BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdV30075 (750 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_46389| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 113 2e-25 SB_52883| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 33 0.25 SB_19195| Best HMM Match : LEA_4 (HMM E-Value=0.00053) 32 0.57 SB_53390| Best HMM Match : Pox_A32 (HMM E-Value=0.14) 30 1.7 SB_3451| Best HMM Match : HOK_GEF (HMM E-Value=9.4) 29 4.0 SB_17746| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 5.3 SB_4670| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 5.3 SB_10146| Best HMM Match : Collagen (HMM E-Value=0.09) 29 5.3 SB_52974| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 28 7.0 SB_16274| Best HMM Match : PKD (HMM E-Value=3.5) 28 7.0 SB_3851| Best HMM Match : TSP_1 (HMM E-Value=3.7e-24) 28 9.3 >SB_46389| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 204 Score = 113 bits (271), Expect = 2e-25 Identities = 52/85 (61%), Positives = 60/85 (70%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 VAKGATYGKPKSHGVNQLKPTRNLQSIAEEXXXXXXXXXXXXSSYWVAQDSSYKYFEVIL 434 V KGATYGKP + GVN+LK R+L+S+AEE +SYWV QDS YKYFEVI+ Sbjct: 75 VPKGATYGKPVNQGVNELKFQRSLRSVAEERAGRYCGGLRVLNSYWVGQDSIYKYFEVIM 134 Query: 435 VDPSHKAIRRDPKINWIVNAVHKHR 509 VDP HKAIRRD +INWI HKHR Sbjct: 135 VDPFHKAIRRDARINWICKPTHKHR 159 Score = 112 bits (270), Expect = 3e-25 Identities = 47/62 (75%), Positives = 58/62 (93%) Frame = +1 Query: 34 MGAYRYIQELYRKKLSDVMRFLLRVRVWQYRQLTRMHRAPRPTRPDKARRLGYRAKQGYV 213 MGAY+Y++ELY+KK SD++RFLLRVR WQYRQLT +HRA RPTRPDKARRLGY+AKQG+V Sbjct: 1 MGAYKYLEELYKKKQSDLLRFLLRVRCWQYRQLTAIHRATRPTRPDKARRLGYKAKQGFV 60 Query: 214 VF 219 ++ Sbjct: 61 IY 62 Score = 61.3 bits (142), Expect = 8e-10 Identities = 27/45 (60%), Positives = 33/45 (73%) Frame = +2 Query: 509 EMRGLTSAGRSSRGLGKGHRYSQTKGGSRRAAWLRRNTLQLRRKR 643 E+RGLT+AG +RG+ KGH Y++ G SRRA W R NTL LRR R Sbjct: 160 ELRGLTAAGTKNRGMRKGHNYNKVIGSSRRANWKRHNTLSLRRYR 204 >SB_52883| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1434 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 0.25 Identities = 18/58 (31%), Positives = 27/58 (46%), Gaps = 1/58 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 123 PSVDSYAPRSQAHKAGQSPKT-RLPC*TRLCCIQNPCATWWPQASVAKGATYGKPKSH 293 P D+ AH+ P T ++PC C QNPC+ P + +TYG P+ + Sbjct: 239 PKTDANGGMQIAHQLPYPPYTGQIPCLPSSCAPQNPCS---PPGCTPQYSTYGYPQGY 293 >SB_19195| Best HMM Match : LEA_4 (HMM E-Value=0.00053) Length = 1152 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.57 Identities = 24/80 (30%), Positives = 36/80 (45%), Gaps = 5/80 (6%) Frame = +3 Query: 81 RCYAFFVA---CEGMA-VPSVDSYAPRSQAHKAGQSPKT-RLPC*TRLCCIQNPCATWWP 245 RCY VA C ++ P +D+ A + P T ++PC C QNPC+ P Sbjct: 702 RCYDINVAGINCRIISHPPKIDTTGGMQMAQQLSYPPYTGQVPCLPSSCTPQNPCS---P 758 Query: 246 QASVAKGATYGKPKSHGVNQ 305 + +T G P++ G Q Sbjct: 759 PGCTPQYSTSGYPQAPGYPQ 778 >SB_53390| Best HMM Match : Pox_A32 (HMM E-Value=0.14) Length = 498 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 24/90 (26%), Positives = 41/90 (45%), Gaps = 5/90 (5%) Frame = -3 Query: 718 LSHWLSICIQ-K*ANGKSLTVLD----RCLSFAT*LKSVASEPSCPA*ASLCLRVSMSLA 554 L+ W+ + +Q N S TV+ R +FAT + +V P A + +S+ + Sbjct: 248 LTEWIVLYVQLSTGNYGSFTVVQLPNVRNATFATEIDNV------PNGAQETIAISLPID 301 Query: 553 ETSGAATSRSQTTHLRCLCTAFTIQLILGS 464 T+G SR T + C C + L +G+ Sbjct: 302 NTTGLTASRGYTIRIECYCIDPNVMLTMGT 331 >SB_3451| Best HMM Match : HOK_GEF (HMM E-Value=9.4) Length = 173 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 4.0 Identities = 13/38 (34%), Positives = 21/38 (55%) Frame = +1 Query: 91 RFLLRVRVWQYRQLTRMHRAPRPTRPDKARRLGYRAKQ 204 +F ++ YR+ T+MH +RP + R G+R KQ Sbjct: 16 KFFVKRLTTPYRRRTQMHLLVSTSRPASSWRRGFRGKQ 53 >SB_17746| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 407 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 12/45 (26%), Positives = 21/45 (46%) Frame = -3 Query: 598 PA*ASLCLRVSMSLAETSGAATSRSQTTHLRCLCTAFTIQLILGS 464 P A + +S+ + T+G SR T + C C + L +G+ Sbjct: 190 PNGAQETIAISLPIDNTTGLTASRGYTIRIECYCIEPNVMLTMGT 234 >SB_4670| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1012 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 12/45 (26%), Positives = 21/45 (46%) Frame = -3 Query: 598 PA*ASLCLRVSMSLAETSGAATSRSQTTHLRCLCTAFTIQLILGS 464 P A + +S+ + T+G SR T + C C + L +G+ Sbjct: 302 PNGAQETIAISIPIDNTTGLTASRGYTIRIECYCIDTNVMLTMGT 346 >SB_10146| Best HMM Match : Collagen (HMM E-Value=0.09) Length = 536 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 11/38 (28%), Positives = 19/38 (50%) Frame = -3 Query: 577 LRVSMSLAETSGAATSRSQTTHLRCLCTAFTIQLILGS 464 + +S+ + T+G SR TT + C C L +G+ Sbjct: 364 IAISLPIDNTTGLTASRGYTTRIECYCIDPNAMLTMGT 401 >SB_52974| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 660 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 18/66 (27%), Positives = 30/66 (45%) Frame = +1 Query: 16 LPQAAKMGAYRYIQELYRKKLSDVMRFLLRVRVWQYRQLTRMHRAPRPTRPDKARRLGYR 195 LP A +G Y + ++ +R + + +R + +RV+ Y T T D A G Sbjct: 474 LPDNANLGCYPWSKQTFRHEGPNHIRTSVHIRVYAYIMSTTQQSKITKTITDAAVITGLV 533 Query: 196 AKQGYV 213 A G+V Sbjct: 534 AGIGWV 539 >SB_16274| Best HMM Match : PKD (HMM E-Value=3.5) Length = 351 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 10/38 (26%), Positives = 19/38 (50%) Frame = -3 Query: 577 LRVSMSLAETSGAATSRSQTTHLRCLCTAFTIQLILGS 464 + +S+ + T+G SR T + C C + L +G+ Sbjct: 71 IAISLPIDNTTGLTASRGYTVRIGCYCIDSNVMLTMGT 108 >SB_3851| Best HMM Match : TSP_1 (HMM E-Value=3.7e-24) Length = 429 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 9.3 Identities = 16/37 (43%), Positives = 19/37 (51%), Gaps = 4/37 (10%) Frame = +3 Query: 168 GQSPKTRLPC*TRLCCIQNPCATW----WPQASVAKG 266 G+ K R P + LC + PCATW W Q SV G Sbjct: 134 GKCDKQRQPSSSTLCNM-GPCATWQTGTWSQCSVTCG 169 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 23,935,463 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 506472 Number of successful extensions: 1224 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 11 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 1115 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 1223 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 80 effective length of database: 12,036,817 effective search space used: 2034222073 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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