BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30097 (358 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_45540| Best HMM Match : HSP70 (HMM E-Value=0) 73 5e-14 SB_56180| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 63 6e-11 SB_8490| Best HMM Match : HSP70 (HMM E-Value=0) 51 2e-07 SB_45647| Best HMM Match : HSP70 (HMM E-Value=0) 36 0.013 SB_43252| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 30 0.64 SB_20161| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 1.5 SB_44752| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 28 1.9 SB_44544| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 27 3.4 SB_8472| Best HMM Match : TatC (HMM E-Value=1.4) 27 3.4 SB_33909| Best HMM Match : FH2 (HMM E-Value=0) 27 4.5 SB_58627| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 27 4.5 SB_54269| Best HMM Match : M (HMM E-Value=8.1e-20) 27 4.5 SB_50337| Best HMM Match : Extensin_1 (HMM E-Value=0.19) 27 4.5 SB_47667| Best HMM Match : Ldl_recept_a (HMM E-Value=0) 27 5.9 SB_20795| Best HMM Match : Amelogenin (HMM E-Value=1) 27 5.9 SB_1024| Best HMM Match : Ank (HMM E-Value=0) 27 5.9 SB_17603| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 27 5.9 SB_50111| Best HMM Match : GCC2_GCC3 (HMM E-Value=0) 26 7.8 SB_47601| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 26 7.8 SB_14297| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 26 7.8 SB_1171| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 26 7.8 SB_43373| Best HMM Match : Herpes_UL3 (HMM E-Value=2.7) 26 7.8 >SB_45540| Best HMM Match : HSP70 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1097 Score = 73.3 bits (172), Expect = 5e-14 Identities = 30/47 (63%), Positives = 39/47 (82%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKMYQ 141 DK+ ILDKC +KWLD+NQ A+K+E+E+ QKELE + NPIITK+YQ Sbjct: 568 DKKAILDKCTEVLKWLDTNQTAEKDEFEYHQKELEKVCNPIITKLYQ 614 >SB_56180| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 746 Score = 63.3 bits (147), Expect = 6e-11 Identities = 24/47 (51%), Positives = 36/47 (76%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKMYQ 141 +++ ++ +C T+ WL+ NQ A+KEE + QKELEG+ NPIITK+YQ Sbjct: 660 EREKVISRCKATLDWLEHNQSAEKEEIDAHQKELEGVCNPIITKLYQ 706 >SB_8490| Best HMM Match : HSP70 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 640 Score = 51.2 bits (117), Expect = 2e-07 Identities = 19/46 (41%), Positives = 33/46 (71%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKMY 138 DK T+ +K + WL+ N LA+KEE+E ++KEL+ + +PI+ K++ Sbjct: 567 DKDTVKNKVEEVLNWLEKNSLAEKEEFEEQEKELQRVCSPIMAKVH 612 >SB_45647| Best HMM Match : HSP70 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1327 Score = 35.5 bits (78), Expect = 0.013 Identities = 13/40 (32%), Positives = 26/40 (65%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNP 120 DK+TI + I W+D NQ A E+++ ++++ + +Y+P Sbjct: 1262 DKKTITEAVEKAISWMDKNQDASVEDFKKEKRKWKMLYSP 1301 >SB_43252| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 699 Score = 29.9 bits (64), Expect = 0.64 Identities = 18/46 (39%), Positives = 27/46 (58%), Gaps = 1/46 (2%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKW-LDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKM 135 DK+ L + T+K+ LD +LA KE++ +KE EG + TKM Sbjct: 115 DKEQELSELRKTVKYALDQEKLA-KEQFGDLKKEFEGYKKKMDTKM 159 >SB_20161| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 475 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 1.5 Identities = 17/44 (38%), Positives = 27/44 (61%), Gaps = 7/44 (15%) Frame = +1 Query: 1 DKQTILDKCNVTIKWLDSN------QLADK-EEYEHKQKELEGI 111 D + +++C TIK LDSN Q+AD+ EE + ++ELE + Sbjct: 190 DCEKEVNRCEATIKTLDSNLKDLRQQVADRDEELNNNRQELESV 233 >SB_44752| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 421 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 1.9 Identities = 16/42 (38%), Positives = 21/42 (50%) Frame = +2 Query: 137 TRVPEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPPSRRSINQH 262 TR+P+ESPE R ++PPP PP SI+ H Sbjct: 187 TRMPDESPEPTRPPPPLDDLDDLPPP---PPPPPEDDSIHNH 225 >SB_44544| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1480 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 16/42 (38%), Positives = 19/42 (45%) Frame = -1 Query: 205 HLRLRVLRPGSPAYLRGLLRHPGTSS*LSDCKCLPILSACAH 80 HL +RVL P P L LS C CLP+ +C H Sbjct: 1140 HLSVRVLSPVCPRVFTCLYACVN----LSVCVCLPVCFSCVH 1177 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 16/42 (38%), Positives = 19/42 (45%) Frame = -1 Query: 205 HLRLRVLRPGSPAYLRGLLRHPGTSS*LSDCKCLPILSACAH 80 HL +RVL P P L LS C CLP+ +C H Sbjct: 1177 HLSVRVLSPVCPRVFTCLYACVN----LSVCVCLPVCFSCVH 1214 >SB_8472| Best HMM Match : TatC (HMM E-Value=1.4) Length = 476 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 12/38 (31%), Positives = 18/38 (47%) Frame = +2 Query: 95 KNWKAFTIR*LRRCTRVPEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVP 208 KN+ ++ L R P+E ++ SR PEP P Sbjct: 8 KNFDEVVVQLLMRMYEPPDEGSDIATFSRESDPEPNPP 45 >SB_33909| Best HMM Match : FH2 