BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= fdpeP01_F_A10 (972 letters) Database: spombe 5004 sequences; 2,362,478 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SPAC4F10.15c |wsp1||WASp homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1... 38 0.003 SPBC660.06 |||conserved fungal protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe... 35 0.015 SPAC23A1.17 |||WIP homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual 35 0.020 SPCC895.05 |for3||formin For3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||... 32 0.11 SPBC13E7.09 |vrp1||verprolin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||M... 32 0.14 SPAC4F8.12c |spp42|cwf6|U5 snRNP complex subunit Spp42|Schizosac... 31 0.16 SPAC16E8.01 |||cytoskeletal protein binding protein Sla1 family ... 30 0.43 SPAC25G10.09c ||SPAC27F1.01c|actin cortical patch component, wit... 29 0.75 SPBC20F10.01 |gar1|SPBC25H2.01c|snoRNP pseudouridylase complex p... 29 1.3 SPBC2D10.10c |fib1|fib|fibrillarin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr... 28 1.7 >SPAC4F10.15c |wsp1||WASp homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 574 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 0.003 Identities = 25/78 (32%), Positives = 26/78 (33%), Gaps = 1/78 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 663 PPPPXXGPPPXXP-SXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARX 839 PP PPP P S G P PP+ PP PG P P A Sbjct: 354 PPQGRSAPPPPPPRSAPSTGRQPPPLSSSRAVSNPPAPPPAI--PGRSAPALPPLGNASR 411 Query: 840 XSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPP 893 S P LPP PP Sbjct: 412 TSTPPVPTPPSLPPSAPP 429 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 0.003 Identities = 31/120 (25%), Positives = 35/120 (29%), Gaps = 8/120 (6%) Frame = +3 Query: 573 PXPPPXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPXSPPPPXXG-PPPXXPSXGXRGGX-------P 728 P PPP P +PPP G P P G P Sbjct: 361 PPPPPPRSAPSTGRQPPPLSSSRAVSNPPAPPPAIPGRSAPALPPLGNASRTSTPPVPTP 420 Query: 729 XXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARXXSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 P PPS PP P G P P + +PP G+ PP P P P Sbjct: 421 PSLPPSAPPSLPPS-APPSLPMG--APAAPPLPPSAPIAPPLPAGMPAAPPLPPAAPAPP 477 Score = 32.7 bits (71), Expect = 0.080 Identities = 20/56 (35%), Positives = 20/56 (35%), Gaps = 5/56 (8%) Frame = +3 Query: 756 GXPPSXPPPXXPPGXP---PPXXXPXXXARXXSP--PXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 G P S P PP P PP P A P P G PP PP P P Sbjct: 222 GTPTSTSAPPIPPSIPSSRPPERVPSLSAPAPPPIPPPSNGTVSSPPNSPPRPIAP 277 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 22/73 (30%), Positives = 24/73 (32%), Gaps = 7/73 (9%) Frame = +3 Query: 684 PPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXG-XPPSXPPPXXPPG---XPPPXXXPXXXARXXSPP 851 PPP P G P P G P PPP P PPP + +PP Sbjct: 338 PPPPPPRSNAAGSIP-----LPPQGRSAPPPPPPRSAPSTGRQPPPLSSSRAVSNPPAPP 392 Query: 852 ---XGXGVXXLPP 881 G LPP Sbjct: 393 PAIPGRSAPALPP 405 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 4.0 Identities = 17/56 (30%), Positives = 17/56 (30%) Frame = +3 Query: 684 PPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARXXSPP 851 PPP PS RG P PP PPP P A PP Sbjct: 312 PPPPPPSRRNRGKPPIGNGSSNS-SLPPPPPPPRSNAAGSIPLPPQGRSAPPPPPP 366 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.0 Identities = 24/90 (26%), Positives = 25/90 (27%), Gaps = 10/90 (11%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXP--------PP 809 P PPP G P+ R P P PPP PP Sbjct: 253 PPPIPPPSNGTVSSPPNSPPRPIAPVSMNPAINSTSKPPLPPPSSRVSAAALAANKKRPP 312 Query: 810 XXXPXXXARXXSPPXGXGV--XXLPPFXPP 893 P PP G G LPP PP Sbjct: 313 PPPPPSRRNRGKPPIGNGSSNSSLPPPPPP 