BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdS20678 (616 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_20876| Best HMM Match : Ribosomal_S7e (HMM E-Value=0) 111 3e-25 SB_40403| Best HMM Match : Vicilin_N (HMM E-Value=0.012) 29 2.3 SB_27572| Best HMM Match : Pox_A_type_inc (HMM E-Value=1.1e-19) 29 2.3 SB_57953| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 28 5.2 SB_50950| Best HMM Match : AAA_5 (HMM E-Value=0.0006) 28 5.2 SB_9051| Best HMM Match : Y_phosphatase (HMM E-Value=0) 28 5.2 SB_56433| Best HMM Match : Metallophos (HMM E-Value=1.7e-15) 27 9.1 SB_19612| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 27 9.1 >SB_20876| Best HMM Match : Ribosomal_S7e (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 157 Score = 111 bits (268), Expect = 3e-25 Identities = 53/80 (66%), Positives = 67/80 (83%) Frame = +1 Query: 13 STKIIKASGAEADSFETSISQALVELETNSDLKAQLRELYITKAKEIELHNKKSIIIYVP 192 S KI+K G A+ FE ISQA++ELE NSD+KAQLRELYI+ AKEI++ KK+III+VP Sbjct: 8 SAKIVKPQGETANEFEQGISQAILELEMNSDMKAQLRELYISSAKEIDVGGKKAIIIFVP 67 Query: 193 MPKLKAFQKIQIRLVRELEK 252 +P+++AFQKIQ RLVRELEK Sbjct: 68 VPQIRAFQKIQTRLVRELEK 87 Score = 49.6 bits (113), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 23/35 (65%), Positives = 28/35 (80%) Frame = +3 Query: 249 KEFSGKHVVFVGDRKILPKPSHKTRVANKQKRPRS 353 K+FSGKHVV V R+ILP+P+ K+R KQKRPRS Sbjct: 87 KKFSGKHVVIVAQRRILPRPTRKSR-NQKQKRPRS 120 Score = 36.3 bits (80), Expect = 0.020 Identities = 14/19 (73%), Positives = 17/19 (89%) Frame = +2 Query: 509 TFQSVYKKLTGREVTFEFP 565 TF +VYKKLTG++V FEFP Sbjct: 136 TFSTVYKKLTGKDVVFEFP 154 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect(2) = 4e-10 Identities = 14/23 (60%), Positives = 19/23 (82%), Gaps = 1/23 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 465 HLDKNQQTTIEHKVEP-SSLYTR 530 HLDK QQTTI+HK+E S++Y + Sbjct: 121 HLDKTQQTTIDHKLETFSTVYKK 143 >SB_40403| Best HMM Match : Vicilin_N (HMM E-Value=0.012) Length = 1119 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 23/114 (20%), Positives = 53/114 (46%), Gaps = 1/114 (0%) Frame = +1 Query: 40 AEADSFETSISQALVELETNSDLKAQLRELYITKAKEIELHNKKSIIIYVPMPKLKAFQK 219 + + S + + ELE S+ + LRE+ + KE+E+ +++++ + P + + Sbjct: 862 SRSSSVKDHVDGQRAELEDMSEERI-LREIEELRQKELEIQARRTMLEKMAAPTIASASS 920 Query: 220 IQIRLVRELEKNSVVNM*SLLET-VRSCLSPATKLVLLTNKRGHAQGH*PLCTM 378 + + + +++KN V N + + V + LS + + G Q P +M Sbjct: 921 LSRKELSDVKKNPVPNKIQMRKAPVINALSKPAAAAAPSRQPGPVQSTPPTSSM 974 >SB_27572| Best HMM Match : Pox_A_type_inc (HMM E-Value=1.1e-19) Length = 3107 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 29/89 (32%), Positives = 48/89 (53%), Gaps = 6/89 (6%) Frame = +1 Query: 4 VKMSTKI--IKASGAEADSFETSISQALVELETNSDLKAQLRE----LYITKAKEIELHN 165 V+MS ++ +++SG +S E+ + E N+ LK +L E L +T+ +E E+ N Sbjct: 1673 VRMSERVSVLESSGGTMNSEESFFLE-----EDNAILKRKLDEKETALKVTQDREREM-N 1726 Query: 166 KKSIIIYVPMPKLKAFQKIQIRLVRELEK 252 K + +YV M KL++ Q ELEK Sbjct: 1727 DKLMALYVNMSKLESTQGTLEEKNAELEK 1755 >SB_57953| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 712 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.2 Identities = 22/86 (25%), Positives = 40/86 (46%), Gaps = 1/86 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 279 VGDRKILPKPSHKTRVANKQKRPRSRTLTSVYDAILEDLVFPAEIVGKR-IRVKLDGSQL 455 + DR+ + K + R+ + + TL V DA+ E+L P +++G R + K+ Sbjct: 517 MSDRRSMSKHGVQWRILSIYYTDTTVTLEEVKDAVKEELDGPGKLLGYRAMHKKIRQQHD 576 Query: 456 IKVHLDKNQQTTIEHKVEPSSLYTRS 533 + V D +E ++P L RS Sbjct: 577 LNVTRDLVHDVMLE--LDPEGLQNRS 600 >SB_50950| Best HMM Match : AAA_5 (HMM E-Value=0.0006) Length = 1552 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.2 Identities = 15/57 (26%), Positives = 31/57 (54%), Gaps = 1/57 (1%) Frame = +1 Query: 49 DSFETSISQALVELETNSDLKAQLRELYITKAKEIELHNKKSIIIYVPM-PKLKAFQ 216 + ++T ++ L + L+ +RELY +E E KKS++ ++ + PK+K + Sbjct: 171 EQWDTILTMIPARLVQSPQLQPYIRELYAEVKQEYEASIKKSMVQHILVKPKVKGVE 227 >SB_9051| Best HMM Match : Y_phosphatase (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1831 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.2 Identities = 11/24 (45%), Positives = 17/24 (70%) Frame = +2 Query: 101 PTSKPNFGSFTLQKLKKLNYTIRS 172 P S N+G FT+++LK +YT +S Sbjct: 1415 PLSNDNYGDFTMRRLKVSSYTEQS 1438 >SB_56433| Best HMM Match : Metallophos (HMM E-Value=1.7e-15) Length = 417 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 18/42 (42%), Positives = 22/42 (52%), Gaps = 9/42 (21%) Frame = +2 Query: 80 WSNSKPTPTSKPN--------FG-SFTLQKLKKLNYTIRSRS 178 WS+ KPTP KPN FG T Q L+K N+ + RS Sbjct: 125 WSDPKPTPGCKPNTFRGGGCYFGPDVTSQVLRKHNFELLVRS 166 >SB_19612| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 932 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 9.1 Identities = 13/36 (36%), Positives = 21/36 (58%) Frame = -1 Query: 490 VVCWFLSKCTLMSCEPSNLTLMRLPTISAGKTKSSR 383 V+CW L + + + EP N L +L ++ GK K S+ Sbjct: 339 VICWVLGEYSYIVSEP-NTVLEQLHSLLDGKLKDSK 373 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 17,951,583 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 363207 Number of successful extensions: 915 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 8 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 841 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 910 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 79 effective length of database: 12,096,625 effective search space used: 1512078125 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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