BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30114 (494 letters) Database: arabidopsis 28,952 sequences; 12,070,560 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value At5g62300.1 68418.m07821 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20C) ribo... 121 2e-28 At3g47370.2 68416.m05151 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20B) 40S ... 121 2e-28 At3g47370.1 68416.m05150 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20B) 40S ... 121 2e-28 At3g45030.1 68416.m04851 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20A) 40S ... 121 2e-28 At3g13120.1 68416.m01642 30S ribosomal protein S10, chloroplast,... 37 0.006 At1g20530.1 68414.m02558 hypothetical protein 29 2.3 At5g40820.1 68418.m04956 FAT domain-containing protein / phospha... 27 5.3 At5g47370.1 68418.m05838 homeobox-leucine zipper protein 2 (HAT2... 27 9.2 At5g27220.1 68418.m03247 protein transport protein-related low s... 27 9.2 At3g13150.1 68416.m01645 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containi... 27 9.2 At2g41380.1 68415.m05107 embryo-abundant protein-related similar... 27 9.2 >At5g62300.1 68418.m07821 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20C) ribosomal protein S20, Arabidopsis thaliana, PIR:T12992 Length = 124 Score = 121 bits (292), Expect = 2e-28 Identities = 53/69 (76%), Positives = 62/69 (89%) Frame = +1 Query: 244 KGPSRMPTKILRITTRKTPCGEGSKTWDRFQMRIHKRVIDLHSPSEIVKQITSINIEPGV 423 KGP RMPTK+L+ITTRK PCGEG+ TWDRF++R+HKRVIDL S ++VKQITSI IEPGV Sbjct: 56 KGPVRMPTKVLKITTRKAPCGEGTNTWDRFELRVHKRVIDLFSSPDVVKQITSITIEPGV 115 Query: 424 EVEVTIADA 450 EVEVTIAD+ Sbjct: 116 EVEVTIADS 124 Score = 62.1 bits (144), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 26/37 (70%), Positives = 34/37 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 143 IHRIRITLTSRNVRSLEKVCADLINGAKKQKLRVKGP 253 IH+IRITL+S+NV++LEKVC DL+ GAK ++LRVKGP Sbjct: 22 IHKIRITLSSKNVKNLEKVCTDLVRGAKDKRLRVKGP 58 >At3g47370.2 68416.m05151 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20B) 40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S20 - ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA,PID:g1350956 Length = 122 Score = 121 bits (292), Expect = 2e-28 Identities = 53/69 (76%), Positives = 62/69 (89%) Frame = +1 Query: 244 KGPSRMPTKILRITTRKTPCGEGSKTWDRFQMRIHKRVIDLHSPSEIVKQITSINIEPGV 423 KGP RMPTK+L+ITTRK PCGEG+ TWDRF++R+HKRVIDL S ++VKQITSI IEPGV Sbjct: 54 KGPVRMPTKVLKITTRKAPCGEGTNTWDRFELRVHKRVIDLFSSPDVVKQITSITIEPGV 113 Query: 424 EVEVTIADA 450 EVEVTIAD+ Sbjct: 114 EVEVTIADS 122 Score = 64.1 bits (149), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 27/43 (62%), Positives = 37/43 (86%) Frame = +2 Query: 125 QAEVSPIHRIRITLTSRNVRSLEKVCADLINGAKKQKLRVKGP 253 +A + IH+IRITL+S+NV++LEKVC DL+ GAK ++LRVKGP Sbjct: 14 EAPLEQIHKIRITLSSKNVKNLEKVCTDLVRGAKDKRLRVKGP 56 >At3g47370.1 68416.m05150 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20B) 40S RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN S20 - ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA,PID:g1350956 Length = 122 Score = 121 bits (292), Expect = 2e-28 Identities = 53/69 (76%), Positives = 62/69 (89%) Frame = +1 Query: 244 KGPSRMPTKILRITTRKTPCGEGSKTWDRFQMRIHKRVIDLHSPSEIVKQITSINIEPGV 423 KGP RMPTK+L+ITTRK PCGEG+ TWDRF++R+HKRVIDL S ++VKQITSI IEPGV Sbjct: 54 KGPVRMPTKVLKITTRKAPCGEGTNTWDRFELRVHKRVIDLFSSPDVVKQITSITIEPGV 113 Query: 424 EVEVTIADA 450 EVEVTIAD+ Sbjct: 114 EVEVTIADS 122 Score = 64.1 bits (149), Expect = 5e-11 Identities = 27/43 (62%), Positives = 37/43 (86%) Frame = +2 Query: 125 QAEVSPIHRIRITLTSRNVRSLEKVCADLINGAKKQKLRVKGP 253 +A + IH+IRITL+S+NV++LEKVC DL+ GAK ++LRVKGP Sbjct: 14 EAPLEQIHKIRITLSSKNVKNLEKVCTDLVRGAKDKRLRVKGP 56 >At3g45030.1 68416.m04851 40S ribosomal protein S20 (RPS20A) 40S ribsomomal proteinS20, Arabidopsis thaliana, pir:T12992 Length = 124 Score = 121 bits (292), Expect = 2e-28 Identities = 53/69 (76%), Positives = 62/69 (89%) Frame = +1 Query: 244 KGPSRMPTKILRITTRKTPCGEGSKTWDRFQMRIHKRVIDLHSPSEIVKQITSINIEPGV 423 KGP RMPTK+L+ITTRK PCGEG+ TWDRF++R+HKRVIDL S ++VKQITSI IEPGV Sbjct: 56 KGPVRMPTKVLKITTRKAPCGEGTNTWDRFELRVHKRVIDLFSSPDVVKQITSITIEPGV 115 Query: 424 EVEVTIADA 450 EVEVTIAD+ Sbjct: 116 EVEVTIADS 124 Score = 62.1 bits (144), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 26/37 (70%), Positives = 34/37 (91%) Frame = +2 Query: 143 IHRIRITLTSRNVRSLEKVCADLINGAKKQKLRVKGP 253 