342 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 15/52 (28%), Positives = 16/52 (30%), Gaps = 1/52 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPP-PXXPPGXPP 806 P P P PP PS P PP+ PP P P P Sbjct: 231 PIPPSIPSSRPPERVPSLSAPAPPPIPPPSNGTVSSPPNSPPRPIAPVSMNP 282 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 22/72 (30%), Positives = 24/72 (33%), Gaps = 5/72 (6%) Frame = -2 Query: 497 GXPXPGGGEXGXAPHXXAPXPRGGXHSXRXGTP-----PPPXPXXPAPQTERGXGGPSFY 333 G P G G + P PR P PPP P AP T R P Sbjct: 323 GKPPIGNGSSNSSLPPPPPPPRSNAAGSIPLPPQGRSAPPPPPPRSAPSTGR-QPPPLSS 381 Query: 332 TRAGGGAEAXPP 297 +RA A PP Sbjct: 382 SRAVSNPPAPPP 393 >SPBC660.06 |||conserved fungal protein|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 273 Score = 35.1 bits (77), Expect = 0.015 Identities = 32/90 (35%), Positives = 32/90 (35%), Gaps = 5/90 (5%) Frame = -3 Query: 907 GXXGPGGXXGGRXXTPSPXGGEXX---RAXXXGXXXG-GGXPGGXXGG-GXEGGXPXGXX 743 G G GG GG P GG G G GG PGG GG G GG P G Sbjct: 189 GFGGFGGGSGGPPPGPGGFGGFGGFGGEGHHHGGHGGFGGGPGGFEGGPGGFGGGPGGFG 248 Query: 742 XXXXXGXPPRXPXEGXXGGGPXXGGGGXXG 653 G GGGP GGG G Sbjct: 249 GGL-----------GGFGGGPGGFGGGPGG 267 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.43 Identities = 20/50 (40%), Positives = 20/50 (40%), Gaps = 1/50 (2%) Frame = -3 Query: 907 GXXGPGGXXGGRXXTPSPXGGEXXRAXXXGXXXGGGXPGGXXGG-GXEGG 761 G G GG GG P GG G GG PGG GG G GG Sbjct: 222 GHGGFGGGPGGFEGGPGGFGGGPG-GFGGGLGGFGGGPGGFGGGPGGHGG 270 >SPAC23A1.17 |||WIP homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1611 Score = 34.7 bits (76), Expect = 0.020 Identities = 24/85 (28%), Positives = 25/85 (29%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXA 833 P P P PP PS G G PP PP PP P P Sbjct: 1159 PPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSSGI------PPVPKPAAGVPPVPPPSEAPPVPKPSVGVPPVPP 1212 Query: 834 RXXSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 +PP LPP P P Sbjct: 1213 PSTAPPVPTPSAGLPPVPVPTAKAP 1237 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect = 0.11 Identities = 23/85 (27%), Positives = 24/85 (28%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXA 833 P P P PP PS P P P PP P PP P Sbjct: 1121 PPVPKPSVAAPPVPVPSGAPP--VPKPSVAAPPVPAPSGAPPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSSGI 1178 Query: 834 RXXSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 PP +PP PP P Sbjct: 1179 ----PPVPKPAAGVPPVPPPSEAPP 1199 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.14 Identities = 24/85 (28%), Positives = 25/85 (29%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXA 833 P P P PP PS P P P S PP P P P A Sbjct: 1140 PPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSGAPP--VPKPSVAAPPVPAPSSGIPPVPKPAAGVPPVPPPSEA 1197 Query: 834 RXXSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 PP +PP PP P Sbjct: 1198 ----PPVPKPSVGVPPVPPPSTAPP 1218 Score = 30.7 bits (66), Expect = 0.32 Identities = 19/62 (30%), Positives = 19/62 (30%) Frame = +3 Query: 666 PPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARXXS 845 PPP PP PS G P P PP P PP P A S Sbjct: 1192 PPPSEAPPVPKPSVGVPPVPPPSTAPPVPT-PSAGLPPVPVPTAKAPPVPAPSSEAPSVS 1250 Query: 846 PP 851 P Sbjct: 1251 TP 1252 Score = 29.9 bits (64), Expect = 0.57 Identities = 26/117 (22%), Positives = 27/117 (23%), Gaps = 3/117 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 567 PGPXPPPXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXX 746 P P P P P P P PP PS Sbjct: 1063 PPPVPAPSSEIPSIPAPSGAPPVPAPSGIPPVPKPSVAAPPVPKPSVAVPPVPAPSGAPP 1122 Query: 747 XPX---GXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARXXSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 