BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= wdS00015 (568 letters) Database: mosquito 2352 sequences; 563,979 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value AF515522-1|AAM61889.1| 222|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 166 5e-43 AF515521-1|AAM61888.1| 233|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 40 6e-05 AF515524-1|AAM61891.1| 218|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 33 0.005 AY070254-1|AAL59653.1| 225|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 32 0.011 AY070256-1|AAL59655.1| 227|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 31 0.020 AF515523-1|AAM61890.1| 222|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 31 0.026 AF515526-1|AAM61893.1| 229|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 31 0.035 AY070234-1|AAL58538.1| 223|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 30 0.046 AF513637-1|AAM53609.1| 214|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 29 0.080 AF071162-1|AAC79998.1| 216|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 29 0.11 AF071160-2|AAC79994.1| 216|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 29 0.11 Z81291-1|CAB03592.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae GSTD1-5 protein prot... 28 0.24 AF071160-3|AAC79993.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 28 0.24 AF316638-1|AAG45166.1| 211|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 27 0.32 Z81292-1|CAB03593.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae GSTD1-6 protein prot... 27 0.43 AF071160-1|AAC79995.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 27 0.43 Z71481-1|CAA96105.1| 140|Anopheles gambiae GSTD2 protein protein. 27 0.56 AF071161-1|AAC79997.1| 218|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 26 0.75 AF513638-1|AAM53610.1| 210|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 25 1.3 AY255857-1|AAP13483.1| 216|Anopheles gambiae glutathione tranfe... 25 1.7 L07880-1|AAA29358.1| 218|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transf... 25 2.3 DQ004399-1|AAY21238.1| 847|Anopheles gambiae lysozyme c-6 protein. 25 2.3 AF515527-1|AAM61894.1| 211|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 25 2.3 AF515471-1|AAM61879.1| 225|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 25 2.3 AF491816-1|AAM09542.2| 225|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 25 2.3 DQ137801-1|AAZ78362.1| 622|Anopheles gambiae male-specific doub... 23 5.3 AY344813-1|AAR03841.1| 286|Anopheles gambiae LRR Toll protein. 23 5.3 AJ441131-1|CAD29630.1| 567|Anopheles gambiae putative chitin bi... 23 9.2 AJ439060-17|CAD27768.1| 568|Anopheles gambiae putative chitin b... 23 9.2 AF316637-1|AAG45165.1| 224|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-tran... 23 9.2 >AF515522-1|AAM61889.1| 222|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase protein. Length = 222 Score = 166 bits (403), Expect = 5e-43 Identities = 75/85 (88%), Positives = 82/85 (96%) Frame = +2 Query: 254 LEETRPQRPLMPQDCFKRAKVREICEMIASGIQPLQNLIVLIYVGEETKKEWSQHWVTRG 433 LEETRPQRPLMPQD KRAKVREICE+IASG+QPLQNLIVLI+VGEE KKEW+QHW+TRG Sbjct: 85 LEETRPQRPLMPQDVLKRAKVREICEVIASGVQPLQNLIVLIHVGEEKKKEWAQHWITRG 144 Query: 434 FRAIEKLLSTTAGKYCVGDEITLAD 508 FRAIEKLLST+AGK+CVGDEITLAD Sbjct: 145 FRAIEKLLSTSAGKFCVGDEITLAD 169 Score = 121 bits (292), Expect = 1e-29 Identities = 54/64 (84%), Positives = 59/64 (92%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 SCSWRVRIALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLN 242 SCSWRVRIALNLKEIPYDIK +SLIK GGEQHCNEY VNPMEQVP+L IDGHTLIES++ Sbjct: 21 SCSWRVRIALNLKEIPYDIKPISLIKSGGEQHCNEYREVNPMEQVPALQIDGHTLIESVS 80 Query: 243 IMHY 254 IM+Y Sbjct: 81 IMYY 84 Score = 46.0 bits (104), Expect = 9e-07 Identities = 18/20 (90%), Positives = 19/20 (95%) Frame = +1 Query: 508 CCLVPQVFNARRFHVGLRPF 567 CCLVPQVFNARRFHV LRP+ Sbjct: 170 CCLVPQVFNARRFHVDLRPY 189 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 0.32 Identities = 9/15 (60%), Positives = 12/15 (80%) Frame = +1 Query: 19 IVENKQPVLYSYWRT 63 I+ QP+LYSYWR+ Sbjct: 6 ILPESQPILYSYWRS 20 >AF515521-1|AAM61888.1| 