BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= fmgV10h10f (616 letters) Database: arabidopsis 28,952 sequences; 12,070,560 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value At1g69730.1 68414.m08024 protein kinase family protein contains ... 32 0.35 At1g54450.1 68414.m06211 calcium-binding EF-hand family protein ... 30 1.4 At1g69790.1 68414.m08030 protein kinase, putative similar to pro... 29 3.2 At5g63540.1 68418.m07975 expressed protein ; expression support... 28 5.7 At4g14310.2 68417.m02205 peroxisomal membrane protein-related co... 27 7.5 At4g14310.1 68417.m02204 peroxisomal membrane protein-related co... 27 7.5 At3g19380.1 68416.m02458 U-box domain-containing protein contain... 27 7.5 At2g30250.1 68415.m03682 WRKY family transcription factor 27 7.5 At1g58060.1 68414.m06580 helicase domain-containing protein cont... 27 7.5 At4g23990.1 68417.m03448 cellulose synthase family protein simil... 27 9.9 >At1g69730.1 68414.m08024 protein kinase family protein contains Pfam profile: PF00069 Eukaryotic protein kinase domain Length = 792 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.35 Identities = 18/58 (31%), Positives = 27/58 (46%) Frame = +3 Query: 264 PVYIHRGNYLSPTGNTGQIRLNRGEQVLIACTGSGRTIRHPNVASNLAVGTVSCQNNN 437 P Y+ + N L G L + ++ CT S T H ++ LAV ++CQN N Sbjct: 128 PFYVSQHNELVAVGCNNTASLTNVKPSIVQCTSSCSTKPHTHIKDYLAV--LNCQNYN 183 >At1g54450.1 68414.m06211 calcium-binding EF-hand family protein contains Pfam profile: PF00036 EF hand Length = 535 Score = 29.9 bits (64), Expect = 1.4 Identities = 14/48 (29%), Positives = 23/48 (47%) Frame = +3 Query: 96 LPEPGQLAFVLNEDEFEDYLDAYLALQQSEMLANQTRNDFRSGCTFRV 239 LPE ++ N+D + D +LAL ++ L ND ++G V Sbjct: 13 LPETSPMSMKSNQDFVKKLFDQWLALPETNRLVTSLVNDAKAGVALNV 60 >At1g69790.1 68414.m08030 protein kinase, putative similar to protein kinase APK1A [Arabidopsis thaliana] SWISS-PROT:Q06548 Length = 387 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 3.2 Identities = 14/33 (42%), Positives = 20/33 (60%), Gaps = 1/33 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 360 GSGRTIRHPNVASNLAVGTV-SCQNNNLVTANW 455 GS R R PN +S L+ T+ S NN+ T++W Sbjct: 20 GSSRISRKPNQSSRLSSLTIPSYSNNSFTTSSW 52 >At5g63540.1 68418.m07975 expressed protein ; expression supported by MPSS Length = 602 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 5.7 Identities = 23/92 (25%), Positives = 42/92 (45%), Gaps = 5/92 (5%) Frame = +3 Query: 270 YIH-RGNYL--SPTGNTGQIRLNRGEQVLIACT-GSGRTIRHPNVASNLAVGTVSCQNNN 437 ++H GN++ S +GN + N+G V + T S R + P ++N+ ++ Sbjct: 270 HVHDTGNHVNSSASGNASHTQANQGIPVHVTRTHNSSRAMDEPLASTNVGATVSRVEHMQ 329 Query: 438 LVTANWLRGNSAFGQL-TCSSHAHHDAQQTNT 530 + TA+ G F + + SS+ H A T Sbjct: 330 IDTAS-AHGERTFSDIHSTSSNIHRAASTAGT 360 >At4g14310.2 68417.m02205 peroxisomal membrane protein-related contains weak similarity to Peroxisomal membrane protein 2 (22 kDa peroxisomal membrane protein) (Swiss-Prot:P42925) [Mus musculus] Length = 965 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 7.5 Identities = 21/78 (26%), Positives = 32/78 (41%) Frame = +3 Query: 282 GNYLSPTGNTGQIRLNRGEQVLIACTGSGRTIRHPNVASNLAVGTVSCQNNNLVTANWLR 461 G + G Q +RG+ V + CT T++ +AS+ V S + LV Sbjct: 816 GAKIPKLGVNAQCVSSRGDSVFLGCTNQKSTVK-KQMASSSQVQQFSIRKQRLV------ 868 Query: 462 GNSAFGQLTCSSHAHHDA 515 S + +SH HH A Sbjct: 869 --STYSLPDSNSHPHHSA 884 >At4g14310.1 68417.m02204 peroxisomal membrane protein-related contains weak similarity to Peroxisomal