P PP P PP P P A +PP PP P P Sbjct: 1123 VPKPSVAAPPVPVPSGAPPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSGAPPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSSGIP 1179 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.75 Identities = 21/83 (25%), Positives = 22/83 (26%) Frame = +3 Query: 660 SPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARX 839 +PP P P P P P PP P P P P P A Sbjct: 1031 APPIPVPSTAPPVPIPTSTPPVPKSSSGA-PSAPPPVPAPSSEIPSIPAPSGAPPVPAPS 1089 Query: 840 XSPPXGXGVXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 PP PP P P Sbjct: 1090 GIPPVPKPSVAAPPVPKPSVAVP 1112 >SPCC895.05 |for3||formin For3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 1461 Score = 32.3 bits (70), Expect = 0.11 Identities = 18/54 (33%), Positives = 18/54 (33%) Frame = +3 Query: 660 SPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXP 821 SPPPP PP P G PP PPP PPP P Sbjct: 731 SPPPP---PPAVIVPTPAPAPIPVPPPAPIMGGPPPPPPPPGVAGAGPPPPPPP 781 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.75 Identities = 14/42 (33%), Positives = 14/42 (33%) Frame = +3 Query: 666 PPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXP 791 P P P P P GG P G P PPP P Sbjct: 742 PTPAPAPIPVPPPAPIMGGPPPPPPPPGVAGAGPPPPPPPPP 783 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.75 Identities = 18/49 (36%), Positives = 18/49 (36%), Gaps = 1/49 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXG-PPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPG 797 P PP P G PPP P G G P PP PPP G Sbjct: 750 PVPPPAPIMGGPPPPPPPPGVAGAGPP----------PPPPPPPAVSAG 788 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 17/53 (32%), Positives = 18/53 (33%), Gaps = 3/53 (5%) Frame = +3 Query: 684 PPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPX---GXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXA 833 PPP P+ P P G PP PPP G PP P A Sbjct: 732 PPPPPPAVIVPTPAPAPIPVPPPAPIMGGPPPPPPPPGVAGAGPPPPPPPPPA 784 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 13/34 (38%), Positives = 13/34 (38%) Frame = +3 Query: 750 PXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARXXSPP 851 P P PPP G PPP P A PP Sbjct: 744 PAPAPIPVPPPAPIMGGPPPPPPPPGVAGAGPPP 777 >SPBC13E7.09 |vrp1||verprolin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 309 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.14 Identities = 22/72 (30%), Positives = 23/72 (31%), Gaps = 6/72 (8%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPP-PXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPP-----PXXPPGXPPPXX 815 P PPP P PP + P P PPS P P PP PPP Sbjct: 147 PSIPPPSPASAPPIPSKAPPIPSSLPPPAQPAAPVKSPPSAPSLPSAVPPMPPKVPPPPL 206 Query: 816 XPXXXARXXSPP 851 A S P Sbjct: 207 SQAPVANTSSRP 218 Score = 30.7 bits (66), Expect = 0.32 Identities = 23/82 (28%), Positives = 24/82 (29%), Gaps = 6/82 (7%) Frame = +3 Query: 672 PXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPP-----PXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXAR 836 P P P P R P P S PP P P PPP Sbjct: 124 PPSAPAPPTPQSELRPPTSAPPRPSIPPPSPASAPPIPSKAPPIPSSLPPPAQPAAPVKS 183 Query: 837 XXSPPX-GXGVXXLPPFXPPGP 899 S P V +PP PP P Sbjct: 184 PPSAPSLPSAVPPMPPKVPPPP 205 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.75 Identities = 22/86 (25%), Positives = 26/86 (30%), Gaps = 3/86 (3%) Frame = +3 Query: 660 SPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARX 839 +PP P PPP P+ + P PP P PP P Sbjct: 164 APPIPSSLPPPAQPAAPVKS---PPSAPSLPSAVPPMPPKVPPPPLSQAPVANTSSRPSS 220 Query: 840 XSPPXGXG---VXXLPPFXPPGPXXP 908 +PP G P F GP P Sbjct: 221 FAPPAGHAPNVTSESPKFPNRGPSIP 246 >SPAC4F8.12c |spp42|cwf6|U5 snRNP complex subunit