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1063 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 12/35 (34%), Positives = 13/35 (37%) Frame = +2 Query: 134 CTRVPEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPP 238 C +P P P P PPPG L PP Sbjct: 722 CAGLPPPPPSPQPGCAGLPPPPPPPPPGCAGLPPP 756 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 11/31 (35%), Positives = 13/31 (41%) Frame = +2 Query: 146 PEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPP 238 P P + + P P PPPG L PP Sbjct: 698 PPPPPPLLSGTLPMPPPPPPPPPGCAGLPPP 728 >SB_58627| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 225 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 13/34 (38%), Positives = 19/34 (55%) Frame = +2 Query: 80 MSTSRKNWKAFTIR*LRRCTRVPEESPEVCRASR 181 + T+++N + IR LR+C P E RASR Sbjct: 6 VETTQRNTRRQNIRSLRKCRNAPVEQKGCRRASR 39 >SB_54269| Best HMM Match : M (HMM E-Value=8.1e-20) Length = 3489 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 12/36 (33%), Positives = 21/36 (58%) Frame = +1 Query: 28 NVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITKM 135 +++ KW SN A E+E+K KE++ Y I ++ Sbjct: 756 DISEKWSKSNVDAPYSEFENKMKEIKDHYEREIERL 791 >SB_50337| Best HMM Match : Extensin_1 (HMM E-Value=0.19) Length = 86 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 9/17 (52%), Positives = 11/17 (64%) Frame = +2 Query: 191 PEPEVPPPGLEALAPPS 241 P+P+ PPPG PPS Sbjct: 28 PKPDTPPPGTNIPTPPS 44 >SB_47667| Best HMM Match : Ldl_recept_a (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 3891 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 12/29 (41%), Positives = 15/29 (51%) Frame = -1 Query: 142 PGTSS*LSDCKCLPILSACAHTPPCRPAG 56 PGT + KC+ +L C P C PAG Sbjct: 2968 PGTYQCADNRKCISVLEVCDGIPSC-PAG 2995 >SB_20795| Best HMM Match : Amelogenin (HMM E-Value=1) Length = 630 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 8/26 (30%), Positives = 15/26 (57%) Frame = -3 Query: 338 GSIFIYFNQGEVTRWLLQVGLSVVWN 261 G+ +Y G+ +WL +VG+ W+ Sbjct: 604 GNRIVYVTSGKYLKWLPEVGIDASWD 629 >SB_1024| Best HMM Match : Ank (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 891 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 15/37 (40%), Positives = 18/37 (48%), Gaps = 2/37 (5%) Frame = +2 Query: 146 PEESP--EVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPPSRRS 250 PE+ P EV A R E P+ E PP PP + S Sbjct: 771 PEQPPIGEVESAVRREQPKSEKTPPSTTPSPPPKQPS 807 >SB_17603| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 826 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 14/53 (26%), Positives = 20/53 (37%) Frame = +2 Query: 53 PTSWPTRRSMSTSRKNWKAFTIR*LRRCTRVPEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPP 211 P S+P S S S+K W+ L+R ++ E P PP Sbjct: 45 PVSFPAASSQSISQKPWQQSPTSTLQRTSQTNNELSNALNTHPKRWPPVNTPP 97 >SB_50111| Best HMM Match : GCC2_GCC3 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1115 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 9/32 (28%), Positives = 17/32 (53%) Frame = +1 Query: 37 IKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYNPIITK 132 ++W D D EY+ + ++E N ++TK Sbjct: 805 MQWKDKMSQKDSMEYKQTRSKIESAINNVVTK 836 >SB_47601| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 652 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/33 (39%), Positives = 16/33 (48%) Frame = +2 Query: 146 PEESPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPPSR 244 P +P RA+ P+P V P A APP R Sbjct: 220 PRPAPARDRAASGPGPKPAVKPRDRLATAPPGR 252 >SB_14297| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 453 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 9/18 (50%), Positives = 13/18 (72%) Frame = +1 Query: 7 QTILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQ 60 QT+LDKC +WL +N+ Sbjct: 164 QTLLDKCQYIEEWLTANE 181 >SB_1171| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1415 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 12/35 (34%), Positives = 18/35 (51%) Frame = +1 Query: 13 ILDKCNVTIKWLDSNQLADKEEYEHKQKELEGIYN 117 ILD + +W D N ++ + +LEGIYN Sbjct: 770 ILDNNSTKCRWWDFNANGGMGDWSAEGCQLEGIYN 804 >SB_43373| Best HMM Match : Herpes_UL3 (HMM E-Value=2.7) Length = 273 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 13/33 (39%), Positives = 17/33 (51%), Gaps = 1/33 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 146 PEE-SPEVCRASRAEHPEPEVPPPGLEALAPPS 241 PEE SP+ + +HPE E P + PPS Sbjct: 70 PEEPSPDDQLPTGGDHPETEFEAPASDTAPPPS 102 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 10,107,982 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 191128 Number of successful extensions: 752 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 22 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 676 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 748 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 73 effective length of database: 12,455,473 effective search space used: 560496285 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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