IH+IRITL+S+NV++LEKVC DL+ GAK ++LRVKGP Sbjct: 22 IHKIRITLSSKNVKNLEKVCTDLVRGAKDKRLRVKGP 58 >At3g13120.1 68416.m01642 30S ribosomal protein S10, chloroplast, putative similar to 30S ribosomal protein S10 GB:P02364 [Escherichia coli] (est matches suggest the N-terminal extension) Length = 191 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.006 Identities = 21/75 (28%), Positives = 40/75 (53%), Gaps = 1/75 (1%) Frame = +1 Query: 220 SQETEAACKGPSRMPTKILRITTRKTPCGEGSKTWDRFQMRIHKRVID-LHSPSEIVKQI 396 ++ T A GP +PTK K+P + F++R H+R+ID L+ ++ + + Sbjct: 118 ARNTNAKTMGPVPLPTKKRIYCVLKSPHVHKDARF-HFEIRTHQRMIDILYPTAQTIDSL 176 Query: 397 TSINIEPGVEVEVTI 441 +++ GV+VEV + Sbjct: 177 MQLDLPAGVDVEVKL 191 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.74 Identities = 16/56 (28%), Positives = 27/56 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 86 AAAVVSGKDIEKPQAEVSPIHRIRITLTSRNVRSLEKVCADLINGAKKQKLRVKGP 253 A+ V S I +++P +IRI L S V +E C +++ A+ + GP Sbjct: 73 ASEVPSSSSISVDADKMAPKQKIRIKLRSYWVPLIEDSCKQILDAARNTNAKTMGP 128 >At1g20530.1 68414.m02558 hypothetical protein Length = 614 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 11/25 (44%), Positives = 14/25 (56%) Frame = -2 Query: 364 GRSLSCGFASENDPRSLNLHHKEFY 290 G +C S + P SLNL+H FY Sbjct: 106 GEGTNCDLLSGSKPESLNLNHDSFY 130 >At5g40820.1 68418.m04956 FAT domain-containing protein / phosphatidylinositol 3- and 4-kinase family protein similar to Atr protein [Xenopus laevis] GI:11385422; contains Pfam profiles PF00454 Phosphatidylinositol 3- and 4-kinase, PF02259 FAT domain, PF02260 FAT C domain Length = 2702 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 11/32 (34%), Positives = 19/32 (59%) Frame = +2 Query: 170 SRNVRSLEKVCADLINGAKKQKLRVKGPAACQ 265 +R + SL+ D++NG K + L V+ AC+ Sbjct: 1247 ARGLMSLKDQLRDIVNGMKHENLNVRYMVACE 1278 >At5g47370.1 68418.m05838 homeobox-leucine zipper protein 2 (HAT2) / HD-ZIP protein 2 identical to homeobox-leucine zipper protein HAT2 (HD-ZIP protein 2) [Arabidopsis thaliana] SP:P46601; contains Pfam profiles PF04618: HD-ZIP protein N terminus, PF02183: Homeobox associated leucine zipper, PF00046: Homeobox domain Length = 283 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 10/24 (41%), Positives = 17/24 (70%) Frame = -2 Query: 376 RESVGRSLSCGFASENDPRSLNLH 305 +E +G SLS GF+ ++P +NL+ Sbjct: 5 KEDLGLSLSLGFSQNHNPLQMNLN 28 >At5g27220.1 68418.m03247 protein transport protein-related low similarity to SP|P25386 Intracellular protein transport protein USO1 {Saccharomyces cerevisiae} Length = 1181 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 10/18 (55%), Positives = 14/18 (77%) Frame = -2 Query: 178 IARSKSDPDAVNRGDLCL 125 +A +K DPD+V RG +CL Sbjct: 698 MAVTKLDPDSVRRGSICL 715 >At3g13150.1 68416.m01645 pentatricopeptide (PPR) repeat-containing protein contains Pfam profile PF01535: PPR repeat Length = 551 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 18/48 (37%), Positives = 24/48 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 57 ISAGIQQATWQPL*CQAKTLRNPRQRSPLFTASGSLLLLAMCAHSRRS 200 +SAG ++ T P+ AKT P SP S LL L++ A S S Sbjct: 406 LSAGKKKTTSSPVSSSAKTTSTPVSSSP--DTSSFLLSLSLAADSSSS 451 >At2g41380.1 68415.m05107 embryo-abundant protein-related similar to embryo-abundant protein [Picea glauca] GI:1350531 Length = 269 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 26/79 (32%), Positives = 32/79 (40%), Gaps = 7/79 (8%) Frame = +1 Query: 223 QETEAACKGPSRMPTKILRITTRKTPC-------GEGSKTWDRFQMRIHKRVIDLHSPSE 381 Q + A PS PTK+ KTPC G GS R I+K VI + S Sbjct: 8 QAEQYAAARPS-YPTKLFEYIASKTPCHDLAWDVGAGSGQASRSLAGIYKNVIATDTSS- 65 Query: 382 IVKQITSINIEPGVEVEVT 438 KQ+ P V E+T Sbjct: 66 --KQLEFAAKLPNVRYEIT 82 Database: arabidopsis Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:56 AM Number of letters in database: 12,070,560 Number of sequences in database: 28,952 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 10,952,726 Number of Sequences: 28952 Number of extensions: 226250 Number of successful extensions: 476 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 11 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 466 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 476 length of database: 12,070,560 effective HSP length: 76 effective length of database: 9,870,208 effective search space used: 868578304 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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