233|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase u1 protein. Length = 233 Score = 39.9 bits (89), Expect = 6e-05 Identities = 25/62 (40%), Positives = 33/62 (53%) Frame = +3 Query: 69 SWRVRIALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIM 248 S VR+AL IPY+ VS+ G E EY +NP +++P L DG L ES I+ Sbjct: 12 SLAVRMALEALNIPYE--HVSVDYGKAEHLTAEYEKMNPQKEIPVLDDDGFFLSESNAIL 69 Query: 249 HY 254 Y Sbjct: 70 QY 71 >AF515524-1|AAM61891.1| 218|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase u3 protein. Length = 218 Score = 33.5 bits (73), Expect = 0.005 Identities = 19/57 (33%), Positives = 32/57 (56%) Frame = +3 Query: 84 IALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 +AL ++ ++K V+L GE +E+ A+NP VP+L + + L ES I+ Y Sbjct: 20 LALRNLDLDAEVKIVNLF--AGEHLADEFVAINPDHTVPTLVDEDYILWESKAIVTY 74 >AY070254-1|AAL59653.1| 225|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase E4 protein. Length = 225 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect = 0.011 Identities = 25/76 (32%), Positives = 34/76 (44%) Frame = +2 Query: 281 LMPQDCFKRAKVREICEMIASGIQPLQNLIVLIYVGEETKKEWSQHWVTRGFRAIEKLLS 460 L P D +RAKV SG+ + L + E Q + +RA E L Sbjct: 87 LYPSDVVQRAKVNAALHF-DSGVLFARFRFYLEPILYYGATETPQEKIDNLYRAYELLND 145 Query: 461 TTAGKYCVGDEITLAD 508 T +Y VG+E+TLAD Sbjct: 146 TLVDEYIVGNEMTLAD 161 >AY070256-1|AAL59655.1| 227|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase E6 protein. Length = 227 Score = 31.5 bits (68), Expect = 0.020 Identities = 18/64 (28%), Positives = 36/64 (56%), Gaps = 1/64 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 78 VRIALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCN-EYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 V + + + D++ +++ KG QH + E+ +NP++ +P+L +G L +S IM Y Sbjct: 19 VELTVKALNLDVDVREMNVFKG---QHMSDEFKKLNPVQTIPTLDDNGFVLWDSHAIMIY 75 Query: 255 *RRQ 266 R+ Sbjct: 76 LARR 79 Score = 24.2 bits (50), Expect = 3.0 Identities = 12/45 (26%), Positives = 24/45 (53%) Frame = +2 Query: 374 LIYVGEETKKEWSQHWVTRGFRAIEKLLSTTAGKYCVGDEITLAD 508 L +G+ E + G + +E++L + +Y GD++T+AD Sbjct: 119 LTVLGKSAIPEENLQRALEGLQRLERMLQS---EYVAGDQLTIAD 160 >AF515523-1|AAM61890.1| 222|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase u2 protein. Length = 222 Score = 31.1 bits (67), Expect = 0.026 Identities = 17/51 (33%), Positives = 28/51 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 102 EIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 E+P ++K V+ + GE E+ +NP +P+L +G L ES I+ Y Sbjct: 26 ELPMNLKEVNPL--AGETRTEEFMRMNPEHTIPTLDDNGFYLGESRAILSY 74 >AF515526-1|AAM61893.1| 229|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase protein. Length = 229 Score = 30.7 bits (66), Expect = 0.035 Identities = 18/57 (31%), Positives = 29/57 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 84 IALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 I L ++PY+ ++L G GE E+ A+N ++VP + L ES+ I Y Sbjct: 21 IFLEKTKLPYEKCLINL--GKGEHLTEEFKAINRFQKVPCITDSQIKLAESVAIFRY 75 >AY070234-1|AAL58538.1| 223|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase E3 protein. Length = 223 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.046 Identities = 18/59 (30%), Positives = 30/59 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 78 VRIALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 V + + I D++ + L K E EY +NPM VP++ +G L +S I++Y Sbjct: 18 VELTAKMIGIELDVQYIDLAKK--ENMTEEYLKMNPMHTVPTVNDNGVPLYDSHAIINY 74 >AF513637-1|AAM53609.1| 214|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D11 protein. Length = 214 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.080 Identities = 18/59 (30%), Positives = 29/59 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 78 VRIALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 +R+ + ++K V L+KG E E+ +NP VP+L + L ES I+ Y Sbjct: 15 IRLLAKALGLHLNLKEVDLLKG--EHLKPEFLKINPQHTVPTLVDNDFVLWESRAILTY 71 >AF071162-1|AAC79998.1| 216|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D1-4 protein. Length = 216 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 0.11 Identities = 18/50 (36%), Positives = 25/50 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++K L+KG E E+ +NP VP+L G L ES IM Y Sbjct: 24 VELNLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKLNPQHCVPTLVDSGFALWESRAIMCY 71 >AF071160-2|AAC79994.1| 216|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase protein. Length = 216 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 0.11 Identities = 18/50 (36%), Positives = 25/50 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++K L+KG E E+ +NP VP+L G L ES IM Y Sbjct: 24 VELNLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKLNPQHCVPTLVDSGFALWESRAIMCY 71 >Z81291-1|CAB03592.