BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= heS30006 (628 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_15870| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 78 5e-15 SB_54666| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 54 9e-08 SB_1246| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=1.4013e-45) 42 3e-04 SB_50582| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=2.1e-23) 40 0.001 SB_4905| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=3.3e-13) 40 0.002 SB_27933| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=6.9e-17) 38 0.007 SB_18218| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 38 0.009 SB_46795| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 36 0.020 SB_47003| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=2.3e-29) 36 0.027 SB_52834| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=6.7e-34) 33 0.19 SB_11756| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 33 0.19 SB_17703| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 32 0.33 SB_36589| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 32 0.44 SB_41780| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=3.9e-05) 30 1.3 SB_51922| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 29 3.1 SB_51010| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 29 3.1 SB_42958| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=4.60046e-42) 29 3.1 SB_3139| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 29 3.1 SB_27773| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) 28 5.4 SB_37974| Best HMM Match : 7tm_1 (HMM E-Value=8.8e-29) 28 7.1 SB_33433| Best HMM Match : Fasciclin (HMM E-Value=1.1e-09) 27 9.4 SB_23537| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 27 9.4 >SB_15870| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 304 Score = 78.2 bits (184), Expect = 5e-15 Identities = 40/79 (50%), Positives = 50/79 (63%) Frame = +3 Query: 12 IVISWAIAQTVTTVAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSA 191 +VIS+ + VT AG+ SYP DT+RRRMMM SG A + YK +I C I K EG + Sbjct: 211 VVISFVLGYGVTVSAGLASYPIDTIRRRMMMTSGEA---VKYKGSIDCTIQILKKEGAMS 267 Query: 192 FFKGAFSNVLRGTGGAFVL 248 KGA +N+LRG GA VL Sbjct: 268 LMKGAGANILRGMAGAGVL 286 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.1 Identities = 14/42 (33%), Positives = 25/42 (59%) Frame = +3 Query: 99 MMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 M+++GR D YK I C + ++EG +F++G +N +R Sbjct: 43 MLKAGRL--DHPYKGVIDCTSRTYRSEGFLSFWRGNLANCIR 82 >SB_54666| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 262 Score = 54.0 bits (124), Expect = 9e-08 Identities = 25/58 (43%), Positives = 37/58 (63%) Frame = +3 Query: 51 VAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 V+ +YP D VRRRM M+ RA D YK+T+H +++I K EG +KG + N+L+ Sbjct: 174 VSQTATYPLDVVRRRMQMKGIRA--DFAYKSTLHAFSSIVKLEGFRGLYKGMWPNILK 229 >SB_1246| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=1.4013e-45) Length = 773 Score = 42.3 bits (95), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 24/72 (33%), Positives = 34/72 (47%) Frame = +3 Query: 9 PIVISWAIAQTVTTVAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTS 188 P+V VA +YP D VRRRM M+ G Y +T + I ++EG Sbjct: 680 PVVAKLFCGAVAGAVAQSGTYPLDVVRRRMQMERGEGM--FKYSSTWDGFKVIVRSEGFI 737 Query: 189 AFFKGAFSNVLR 224 FKG + N+L+ Sbjct: 738 GLFKGMWPNLLK 749 >SB_50582| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=2.1e-23) Length = 1026 Score = 40.3 bits (90), Expect = 0.001 Identities = 16/51 (31%), Positives = 28/51 (54%) Frame = +3 Query: 69 YPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVL 221 YP D V+ RM Q +++ +YKN+I C+ + + EG ++G +L Sbjct: 932 YPIDLVKTRMQNQRAVLEAEKVYKNSIDCFFKVVRNEGPIGLYRGLLPQLL 982 >SB_4905| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=3.3e-13) Length = 577 Score = 39.9 bits (89), Expect = 0.002 Identities = 25/85 (29%), Positives = 43/85 (50%), Gaps = 4/85 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 24 WAIAQTVTTVAGIIS-YPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFK 200 W++ T +T+ +++ YP + ++ R+ +Q KS+ YK H TI + EG A +K Sbjct: 424 WSLVGTSSTLIAMVTVYPCEVIKTRLTVQHVN-KSNAHYKGMRHALKTILREEGILALYK 482 Query: 201 G---AFSNVLRGTGGAFVLVLMMRS 266 G +F L+ G + M RS Sbjct: 483 GVTPSFLACLQAVLGVIIAENMFRS 507 >SB_27933| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=6.9e-17) Length = 187 Score = 37.9 bits (84), Expect = 0.007 Identities = 21/65 (32%), Positives = 30/65 (46%), Gaps = 3/65 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 24 WAIAQTVTTVAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQS---GRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAF 194 + + T + A + P + V+ RM +Q R + Y+N H TIAK EG A Sbjct: 8 FVLGATAASGACFFTNPLEVVKTRMQLQGELKSRGTYSVYYRNVFHASYTIAKYEGILAM 67 Query: 195 FKGAF 209 KG F Sbjct: 68 QKGLF 72 >SB_18218| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 375 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 0.009 Identities = 22/70 (31%), Positives = 36/70 (51%), Gaps = 3/70 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 45 TTVAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKG---AFSN 215 T +A + YP + ++ R+ +Q KS+ YK H TI + EG A +KG +F Sbjct: 163 TLIAMVTVYPCEVIKTRLTVQHVN-KSNAHYKGMRHALKTILREEGILALYKGVTPSFLG 221 Query: 216 VLRGTGGAFV 245 + GG+F+ Sbjct: 222 LFPFAGGSFL 231 >SB_46795| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 328 Score = 36.3 bits (80), Expect = 0.020 Identities = 18/66 (27%), Positives = 31/66 (46%), Gaps = 1/66 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 54 AGIISYPFDTVRRRMM-MQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVLRGT 230 A ++ +P DT++ R+ M + +YKN+ C+ I + EG F+G +L Sbjct: 52 ANLVGFPLDTIKVRLQAMPLPKPGEPWMYKNSFDCFFKIIRNEGVYYLFRGVTVPILNSI 111 Query: 231 GGAFVL 248 VL Sbjct: 112 PNTTVL 117 >SB_47003| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=2.3e-29) Length = 868 Score = 35.9 bits (79), Expect = 0.027 Identities = 20/60 (33%), Positives = 31/60 (51%), Gaps = 2/60 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 51 VAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSD--ILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 V I P D + +M +Q RA+S I Y+N H TIA+T G ++G + ++R Sbjct: 214 VVAFIEGPIDLFKSKMQVQIIRAQSGAPIQYRNVFHAGYTIAQTYGIRGCYQGLSATLVR 273 >SB_52834| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=6.7e-34) Length = 302 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 0.19 Identities = 16/56 (28%), Positives = 28/56 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 54 AGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVL 221 A + P D ++ R+ + + R + + Y I C I EG +AF+KGA ++ Sbjct: 219 ASVAVNPLDVIKTRLQLLN-RPQGEPNYNGIIDCAKKIYSNEGLAAFYKGAVPRMI 273 >SB_11756| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 274 Score = 33.1 bits (72), Expect = 0.19 Identities = 19/62 (30%), Positives = 29/62 (46%), Gaps = 4/62 (6%) Frame = +3 Query: 54 AGIIS----YPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVL 221 AG++S +PFD ++ R+ K YK + C K EG F +G + +L Sbjct: 142 AGVVSWASTFPFDVIKSRIQADGNLGK--FRYKGMMDCALQSYKEEGMIVFTRGIWPTLL 199 Query: 222 RG 227 RG Sbjct: 200 RG 201 >SB_17703| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 611 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect = 0.33 Identities = 30/98 (30%), Positives = 48/98 (48%), Gaps = 10/98 (10%) Frame = +3 Query: 48 TVAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMM--QSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVL 221 T++ I++YP D V+ ++ K Y C I + G SAF +G + +L Sbjct: 369 TLSWILTYPVDMVKSCYQADGRTNSGKPQYKYNGYADCVKKIYISGGVSAFGQGLLATIL 428 Query: 222 RG--TGGA--FVLVLMMRSRRSCKS---NV-RIVTIIS 311 RG T A V+ L +R R+ +S NV R+V ++S Sbjct: 429 RGFPTNAATLTVVTLTLRLARNPESHYENVNRVVELLS 466 >SB_36589| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 264 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.44 Identities = 19/59 (32%), Positives = 28/59 (47%), Gaps = 1/59 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 51 VAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEG-TSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 V+ I+YP D VRRRM + +G Y I+ + K +G ++G N LR Sbjct: 185 VSQTIAYPLDVVRRRMQL-AGAVPDGHKYNTCINTLVNVYKDDGIRRGLYRGLSINYLR 242 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 7.1 Identities = 16/52 (30%), Positives = 23/52 (44%) Frame = +3 Query: 66 SYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVL 221 +YP D VR R+ Q + + TI C + K G A +KG +L Sbjct: 82 TYPLDMVRSRLAFQVAQDQGYTTITQTIRCIS--VKEGGPKALYKGFVPTLL 131 >SB_41780| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=3.9e-05) Length = 383 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 20/63 (31%), Positives = 30/63 (47%), Gaps = 12/63 (19%) Frame = +3 Query: 51 VAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDIL------------YKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAF 194 V +I YPF+TV R+ +Q R D L Y + + C+ TI + EG F Sbjct: 287 VPDLILYPFETVLHRLYIQGTRTIIDDLDNAADVIPLSTNYFSMLDCFRTIYQQEGIFGF 346 Query: 195 FKG 203 ++G Sbjct: 347 YRG 349 >SB_51922| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 200 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.1 Identities = 16/55 (29%), Positives = 27/55 (49%), Gaps = 1/55 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 63 ISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEG-TSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 ++YP D VRRRM + +G Y I+ + ++ +G ++G N LR Sbjct: 123 LAYPLDVVRRRMQL-AGTVADGHKYSTCINTFISVYTEDGIRRGLYRGLSINYLR 176 >SB_51010| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 306 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.1 Identities = 19/58 (32%), Positives = 26/58 (44%) Frame = +3 Query: 51 VAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 + I+ P D V+ R Q+ + I YKN H + IAK EG + G V R Sbjct: 127 IGSAIATPTDLVKIRF--QAVKIGETIPYKNMFHAFYKIAKKEGFLGLWTGMKPTVKR 182 >SB_42958| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=4.60046e-42) Length = 247 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.1 Identities = 21/65 (32%), Positives = 30/65 (46%), Gaps = 1/65 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 30 IAQTVTTVAGIIS-YPFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFKGA 206 IA +V V G+ + P DT++ R+ G D+L A KTEG +KG Sbjct: 74 IAGSVGGVTGVTAGQPLDTIKVRLQASFGAGPLDML--------ARTVKTEGVRGLYKGM 125 Query: 207 FSNVL 221 + VL Sbjct: 126 LAPVL 130 >SB_3139| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 276 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.1 Identities = 19/82 (23%), Positives = 33/82 (40%), Gaps = 11/82 (13%) Frame = +3 Query: 12 IVISWAIAQTVTTVAGIISYPFDTVRRRMMMQSG-----------RAKSDILYKNTIHCW 158 I++ + A ++A + P DT + R+ +Q R D Y+ + Sbjct: 14 ILVKFCSAGIAASIAEAATIPIDTAKVRLQIQGESAVMASIAQGVRTTHDAHYRGMLGTM 73 Query: 159 ATIAKTEGTSAFFKGAFSNVLR 224 T+ KTEG +KG + R Sbjct: 74 VTLFKTEGMKTMYKGLIPGIHR 95 >SB_27773| Best HMM Match : Mito_carr (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 203 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.4 Identities = 12/43 (27%), Positives = 22/43 (51%) Frame = +3 Query: 72 PFDTVRRRMMMQSGRAKSDILYKNTIHCWATIAKTEGTSAFFK 200 P + +++R+ M Y+ IHC ++ K EG AF++ Sbjct: 17 PIEVIKQRLQMYGSP------YRGVIHCATSVFKEEGIRAFYR 53 >SB_37974| Best HMM Match : 7tm_1 (HMM E-Value=8.8e-29) Length = 512 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 7.1 Identities = 22/66 (33%), Positives = 33/66 (50%), Gaps = 5/66 (7%) Frame = +3 Query: 207 FSNVLRG----TGGAFVLVLMMR-SRRSCKSNVRIVTIISM*FRVAATPLRSCIIRHEND 371 F NVL G G + VL+ + R SR SN+ + ++ + F V A IIR N Sbjct: 17 FINVLSGLVAVVGNSLVLITLYRTSRLHTMSNIFLASLAASDFVVGAVGNPLNIIREANA 76 Query: 372 FSNLFL 389 F+ ++L Sbjct: 77 FAWIYL 82 >SB_33433| Best HMM Match : Fasciclin (HMM E-Value=1.1e-09) Length = 454 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 9.4 Identities = 10/26 (38%), Positives = 18/26 (69%) Frame = -1 Query: 385 NKLLKSFSCLIIHDLRGVAATRNHIE 308 +KLLK+ CL +H + G +R+++E Sbjct: 172 DKLLKNKQCLQLHSVNGACLSRSNLE 197 >SB_23537| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 371 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 9.4 Identities = 13/23 (56%), Positives = 14/23 (60%), Gaps = 1/23 (4%) Frame = -3 Query: 74 GIGDDTGDCGYGLS-DGPADYNG 9 G GD +G CGYG S G DY G Sbjct: 179 GGGDYSGGCGYGSSYGGGGDYGG 201 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 16,735,828 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 291447 Number of successful extensions: 585 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 22 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 542 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 582 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 79 effective length of database: 12,096,625 effective search space used: 1560464625 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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