BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30097 (358 letters) Database: spombe 5004 sequences; 2,362,478 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SPAC13G7.02c |ssa1||heat shock protein Ssa1|Schizosaccharomyces ... 60 1e-10 SPCC1739.13 |ssa2||heat shock protein Ssa2|Schizosaccharomyces p... 59 2e-10 SPAC22A12.15c |bip1|bip|BiP |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||M... 40 1e-04 SPCC417.08 |tef3||translation elongation factor eEF3|Schizosacch... 28 0.49 SPAC17A2.13c |rad25||14-3-3 protein Rad25|Schizosaccharomyces po... 26 1.5 SPBC17D11.05 |tif32||translation initiation factor eIF3a|Schizos... 26 2.0 SPAC23H4.02 |ppk9||serine/threonine protein kinase Ppk9 |Schizos... 25 3.5 SPAC23H4.15 |||ribosome biogenesis protein Tsr1 |Schizosaccharom... 24 6.1 SPCC895.05 |for3||formin For3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||... 24 6.1 SPBC21C3.15c |||aldehyde dehydrogenase |Schizosaccharomyces pomb... 24 8.0 SPAC1952.04c |||dubious|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual 24 8.0 SPAC6G10.04c |||20S proteasome component alpha 6 subunit Pre5|Sc... 24 8.0 SPBC1348.14c |ght7|SPBPB8B6.01c|hexose transporter Ght7|Schizosa... 24 8.0 >SPAC13G7.02c |ssa1||heat shock protein Ssa1|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 644 Score = 60.1 bits (139), Expect = 1e-10 Identities = 27/47 (57%), Positives = 33/47 (70%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKMYQ 141 DK+ I TI+WLD N A K+EYE KQKELEG+ NPI+ K+YQ Sbjct: 564 DKEAIDKAVKETIEWLDHNTTAAKDEYEDKQKELEGVANPIMAKIYQ 610 >SPCC1739.13 |ssa2||heat shock protein Ssa2|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 647 Score = 59.3 bits (137), Expect = 2e-10 Identities = 26/47 (55%), Positives = 34/47 (72%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKMYQ 141 DK+T+ TI+WLDSN A K+E+E KQKELE + NPI+ K+YQ Sbjct: 564 DKETVDKAVKETIEWLDSNTTAAKDEFEAKQKELESVANPIMAKIYQ 610 >SPAC22A12.15c |bip1|bip|BiP |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 663 Score = 39.9 bits (89), Expect = 1e-04 Identities = 17/47 (36%), Positives = 31/47 (65%), Gaps = 1/47 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSN-QLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKMY 138 DKQ +LD +WL+ + + A KEE+E ++++L+ + +PI K+Y Sbjct: 595 DKQAVLDAVEDVAEWLEIHGEDASKEEFEDQRQKLDAVVHPITQKLY 641 >SPCC417.08 |tef3||translation elongation factor eEF3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 1047 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 0.49 Identities = 16/47 (34%), Positives = 20/47 (42%) Frame = +2 Query: 125 LRRCTRVPEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPPSRRSINQHS 265 L C PEE PE + A EV P L + P R +N+ S Sbjct: 218 LINCIAHPEEVPETIHSLGATTFVTEVQAPTLSIMVPLLARGLNERS 264 >SPAC17A2.13c |rad25||14-3-3 protein Rad25|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 270 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 1.5 Identities = 10/18 (55%), Positives = 12/18 (66%) Frame = +2 Query: 149 EESPEVCRASRAEHPEPE 202 EE+P AS EHPEP+ Sbjct: 244 EEAPAAAAASENEHPEPK 261 >SPBC17D11.05 |tif32||translation initiation factor eIF3a|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 932 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 2.0 Identities = 16/41 (39%), Positives = 18/41 (43%), Gaps = 2/41 (4%) Frame = +2 Query: 143 VPEESPEVCRA--SRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPPSRRSINQ 259 V +SP R SR P E P A PPSRR+ Q Sbjct: 891 VSRDSPRYSRGGYSRGSVPPRETLAPSKGAYVPPSRRNQQQ 931 >SPAC23H4.02 |ppk9||serine/threonine protein kinase Ppk9 |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 532 Score = 25.0 bits (52), Expect = 3.5 Identities = 12/40 (30%), Positives = 25/40 (62%), Gaps = 3/40 (7%) Frame = +1 Query: 31 VTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKE---LEGIYNPIITKMYQ 141 V +K + +++L DK+ ++ Q+E L +++P I +YQ Sbjct: 49 VALKMVYNDELEDKDTWKRLQREVTILRQLHHPNIITLYQ 88 >SPAC23H4.15 |||ribosome biogenesis protein Tsr1 |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 783 Score = 24.2 bits (50), Expect = 6.1 Identities = 12/36 (33%), Positives = 21/36 (58%), Gaps = 1/36 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILD-KCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELE 105 +++TI D K + + + ++ EEY KQKEL+ Sbjct: 434 EEETIDDAKSEMFVDLSEEEEVRQYEEYRKKQKELQ 469 >SPCC895.05 |for3||formin For3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 1461 Score = 24.2 bits (50), Expect = 6.1 Identities = 8/16 (50%), Positives = 9/16 (56%) Frame = +2 Query: 191 PEPEVPPPGLEALAPP 238 P P PPPG+ PP Sbjct: 761 PPPPPPPPGVAGAGPP 776 >SPBC21C3.15c |||aldehyde dehydrogenase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 522 Score = 23.8 bits (49), Expect = 8.0 Identities = 8/13 (61%), Positives = 12/13 (92%) Frame = +1 Query: 100 LEGIYNPIITKMY 138 L+G+Y+ IITK+Y Sbjct: 282 LDGVYDTIITKLY 294 >SPAC1952.04c |||dubious|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 158 Score = 23.8 bits (49), Expect = 8.0 Identities = 8/16 (50%), Positives = 10/16 (62%) Frame = +2 Query: 191 PEPEVPPPGLEALAPP 238 P+P +PPP APP Sbjct: 103 PQPHIPPPRKSDEAPP 118 >SPAC6G10.04c |||20S proteasome component alpha 6 subunit Pre5|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 272 Score = 23.8 bits (49), Expect = 8.0 Identities = 9/23 (39%), Positives = 14/23 (60%) Frame = +2 Query: 140 RVPEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVP 208 ++ ++ P RASRA EP+ P Sbjct: 235 KLGDKGPAAARASRAAAEEPQAP 257 >SPBC1348.14c |ght7|SPBPB8B6.01c|hexose transporter Ght7|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 518 Score = 23.8 bits (49), Expect = 8.0 Identities = 4/21 (19%), Positives = 14/21 (66%) Frame = -3 Query: 320 FNQGEVTRWLLQVGLSVVWNV 258 ++ G +W + +G++++W + Sbjct: 140 YSHGTTAQWRISIGINLLWGI 160 Database: spombe Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:57 AM Number of letters in database: 2,362,478 Number of sequences in database: 5004 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 1,236,081 Number of Sequences: 5004 Number of extensions: 20050 Number of successful extensions: 90 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 13 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 88 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 89 length of database: 2,362,478 effective HSP length: 65 effective length of database: 2,037,218 effective search space used: 107972554 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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