BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= bmov10a16 (651 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_48652| Best HMM Match : RVT_1 (HMM E-Value=0.0009) 94 1e-19 SB_24524| Best HMM Match : Proteasome (HMM E-Value=1.4013e-45) 38 0.009 SB_33629| Best HMM Match : Extensin_2 (HMM E-Value=2.2) 31 0.81 SB_15911| Best HMM Match : Sec7 (HMM E-Value=0) 29 2.5 SB_17020| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 4.3 SB_43547| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 28 5.7 SB_56034| Best HMM Match : GATA (HMM E-Value=5.6e-17) 28 7.6 >SB_48652| Best HMM Match : RVT_1 (HMM E-Value=0.0009) Length = 938 Score = 93.9 bits (223), Expect = 1e-19 Identities = 38/68 (55%), Positives = 56/68 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 237 PITTTTTVIGVKFDKGCVIAGDTLGSYGSLARFRDCPRVMKVNDLILLGCGGDYADFQYL 416 P TT T+V+G+KF+ G ++A DTLGSYGSLAR+R+ R+M+VN+ ++G GDYADFQY+ Sbjct: 871 PTTTGTSVLGIKFNGGVLMAADTLGSYGSLARYRNISRLMRVNENTIIGAAGDYADFQYI 930 Query: 417 KDIIQQKI 440 K +++QK+ Sbjct: 931 KSVLEQKV 938 >SB_24524| Best HMM Match : Proteasome (HMM E-Value=1.4013e-45) Length = 291 Score = 37.5 bits (83), Expect = 0.009 Identities = 19/50 (38%), Positives = 26/50 (52%) Frame = +3 Query: 255 TVIGVKFDKGCVIAGDTLGSYGSLARFRDCPRVMKVNDLILLGCGGDYAD 404 TV+ + + VIA DT S G RD P+V K+ +LGC G + D Sbjct: 89 TVLAISGEDFAVIASDTRLSQGFQIHTRDSPKVYKLTGSTVLGCSGFHGD 138 >SB_33629| Best HMM Match : Extensin_2 (HMM E-Value=2.2) Length = 958 Score = 31.1 bits (67), Expect = 0.81 Identities = 15/54 (27%), Positives = 23/54 (42%) Frame = +3 Query: 120 TPLWQNGPSPGAFYNFPGNASTIAPSRHGVQDFTAHSASPITTTTTVIGVKFDK 281 TP W N A N P N++ P HG+ A++ P T + + D+ Sbjct: 468 TPAWANADQQQAQGNNPANSNADQPQDHGIYIVNANAGHPQAQEHTPVWMNADQ 521 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 4.3 Identities = 13/40 (32%), Positives = 18/40 (45%) Frame = +3 Query: 120 TPLWQNGPSPGAFYNFPGNASTIAPSRHGVQDFTAHSASP 239 TP W N A N P N++ P HG+ A++ P Sbjct: 423 TPAWVNADQQQAQGNNPANSNADQPQDHGIYIVNANADHP 462 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.7 Identities = 16/58 (27%), Positives = 21/58 (36%) Frame = +3 Query: 108 TMNPTPLWQNGPSPGAFYNFPGNASTIAPSRHGVQDFTAHSASPITTTTTVIGVKFDK 281 T P W N A N P N+ P HG+ A++ P T V D+ Sbjct: 374 TQEHMPAWANADQQQAQGNNPANSKADQPQDHGIYIVNANADHPQAQEHTPAWVNADQ 431 >SB_15911| Best HMM Match : Sec7 (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 1220 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 2.5 Identities = 16/51 (31%), Positives = 23/51 (45%) Frame = -1 Query: 597 SRERVHHPEYRQPHSCSRGDPSCSSCCRGHESTSSAENGA*AGDHLQHSAH 445 S + HPE PHS + + S SS H ST+ +N + H+ H Sbjct: 455 SSQSAEHPEDHSPHSAASVENSSSSQHLEHNSTTHDDNQS-VSSHISDHDH 504 >SB_17020| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 957 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 4.3 Identities = 16/69 (23%), Positives = 34/69 (49%) Frame = +1 Query: 439 SLMSAVLEMVSSSSPVLCTAG*LVSSTTRGARWIPSGTAMWLPVFRMVNPFSGAVDKLGT 618 SL+ +++ + PVL L++ TRG W+P+ + +++ ++ S L Sbjct: 73 SLLESLIRLQVIDEPVLRDQFDLLADLTRGQAWVPNQLKAAIMLYQALSDQSDNSQLLTM 132 Query: 619 AYEDAVISN 645 + AV++N Sbjct: 133 EFVGAVMAN 141 >SB_43547| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 732 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.7 Identities = 17/58 (29%), Positives = 28/58 (48%) Frame = +1 Query: 133 KTDRRLEHFIIFLEMLPQLLHPGTVYRILQLTQRAPSRPPQLSSELSLTRDVLSPVTH 306 +T+R L + ++++ + P VYRI + +R S QLS + LT S H Sbjct: 163 RTERLLTGRLQTIDLVREFGSPTNVYRIADVVRRPFSEVLQLSGVIQLTEWEFSEACH 220 >SB_56034| Best HMM Match : GATA (HMM E-Value=5.6e-17) Length = 297 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 7.6 Identities = 11/24 (45%), Positives = 15/24 (62%) Frame = +2 Query: 500 VDSCPLQQEEQDGSPLEQLCGCRY 571 V PL ++ +DG+PL CG RY Sbjct: 228 VAKTPLWRDAEDGTPLCNACGIRY 251 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 21,211,705 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 458598 Number of successful extensions: 1816 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 7 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 1611 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 1816 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 79 effective length of database: 12,096,625 effective search space used: 1657237625 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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