|Rep: 50S ribosomal protein L24e - Thermoplasma acidophilum Length = 67 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.22 Identities = 19/51 (37%), Positives = 26/51 (50%), Gaps = 1/51 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLY 163 C++ G I PG G V+ DG F ++KC + + R PR V WT Y Sbjct: 7 CSFCGKAIEPGTGIMYVRKDGAILYFCSNKCRKNMIELNRVPRYVKWTNEY 57 >UniRef50_A0RUB6 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=1; Cenarchaeum symbiosum|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24E - Cenarchaeum symbiosum Length = 65 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 0.52 Identities = 17/51 (33%), Positives = 24/51 (47%), Gaps = 1/51 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEA-AHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLY 163 C + + G G K DG F +SKC +++R+PRK WT Y Sbjct: 8 CNFCNRPVAKGSGTMFAKNDGTVMWFCSSKCRKNMTVLKRDPRKFKWTGKY 58 >UniRef50_A4YCQ3 Cluster: Ribosomal protein L24E; n=1; Metallosphaera sedula DSM 5348|Rep: Ribosomal protein L24E - Metallosphaera sedula DSM 5348 Length = 61 Score = 34.3 bits (75), Expect = 1.6 Identities = 17/53 (32%), Positives = 26/53 (49%), Gaps = 1/53 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHL-MRRNPRKVTWTVLYRR 169 C++ G I P G V+ DG F ++KC L ++ +K+ WT Y R Sbjct: 7 CSFCGGDIPPATGMMHVRNDGTILWFCSNKCRKYMLKYHKDAKKLKWTTSYSR 59 >UniRef50_Q22PH3 Cluster: Putative uncharacterized protein; n=1; Tetrahymena thermophila SB210|Rep: Putative uncharacterized protein - Tetrahymena thermophila SB210 Length = 248 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 17/50 (34%), Positives = 28/50 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 309 LRFTYFRLHITLSHNVTK*APTIARWNFWVLLVRFFACSSSWPFLNLRLY 160 + FT F + I ++ VTK T+ +NFW L +F+C P ++L L+ Sbjct: 78 MAFTLFIVGIIVNVQVTKSDSTVKVYNFWDLSWPYFSCFFFIPLISLGLF 127 >UniRef50_Q9RGZ5 Cluster: Na(+)/H(+) antiporter subunit A; n=26; Firmicutes|Rep: Na(+)/H(+) antiporter subunit A - Bacillus pseudofirmus Length = 805 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 2.1 Identities = 24/66 (36%), Positives = 33/66 (50%) Frame = -2 Query: 321 GLFSLRFTYFRLHITLSHNVTK*APTIARWNFWVLLVRFFACSSSWPFLNLRLYRTVHVT 142 G R+ F + T NVT+ AP I WV+ + F + S PF+N R+ V V Sbjct: 610 GYTMFRYDAFAIDTT---NVTEIAPYI-----WVITIVFIVATLSIPFINKRITAVVVVG 661 Query: 141 LRGFLL 124 + GFLL Sbjct: 662 VIGFLL 667 >UniRef50_Q96AX6 Cluster: DENND1B protein; n=2; Homo sapiens|Rep: DENND1B protein - Homo sapiens (Human) Length = 166 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect = 6.4 Identities = 13/30 (43%), Positives = 19/30 (63%) Frame = -1 Query: 160 QDSPCYFTRIPPHQMGGFTF*IQECEGFSI 71 +DSP Y RIPP ++ F F I++ E F + Sbjct: 118 EDSPAYLPRIPPGKVRRFAFCIKKLENFPV 147 Database: uniref50 Posted date: Oct 5, 2007 11:19 AM Number of letters in database: 575,637,011 Number of sequences in database: 1,657,284 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 383,574,337 Number of Sequences: 1657284 Number of extensions: 6802904 Number of successful extensions: 14449 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 58 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 14213 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 14446 length of database: 575,637,011 effective HSP length: 95 effective length of database: 418,195,031 effective search space used: 30110042232 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
- SilkBase 1999-2023 -