membrane protein 2 (22 kDa peroxisomal membrane protein) (Swiss-Prot:P42925) [Mus musculus] Length = 1087 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 7.5 Identities = 21/78 (26%), Positives = 32/78 (41%) Frame = +3 Query: 282 GNYLSPTGNTGQIRLNRGEQVLIACTGSGRTIRHPNVASNLAVGTVSCQNNNLVTANWLR 461 G + G Q +RG+ V + CT T++ +AS+ V S + LV Sbjct: 789 GAKIPKLGVNAQCVSSRGDSVFLGCTNQKSTVK-KQMASSSQVQQFSIRKQRLV------ 841 Query: 462 GNSAFGQLTCSSHAHHDA 515 S + +SH HH A Sbjct: 842 --STYSLPDSNSHPHHSA 857 >At3g19380.1 68416.m02458 U-box domain-containing protein contains similarity to immediate-early fungal elicitor protein CMPG1 GI:14582200 [Petroselinum crispum]; contains Pfam profile PF04564: U-box domain Length = 421 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 7.5 Identities = 19/87 (21%), Positives = 40/87 (45%), Gaps = 1/87 (1%) Frame = +1 Query: 226 AHSESTVILVSLNLYISTEEII*VQLVIQVRFVLIVGNKFLSLAQDPA-VRSVTPMLLLT 402 AH+ + +++ L ++ E++ L + V + N+F+S++ DP V +T +L + Sbjct: 148 AHNATEILIKILFSETTSSELVSESLALLVMLPITEPNQFVSISSDPGRVEFLTRLLFDS 207 Query: 403 LLSGRSAVKTIISSQPIGCVVTVLSGN 483 + R +I G L G+ Sbjct: 208 SIETRVNAAALIEIVSTGTKSADLKGS 234 >At2g30250.1 68415.m03682 WRKY family transcription factor Length = 393 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 7.5 Identities = 15/45 (33%), Positives = 21/45 (46%) Frame = +3 Query: 81 KLRTDLPEPGQLAFVLNEDEFEDYLDAYLALQQSEMLANQTRNDF 215 K +T P P ++ + F DYLD+ L L S L + T F Sbjct: 45 KFKTAQPPPLPISQSSHNFTFSDYLDSPLLLSSSHSLISPTTGTF 89 >At1g58060.1 68414.m06580 helicase domain-containing protein contains similarity to SP|P24785 Dosage compensation regulator (Male-less protein) (No action potential protein) {Drosophila melanogaster}; contains Pfam profiles PF04408: Helicase associated domain (HA2), PF00271: Helicase conserved C-terminal domain Length = 1459 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 7.5 Identities = 17/70 (24%), Positives = 31/70 (44%) Frame = +3 Query: 381 HPNVASNLAVGTVSCQNNNLVTANWLRGNSAFGQLTCSSHAHHDAQQTNTRCFNNHFVIR 560 +PN+A+N T + N+ N + SA+ H H + +N + F N F++ Sbjct: 1299 YPNIAANDKGITETTFNSLTKQGNQTKSYSAWYDGRREVHIHPSSINSNFKAFQNPFLVF 1358 Query: 561 VGFIVNNVFY 590 + + N Y Sbjct: 1359 LEKVETNKVY 1368 >At4g23990.1 68417.m03448 cellulose synthase family protein similar to cellulose synthase catalytic subunit from Arabidopsis thaliana [gi:5230423], cellulose synthase-5 from Zea mays [gi:9622882] Length = 732 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 9.9 Identities = 12/43 (27%), Positives = 25/43 (58%) Frame = +1 Query: 460 VVTVLSGNSHALLTLTMTLNKPTLDASIITLLFVWDSSSTMYF 588 ++ ++ + H+LLT TL L S I L F+W +++++ + Sbjct: 37 IIALMYHHVHSLLTANTTLITSLLLLSDIVLAFMWATTTSLRY 79 Database: arabidopsis Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:56 AM Number of letters in database: 12,070,560 Number of sequences in database: 28,952 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 13,098,046 Number of Sequences: 28952 Number of extensions: 269249 Number of successful extensions: 721 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 10 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 707 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 721 length of database: 12,070,560 effective HSP length: 78 effective length of database: 9,812,304 effective search space used: 1236350304 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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