Spp42|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 2363 Score = 31.1 bits (67), Expect = 0.25 Identities = 13/26 (50%), Positives = 13/26 (50%), Gaps = 2/26 (7%) Frame = +3 Query: 750 PXGXPPSXPPPXX--PPGXPPPXXXP 821 P G PP PPP PP PPP P Sbjct: 5 PPGNPPPPPPPPGFEPPSQPPPPPPP 30 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect(2) = 0.16 Identities = 10/16 (62%), Positives = 10/16 (62%) Frame = +3 Query: 750 PXGXPPSXPPPXXPPG 797 P PPS PPP PPG Sbjct: 16 PGFEPPSQPPPPPPPG 31 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 9.2 Identities = 11/28 (39%), Positives = 11/28 (39%) Frame = +3 Query: 768 SXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXPXXXARXXSPP 851 S PP PP PPP P PP Sbjct: 3 SLPPGNPPPPPPPPGFEPPSQPPPPPPP 30 Score = 22.6 bits (46), Expect(2) = 0.16 Identities = 8/16 (50%), Positives = 8/16 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXP 701 P PPPP PP P Sbjct: 9 PPPPPPPPGFEPPSQP 24 >SPAC16E8.01 |||cytoskeletal protein binding protein Sla1 family |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1420 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.43 Identities = 16/51 (31%), Positives = 17/51 (33%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPP 806 P PPPP PP P P G + PPP P PP Sbjct: 236 PAPPPPP---PPTLPPQSTNTSQLPMPSRNVNNLGSQVNIPPPPATPSQPP 283 >SPAC25G10.09c ||SPAC27F1.01c|actin cortical patch component, with EF hand and WH2 motif |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1794 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.75 Identities = 21/56 (37%), Positives = 21/56 (37%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PXSPPPPXXGPPPXXPSXGXRGGXPXXXXXXXPXGXPPSXPPPXXPPGXPPPXXXP 821 P PPPP PPP PS P G PPS PPP P P P Sbjct: 1705 PTPPPPPMSVPPP--PSA-----------PPMPAG-PPSAPPPPLPASSAPSVPNP 1746 >SPBC20F10.01 |gar1|SPBC25H2.01c|snoRNP pseudouridylase complex protein Gar1 |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 194 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 1.3 Identities = 20/53 (37%), Positives = 21/53 (39%) Frame = -3 Query: 907 GXXGPGGXXGGRXXTPSPXGGEXXRAXXXGXXXGGGXPGGXXGGGXEGGXPXG 749 G G GG GGR + GG GGG GG GGG GG G Sbjct: 136 GRGGRGGFRGGRGGSRGGFGGNSRGGF------GGGSRGGF-GGGSRGGSRGG 181 >SPBC2D10.10c |fib1|fib|fibrillarin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 305 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 1.7 Identities = 16/48 (33%), Positives = 16/48 (33%) Frame = -3 Query: 892 GGXXGGRXXTPSPXGGEXXRAXXXGXXXGGGXPGGXXGGGXEGGXPXG 749 GG G R GG G GGG G G G GG G Sbjct: 9 GGRGGSRGGRGGFNGGRGGFGGGRGGARGGGRGGARGGRGGRGGARGG 56 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 3.0 Identities = 21/71 (29%), Positives = 21/71 (29%) Frame = -3 Query: 865 TPSPXGGEXXRAXXXGXXXGGGXPGGXXGGGXEGGXPXGXXXXXXXGXPPRXPXEGXXGG 686 TP GG G GG G GG GG G G R G GG Sbjct: 4 TPGSRGGRGGSRGGRGGFNGGRGGFGGGRGGARGGGRGG----ARGGRGGRGGARGGRGG 59 Query: 685 GPXXGGGGXXG 653 GG G Sbjct: 60 SSGGRGGAKGG 70 Database: spombe Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:57 AM Number of letters in database: 2,362,478 Number of sequences in database: 5004 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 1,802,231 Number of Sequences: 5004 Number of extensions: 26189 Number of successful extensions: 241 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 10 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 53 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 151 length of database: 2,362,478 effective HSP length: 73 effective length of database: 1,997,186 effective search space used: 499296500 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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