BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30119 (505 letters) Database: rice 37,544 sequences; 14,793,348 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value 05_05_0279 - 23794964-23795111,23795486-23795634,23796120-237962... 67 9e-12 01_06_1123 + 34671365-34671883,34672366-34672625,34673045-346731... 66 2e-11 07_01_0849 + 6896930-6896996,6897453-6897474,6897615-6897690,689... 65 3e-11 07_01_1199 + 11391638-11391718,11393477-11393590,11393690-113938... 59 2e-09 01_05_0105 - 18155135-18155297,18155379-18155515,18155621-181557... 38 0.003 10_08_0655 - 19621717-19622594,19623186-19623227,19624323-196244... 29 2.8 >05_05_0279 - 23794964-23795111,23795486-23795634,23796120-23796221, 23796309-23796384,23796578-23796588 Length = 161 Score = 66.9 bits (156), Expect = 9e-12 Identities = 28/60 (46%), Positives = 37/60 (61%) Frame = +2 Query: 2 KIGLCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 K LC +SG KIYPG G ++ D + F F NSKC+ R P K+TWT +YR++ KK Sbjct: 4 KTELCRFSGQKIYPGKGIRFIRADSQVFLFANSKCKRYFHNRLKPAKLTWTAMYRKQHKK 63 >01_06_1123 + 34671365-34671883,34672366-34672625,34673045-34673143, 34673237-34675178,34675588-34675658,34676158-34676307, 34676963-34677038,34677131-34677232,34677707-34677855, 34678214-34678364 Length = 1172 Score = 66.1 bits (154), Expect = 2e-11 Identities = 27/57 (47%), Positives = 36/57 (63%) Frame = +2 Query: 11 LCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 LC +SG KIYPG G ++ D + F F NSKC+ R P K+TWT +YR++ KK Sbjct: 1017 LCRFSGQKIYPGKGIRFIRADSQVFLFANSKCKRYFHNRLKPAKLTWTAMYRKQHKK 1073 >07_01_0849 + 6896930-6896996,6897453-6897474,6897615-6897690, 6897775-6897876,6898156-6898304,6898637-6898784 Length = 187 Score = 65.3 bits (152), Expect = 3e-11 Identities = 27/57 (47%), Positives = 36/57 (63%) Frame = +2 Query: 11 LCAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYRRKFKK 181 LC +SG KIYPG G ++ D + F F NSKC+ R P K+TWT +YR++ KK Sbjct: 33 LCRFSGAKIYPGKGIRFIRADSQVFLFSNSKCKRYFHNRLKPAKLTWTAMYRKQHKK 89 >07_01_1199 + 11391638-11391718,11393477-11393590,11393690-11393826, 11393905-11394064 Length = 163 Score = 58.8 bits (136), Expect = 2e-09 Identities = 25/51 (49%), Positives = 29/51 (56%) Frame = +2 Query: 14 CAYSGYKIYPGHGKTMVKVDGKTFTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 C + +YPGHG V+ D K F F SKC M+RNPRKV WT YR Sbjct: 6 CWFCSSTVYPGHGIQFVRNDAKIFRFCRSKCHKNFKMKRNPRKVKWTKAYR 56 >01_05_0105 - 18155135-18155297,18155379-18155515,18155621-18155734, 18155768-18155806,18156838-18156993 Length = 202 Score = 38.3 bits (85), Expect = 0.003 Identities = 16/28 (57%), Positives = 17/28 (60%) Frame = +2 Query: 83 FTFLNSKCEAAHLMRRNPRKVTWTVLYR 166 F F SKC M+RNPRKV WT YR Sbjct: 67 FRFCRSKCHKNFKMKRNPRKVKWTKAYR 94 >10_08_0655 - 19621717-19622594,19623186-19623227,19624323-19624479, 19625333-19625405,19625483-19625595 Length = 420 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 2.8 Identities = 21/73 (28%), Positives = 33/73 (45%) Frame = +3 Query: 39 IQAMARPWLKWMEKPSHS*IQNVKPPI**GGILVK*HGLSCTGASSKRAKRKNKQRNVLE 218 + M PW W +KPS I ++ P G L++ + T S A ++ + E Sbjct: 154 LSKMIEPWTPWWKKPSARSI-SLSPD---GSQLIRQVSVEDTDTSDPMADPESSISEIPE 209 Query: 219 GPKSSNVRLLVLT 257 GP+S+ L LT Sbjct: 210 GPESALPSLEQLT 222 Database: rice Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:57 AM Number of letters in database: 14,793,348 Number of sequences in database: 37,544 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 10,538,166 Number of Sequences: 37544 Number of extensions: 194420 Number of successful extensions: 429 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 6 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 418 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 429 length of database: 14,793,348 effective HSP length: 77 effective length of database: 11,902,460 effective search space used: 1071221400 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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