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae GSTD1-5 protein protein. Length = 209 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 0.24 Identities = 16/50 (32%), Positives = 25/50 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++K L+KG E E+ +NP +P+L +G L ES I Y Sbjct: 24 VELNLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKINPQHCIPTLVDNGFALWESRAICTY 71 >AF071160-3|AAC79993.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase protein. Length = 209 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 0.24 Identities = 16/50 (32%), Positives = 25/50 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++K L+KG E E+ +NP +P+L +G L ES I Y Sbjct: 24 VELNLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKINPQHCIPTLVDNGFALWESRAICTY 71 >AF316638-1|AAG45166.1| 211|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D12 protein. Length = 211 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 0.32 Identities = 12/26 (46%), Positives = 16/26 (61%) Frame = +3 Query: 177 VNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 VNP +P+L +GH L ES I+ Y Sbjct: 45 VNPQHTIPTLVDNGHILWESYAILIY 70 >Z81292-1|CAB03593.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae GSTD1-6 protein protein. Length = 209 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 0.43 Identities = 16/50 (32%), Positives = 25/50 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++K L+KG E E+ +NP +P+L +G L ES I Y Sbjct: 24 VELNLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKLNPQHCIPTLVDNGFALWESRAIQIY 71 >AF071160-1|AAC79995.1| 209|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase protein. Length = 209 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 0.43 Identities = 16/50 (32%), Positives = 25/50 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++K L+KG E E+ +NP +P+L +G L ES I Y Sbjct: 24 VELNLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKLNPQHCIPTLVDNGFALWESRAIQIY 71 >Z71481-1|CAA96105.1| 140|Anopheles gambiae GSTD2 protein protein. Length = 140 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 0.56 Identities = 16/47 (34%), Positives = 24/47 (51%) Frame = +3 Query: 114 DIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 ++K L+KG E E+ +NP +P+L +G L ES I Y Sbjct: 27 NLKLTDLMKG--EHMKPEFLKLNPQHCIPTLVDNGFALWESRAIQIY 71 >AF071161-1|AAC79997.1| 218|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D7 protein. Length = 218 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 0.75 Identities = 15/50 (30%), Positives = 29/50 (58%) Frame = +3 Query: 105 IPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + ++KA+++++G EQ ++ +NP +P+L G L ES I+ Y Sbjct: 26 VELELKALNVMEG--EQLKPDFVELNPQHCIPTLDDHGLVLWESRVILAY 73 >AF513638-1|AAM53610.1| 210|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D3 protein. Length = 210 Score = 25.4 bits (53), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 10/26 (38%), Positives = 16/26 (61%) Frame = +3 Query: 177 VNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 +NP +P+L +GH + ES I+ Y Sbjct: 45 LNPQHTIPTLVDNGHVVWESYAIVTY 70 >AY255857-1|AAP13483.1| 216|Anopheles gambiae glutathione tranferase d9 protein. Length = 216 Score = 25.0 bits (52), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 10/29 (34%), Positives = 16/29 (55%) Frame = +3 Query: 168 YXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 + +NP VP+L +DG + E I+ Y Sbjct: 43 FKKINPQHTVPTLVVDGVAICEPGAILIY 71 >L07880-1|AAA29358.1| 218|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase protein. Length = 218 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 11/28 (39%), Positives = 17/28 (60%) Frame = +3 Query: 183 PMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY*RRQ 266 PM Q+P L +DG + +SL + Y +Q Sbjct: 62 PMRQMPVLEVDGKRVHQSLAMCRYVAKQ 89 >DQ004399-1|AAY21238.1| 847|Anopheles gambiae lysozyme c-6 protein. Length = 847 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 10/21 (47%), Positives = 13/21 (61%) Frame = +2 Query: 272 QRPLMPQDCFKRAKVREICEM 334 +RP+ P F R KV E CE+ Sbjct: 642 RRPIAPPKNFPRGKVYERCEL 662 >AF515527-1|AAM61894.1| 211|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D10 protein. Length = 211 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 10/25 (40%), Positives = 13/25 (52%) Frame = +3 Query: 180 NPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 NP +P+ DGH + ES I Y Sbjct: 46 NPQHTIPTFIEDGHVIWESYAIAIY 70 >AF515471-1|AAM61879.1| 225|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase 3-8 protein. Length = 225 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 19/78 (24%), Positives = 35/78 (44%), Gaps = 2/78 (2%) Frame = +2 Query: 281 LMPQDCFKRAKVREICEMIASGIQPLQNLIV--LIYVGEETKKEWSQHWVTRGFRAIEKL 454 L P + +RA+V + A I + + +IY G+ + + +R +E Sbjct: 87 LYPSELVRRARVHTALHLEAGVIFSRLSFLFEPVIYSGKSYFHSDRIEHIRKAYRLLEDS 146 Query: 455 LSTTAGKYCVGDEITLAD 508 L +Y VG+ +T+AD Sbjct: 147 L---VDQYMVGESLTIAD 161 >AF491816-1|AAM09542.2| 225|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase E7 protein. Length = 225 Score = 24.6 bits (51), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 19/78 (24%), Positives = 35/78 (44%), Gaps = 2/78 (2%) Frame = +2 Query: 281 LMPQDCFKRAKVREICEMIASGIQPLQNLIV--LIYVGEETKKEWSQHWVTRGFRAIEKL 454 L P + +RA+V + A I + + +IY G+ + + +R +E Sbjct: 87 LYPSELVRRARVHTALHLEAGVIFSRLSFLFEPVIYSGKSYFHSDRIEHIRKAYRLLEDS 146 Query: 455 LSTTAGKYCVGDEITLAD 508 L +Y VG+ +T+AD Sbjct: 147 L---VDQYMVGESLTIAD 161 >DQ137801-1|AAZ78362.1| 622|Anopheles gambiae male-specific doublesex protein protein. Length = 622 Score = 23.4 bits (48), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 8/24 (33%), Positives = 16/24 (66%) Frame = +3 Query: 387 VRRQRRNGPNTGSQGASEL*KSCY 458 VRR +++ P+ ++G +E + CY Sbjct: 433 VRRSKKSFPHKDAEGVTESAEDCY 456 >AY344813-1|AAR03841.1| 286|Anopheles gambiae LRR Toll protein. Length = 286 Score = 23.4 bits (48), Expect = 5.3 Identities = 11/27 (40%), Positives = 15/27 (55%) Frame = +1 Query: 352 AIAESDCANLCW*GDKEGMVPTLGHKG 432 A+A+ L ++E VPTLGH G Sbjct: 213 AVAKQTVKKLTGQNEEECTVPTLGHYG 239 >AJ441131-1|CAD29630.1| 567|Anopheles gambiae putative chitin binding protein protein. Length = 567 Score = 22.6 bits (46), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 8/21 (38%), Positives = 13/21 (61%) Frame = -2 Query: 510 ASARVISSPTQYLPAVVDSNF 448 A +V+++P +Y P D NF Sbjct: 345 AGHKVMNAPKEYYPVGYDKNF 365 >AJ439060-17|CAD27768.1| 568|Anopheles gambiae putative chitin binding protein protein. Length = 568 Score = 22.6 bits (46), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 8/21 (38%), Positives = 13/21 (61%) Frame = -2 Query: 510 ASARVISSPTQYLPAVVDSNF 448 A +V+++P +Y P D NF Sbjct: 353 AGHKVMNAPKEYYPVGYDKNF 373 >AF316637-1|AAG45165.1| 224|Anopheles gambiae glutathione S-transferase D8 protein. Length = 224 Score = 22.6 bits (46), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 16/59 (27%), Positives = 29/59 (49%) Frame = +3 Query: 78 VRIALNLKEIPYDIKAVSLIKGGGEQHCNEYXAVNPMEQVPSLCIDGHTLIESLNIMHY 254 V + ++ +++ V L+K EQ + +NP VP+L + T+ ES I+ Y Sbjct: 15 VMLVAKALKLSLNLQFVDLMKD--EQLRPTFTVLNPFHCVPTLVDNDLTMWESRAILVY 71 Database: mosquito Posted date: Oct 23, 2007 1:18 PM Number of letters in database: 563,979 Number of sequences in database: 2352 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 616,065 Number of Sequences: 2352 Number of extensions: 12705 Number of successful extensions: 92 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 30 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 83 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 92 length of database: 563,979 effective HSP length: 61 effective length of database: 420,507 effective search space used: 53404389 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
- SilkBase 1999-2023 -