BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= bmnc10a13 (661 letters) Database: nematostella 59,808 sequences; 16,821,457 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SB_48466| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=0) 270 5e-73 SB_31360| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 257 7e-69 SB_24678| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 199 1e-51 SB_24677| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 169 2e-42 SB_51693| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=3.5e-19) 98 6e-21 SB_19540| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=1.5e-23) 91 6e-19 SB_24676| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 89 3e-18 SB_25950| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=2.5e-24) 89 4e-18 SB_32917| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=5.1e-23) 86 2e-17 SB_3070| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=2.3e-05) 77 1e-14 SB_23239| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 64 7e-11 SB_21081| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=0.11) 52 3e-07 SB_39222| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 42 6e-04 SB_42464| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=3.9e-06) 39 0.003 SB_6440| Best HMM Match : DUF638 (HMM E-Value=6.2) 37 0.013 SB_24028| Best HMM Match : DNA_photolyase (HMM E-Value=1.3e-39) 35 0.067 SB_40118| Best HMM Match : DREPP (HMM E-Value=0.085) 33 0.27 SB_24760| Best HMM Match : PT (HMM E-Value=0.17) 31 0.63 SB_6387| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 31 0.63 SB_32934| Best HMM Match : K_tetra (HMM E-Value=7.79963e-42) 31 1.1 SB_19689| Best HMM Match : VWA (HMM E-Value=0.0035) 30 1.5 SB_3760| Best HMM Match : SVA (HMM E-Value=0.19) 30 1.5 SB_55393| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 2.5 SB_19447| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 2.5 SB_51093| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 3.4 SB_30500| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) 29 4.4 SB_26973| Best HMM Match : DUF471 (HMM E-Value=1.1) 28 5.9 SB_10643| Best HMM Match : ShTK (HMM E-Value=2.9e-23) 28 7.7 SB_15696| Best HMM Match : DUF282 (HMM E-Value=2.5) 28 7.7 >SB_48466| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=0) Length = 298 Score = 270 bits (663), Expect = 5e-73 Identities = 118/162 (72%), Positives = 138/162 (85%) Frame = +3 Query: 90 PRVFFDVTVDDAPLGKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSIFHRVIPNFMLQ 269 PRVFFD+T+ + G+IV+ELRSDV P T ENFR LCT EKGFGYKGS FHR+IP FM Q Sbjct: 137 PRVFFDITIGERSAGRIVMELRSDVVPMTAENFRCLCTHEKGFGYKGSSFHRIIPQFMCQ 196 Query: 270 GGDFTNHNGTGGKSIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLD 449 GGDFT HNGTGGKSIYG KFEDENF LKHTG GVLSMAN+G +TNGSQFF+TT KT WLD Sbjct: 197 GGDFTKHNGTGGKSIYGAKFEDENFVLKHTGAGVLSMANSGPNTNGSQFFLTTEKTDWLD 256 Query: 