BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30095 (812 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_49765| Best HMM Match : EGF (HMM E-Value=0) 34 0.12 SB_16910| Best HMM Match : EGF (HMM E-Value=0) 31 0.84 SB_57649| Best HMM Match : RPE65 (HMM E-Value=9) 29 4.5 SB_3575| Best HMM Match : DUF943 (HMM E-Value=4.5) 29 5.9 SB_57080| Best HMM Match : EGF_CA (HMM E-Value=1.4013e-43) 28 7.8 SB_37148| Best HMM Match : TPR_1 (HMM E-Value=0) 28 7.8 >SB_49765| Best HMM Match : EGF (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 508 Score = 34.3 bits (75), Expect = 0.12 Identities = 18/51 (35%), Positives = 25/51 (49%), Gaps = 1/51 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 551 CRNRQGGGTYPCGLTRGLTTTHC-SIITMVSLGHFCADGLI*CSLRAAGKN 700 C N Q G Y C + G T HC ++I + C++G I C+ GKN Sbjct: 214 CNNTQDGKNYTCTCSPGYTGRHCDTVIPKACVSSPCSNGSI-CNNTQDGKN 263 Score = 33.9 bits (74), Expect = 0.16 Identities = 16/56 (28%), Positives = 27/56 (48%), Gaps = 2/56 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 479 VLRSQVPIVTRLPHPSTQNALLLH--CRNRQGGGTYPCGLTRGLTTTHCSIITMVS 640 +++++ PIV +P P + C N Q G Y C + G T HC+ + +S Sbjct: 295 IIQARFPIVLVIPKPCDSSPCSNGSVCNNTQDGKNYTCSCSYGYTGRHCNTLKKLS 350 Score = 29.9 bits (64), Expect = 2.6 Identities = 17/51 (33%), Positives = 23/51 (45%), Gaps = 1/51 (1%) Frame = +2 Query: 551 CRNRQGGGTYPCGLTRGLTTTHC-SIITMVSLGHFCADGLI*CSLRAAGKN 700 C N Q G Y C + G T HC ++I C +G + C+ GKN Sbjct: 173 CNNTQDGKNYTCTCSPGYTGRHCDTVIPKPCDSSPCNNGSV-CNNTQDGKN 222 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 16/52 (30%), Positives = 23/52 (44%), Gaps = 2/52 (3%) Frame = +2 Query: 551 CRNRQGGGTYPCGLTRGLTTTHCSIITMVSL--GHFCADGLI*CSLRAAGKN 700 C N Q G Y C + G T HC + + C++G + C+ GKN Sbjct: 131 CNNTQDGKNYTCTCSPGYTGRHCDTVIPLKPCDSSPCSNGGV-CNNTQDGKN 181 >SB_16910| Best HMM Match : EGF (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1552 Score = 31.5 bits (68), Expect = 0.84 Identities = 15/38 (39%), Positives = 18/38 (47%) Frame = +2 Query: 551 CRNRQGGGTYPCGLTRGLTTTHCSIITMVSLGHFCADG 664 C N QGG + C G T HC I +GH C +G Sbjct: 963 CINIQGGD-FRCACDEGYTGNHCHIDIDDCIGHECGNG 999 >SB_57649| Best HMM Match : RPE65 (HMM E-Value=9) Length = 309 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 4.5 Identities = 22/84 (26%), Positives = 38/84 (45%), Gaps = 6/84 (7%) Frame = +2 Query: 521 PSTQNALLLHCRNRQGGGTYPCGLTRGLTTTHCSIITMVSLGHFC------ADGLI*CSL 682 P+T ++ L H + Q G Y G TRG + + +I + + C AD + CS+ Sbjct: 29 PTTIHSSLAHPHSAQDGTFYNFGATRGPSPKY-NIYMVPPVTKDCSQVEPLADAKVLCSI 87 Query: 683 RAAGKNEPNRKFAYNDLYFHYFQH 754 A + FA + YF + ++ Sbjct: 88 TPANAEVYTQSFAMTENYFIFMEN 111 >SB_3575| Best HMM Match : DUF943 (HMM E-Value=4.5) Length = 612 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 11/39 (28%), Positives = 22/39 (56%) Frame = -3 Query: 210 YRHYYEKLWVDHFCADIYNFPHNTLQ*CILILFWLHILL 94 YRHYY + + H+C Y HN + ++I+ + +++ Sbjct: 50 YRHYYHRCYRHHYCC--YRHRHNFIVIVLVIIIVVIVIV 86 >SB_57080| Best HMM Match : EGF_CA (HMM E-Value=1.4013e-43) Length = 360 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 17/41 (41%), Positives = 19/41 (46%) Frame = +2 Query: 578 YPCGLTRGLTTTHCSIITMVSLGHFCADGLI*CSLRAAGKN 700 Y C T G T HC T + CADG CS+ AA N Sbjct: 130 YICSCTPGYTGKHCETDT-----NECADGSHTCSINAACTN 165 >SB_37148| Best HMM Match : TPR_1 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1073 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 7.8 Identities = 17/41 (41%), Positives = 21/41 (51%), Gaps = 3/41 (7%) Frame = -3 Query: 252 TYYILNNKLQYTYYYRH---YYEKLWVDHFCADIYNFPHNT 139 TYY L + Q Y+H YEKL + AD+YN NT Sbjct: 238 TYYSLGDNGQAMLNYKHALCIYEKLGEERKQADVYNKIGNT 278 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 24,144,275 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 505097 Number of successful extensions: 1201 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 6 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 981 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 1153 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 81 effective length of database: 11,977,009 effective search space used: 2263654701 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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