450 GRHVVFGNVVEGMEVVKQIETFGSQSGKTSKRIVIKDCGQIA 575 G+HVVFGNV+EG +VV+++E GSQSGK SK++VI DCG+++ Sbjct: 257 GKHVVFGNVIEGFDVVRKMEAVGSQSGKASKKVVIDDCGELS 298 >SB_31360| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 235 Score = 257 bits (629), Expect = 7e-69 Identities = 115/158 (72%), Positives = 131/158 (82%) Frame = +3 Query: 99 FFDVTVDDAPLGKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSIFHRVIPNFMLQGGD 278 +FD+ + AP G+IV+ELR DV PKT ENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGS FHRVIP FM QGGD Sbjct: 6 YFDIEIGGAPAGRIVMELRDDVVPKTAENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSSFHRVIPGFMCQGGD 65 Query: 279 FTNHNGTGGKSIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRH 458 FT +GTGGKSIYG KF DENF LKHTGPG+LSMANAG TNGSQFF+ T KTSWLDG+H Sbjct: 66 FTRGDGTGGKSIYGAKFADENFNLKHTGPGILSMANAGPGTNGSQFFLCTAKTSWLDGKH 125 Query: 459 VVFGNVVEGMEVVKQIETFGSQSGKTSKRIVIKDCGQI 572 VVFG+V +GM+VVK+IE GS SGKTSK++VI D + Sbjct: 126 VVFGSVKDGMDVVKKIEKVGSDSGKTSKKVVIADSASV 163 >SB_24678| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 201 Score = 199 bits (486), Expect = 1e-51 Identities = 89/139 (64%), Positives = 108/139 (77%) Frame = +3 Query: 93 RVFFDVTVDDAPLGKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSIFHRVIPNFMLQG 272 +V+ DV++ P G++++ L D PKT NF AL E+GFGYK SIFHRVI NFM+QG Sbjct: 27 KVWMDVSIGGQPAGRVILGLFGDTAPKTVANFVALADKEQGFGYKDSIFHRVIKNFMIQG 86 Query: 273 GDFTNHNGTGGKSIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDG 452 GDFTN +GTGG SIYG F+DENF LKH GPG L MANAG +TNGSQF+ITT+KTSWLDG Sbjct: 87 GDFTNKDGTGGYSIYGKYFDDENFNLKHYGPGWLCMANAGKNTNGSQFYITTIKTSWLDG 146 Query: 453 RHVVFGNVVEGMEVVKQIE 509 H FG V+EGM+VV++IE Sbjct: 147 SHTCFGKVLEGMDVVRRIE 165 >SB_24677| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 253 Score = 169 bits (410), Expect = 2e-42 Identities = 90/152 (59%), Positives = 105/152 (69%), Gaps = 18/152 (11%) Frame = +3 Query: 93 RVFFDVTVDDAPLGKI------VIELRSDVTPKTCE-----NFRAL-----CT--GEKGF 218 +VFFD+T+ G+I +I+ + + E NFR CT +KGF Sbjct: 28 KVFFDITIGGEKAGRIEIGLFVIIKTYYLLATRLVESLIGTNFRYFDTYYCCTIESQKGF 87 Query: 219 GYKGSIFHRVIPNFMLQGGDFTNHNGTGGKSIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGAD 398 GYK SIFHRVI +FM+QGGDFT +GTGGKSIYG KF DENF L+H G G LSMANAG D Sbjct: 88 GYKNSIFHRVIQDFMIQGGDFTKGDGTGGKSIYGQKFADENFKLQHYGAGWLSMANAGKD 147 Query: 399 TNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFGNVVEGMEV 494 TNGSQFFITTVKT WLDGRHVVFG V++GMEV Sbjct: 148 TNGSQFFITTVKTPWLDGRHVVFGKVLKGMEV 179 >SB_51693| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=3.5e-19) Length = 99 Score = 97.9 bits (233), Expect = 6e-21 Identities = 45/73 (61%), Positives = 57/73 (78%), Gaps = 1/73 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 291 NGTGGKSIYGNKFEDE-NFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVF 467 +GTGG+SI+G +FEDE + L+H P +SMANAG +TNGSQFFIT V T WLD +H VF Sbjct: 2 DGTGGESIWGGEFEDEFHRNLRHDRPYTVSMANAGPNTNGSQFFITVVPTPWLDNKHTVF 61 Query: 468 GNVVEGMEVVKQI 506 G VV+GM+V +QI Sbjct: 62 GRVVKGMDVAQQI 74 >SB_19540| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=1.5e-23) Length = 741 Score = 91.5 bits (217), Expect = 6e-19 Identities = 40/75 (53%), Positives = 55/75 (73%) Frame = +3 Query: 351 KHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFGNVVEGMEVVKQIETFGSQSG 530 +H PG+LSMAN+G +TNGSQFFITTV T LDGRHVVFG V++GM+VV+++E Sbjct: 188 EHDKPGLLSMANSGPNTNGSQFFITTVPTPHLDGRHVVFGKVLKGMDVVRELEATPVDDS 247 Query: 531 KTSKRIVIKDCGQIA 575 +I++CG++A Sbjct: 248 SPKSPCIIEECGELA 262 >SB_24676| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 76 Score = 89.0 bits (211), Expect = 3e-18 Identities = 40/65 (61%), Positives = 49/65 (75%) Frame = +3 Query: 378 MANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFGNVVEGMEVVKQIETFGSQSGKTSKRIVIK 557 MANAG DTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDG+HVVFG V+EGM+VV+++E + K +I Sbjct: 1 MANAGKDTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGKHVVFGKVLEGMDVVRKLENVNVKGSTPVKTCMID 60 Query: 558 DCGQI 572 D G + Sbjct: 61 DSGTL 65 >SB_25950| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=2.5e-24) Length = 145 Score = 88.6 bits (210), Expect = 4e-18 Identities = 39/91 (42%), Positives = 57/91 (62%) Frame = +3 Query: 294 GTGGKSIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFGN 473 G GG+S+YG FEDE+F++ H GV+ MAN G TNGSQF+IT W+D ++V FG Sbjct: 46 GIGGESVYGPLFEDEDFSVAHNRRGVVGMANKGRHTNGSQFYITLQPAPWMDTKYVAFGQ 105 Query: 474 VVEGMEVVKQIETFGSQSGKTSKRIVIKDCG 566 V+EG+ V+ +E + + + + DCG Sbjct: 106 VIEGLNVLDVLEGQETFNERPKVECRVADCG 136 >SB_32917| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=5.1e-23) Length = 378 Score = 86.2 bits (204), Expect = 2e-17 Identities = 44/95 (46%), Positives = 62/95 (65%), Gaps = 1/95 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 291 NGTGGKSIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFG 470 NGTGG+SIYG F DE F KH P +LSMAN G +TNGSQFFI HVVFG Sbjct: 25 NGTGGESIYGGTFGDECFEFKHERPMLLSMANRGPNTNGSQFFII----------HVVFG 74 Query: 471 NVVEGMEVVKQIETF-GSQSGKTSKRIVIKDCGQI 572 +V++G E+V+QIE+ ++ + + + + +CG++ Sbjct: 75 HVIQGEELVRQIESLPTNEKNRPNADVKVSNCGEL 109 >SB_3070| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=2.3e-05) Length = 49 Score = 77.4 bits (182), Expect = 1e-14 Identities = 33/46 (71%), Positives = 41/46 (89%) Frame = +3 Query: 369 VLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFGNVVEGMEVVKQI 506 +LSMANAG TNGSQFF+ T KTSWLDG+HVVFG+V +GM+VVK++ Sbjct: 2 ILSMANAGPGTNGSQFFLCTAKTSWLDGKHVVFGSVKDGMDVVKKM 47 >SB_23239| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 251 Score = 64.5 bits (150), Expect = 7e-11 Identities = 50/132 (37%), Positives = 69/132 (52%), Gaps = 6/132 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 129 LGKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSIFHRVIPNFMLQGGDFTNHNGTGGK 308 LG+I IEL +D P + NF A + G+ Y G+ FHRVIP FM+QGG F + + Sbjct: 32 LGEIEIELDADKAPISTANFLAYV--DSGY-YAGTQFHRVIPGFMVQGGGF---DADMQQ 85 Query: 309 SIYGNKFEDENFTLKHTGPGVLSMANAGA-DTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDG-----RHVVFG 470 ++E H G L+MA D+ SQFFI ++LD + VFG Sbjct: 86 KDTQAPIKNEADNGLHNVRGTLAMARTQVRDSATSQFFINHKDNAFLDHGSRDFGYAVFG 145 Query: 471 NVVEGMEVVKQI 506 VV+GM+VV +I Sbjct: 146 KVVKGMDVVDKI 157 >SB_21081| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=0.11) Length = 48 Score = 52.4 bits (120), Expect = 3e-07 Identities = 26/46 (56%), Positives = 30/46 (65%), Gaps = 8/46 (17%) Frame = +3 Query: 132 GKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTGEKGFG--------YKGSIFHR 245 G+++ EL +D PKT ENFRALCTGEKG G YKG FHR Sbjct: 2 GRVLFELFADKVPKTAENFRALCTGEKGIGPSTGKPLHYKGCPFHR 47 >SB_39222| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1651 Score = 41.5 bits (93), Expect = 6e-04 Identities = 19/39 (48%), Positives = 25/39 (64%) Frame = +3 Query: 354 HTGPGVLSMANAGADTNGSQFFITTVKTSWLDGRHVVFG 470 H G +SMAN G ++NGSQFFI K LD ++ +FG Sbjct: 301 HNARGTVSMANNGPNSNGSQFFICYGKQPHLDMKYTMFG 339 >SB_42464| Best HMM Match : Pro_isomerase (HMM E-Value=3.9e-06) Length = 454 Score = 39.1 bits (87), Expect = 0.003 Identities = 26/65 (40%), Positives = 35/65 (53%) Frame = +3 Query: 129 LGKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTGEKGFGYKGSIFHRVIPNFMLQGGDFTNHNGTGGK 308 +G I IEL TPK C NF LC +G+ Y +IFHR++ +GG+ N G G Sbjct: 12 VGDIDIELWGKETPKACRNFIQLCL--EGY-YDNTIFHRIV-----KGGE--NIYGQSGF 61 Query: 309 SIYGN 323 + GN Sbjct: 62 KVTGN 66 >SB_6440| Best HMM Match : DUF638 (HMM E-Value=6.2) Length = 175 Score = 37.1 bits (82), Expect = 0.013 Identities = 14/40 (35%), Positives = 29/40 (72%), Gaps = 1/40 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 456 HVVFGNVVEGMEVVKQIETF-GSQSGKTSKRIVIKDCGQI 572 HVVFG+V++G E+V+QIE+ ++ + + + + +CG++ Sbjct: 3 HVVFGHVIQGEELVRQIESLPTNEKNRPNADVKVSNCGEL 42 >SB_24028| Best HMM Match : DNA_photolyase (HMM E-Value=1.3e-39) Length = 432 Score = 34.7 bits (76), Expect = 0.067 Identities = 26/104 (25%), Positives = 46/104 (44%) Frame = +1 Query: 28 ALSLWWFCKLLTLLIPAKCLYHEYSSTSLLTMPHWEKLLLS*EVTSLPRRVKTSVPCALA 207 ALS C+L L C S +L T E LS V+ + + T+V C L Sbjct: 326 ALSTTVSCQLKALSTTVSC-----QSKALSTTVSCELKALSTTVSCELKALSTTVSCQLK 380 Query: 208 RKASVTRAPFSIVSSPISCCKEGTSPTITALGESPSTAISLKTR 339 ++ +S+ +SC + S T++ ++ ST +S +++ Sbjct: 381 ALSTTVSCELKALSTTVSCQSKALSTTVSCQSKALSTTVSCQSK 424 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 2.5 Identities = 18/79 (22%), Positives = 38/79 (48%) Frame = +1 Query: 103 STSLLTMPHWEKLLLS*EVTSLPRRVKTSVPCALARKASVTRAPFSIVSSPISCCKEGTS 282 S +L T + LS V+ + + T+V C L ++ +S+ +SC + S Sbjct: 324 SKALSTTVSCQLKALSTTVSCQSKALSTTVSCELKALSTTVSCELKALSTTVSCQLKALS 383 Query: 283 PTITALGESPSTAISLKTR 339 T++ ++ ST +S +++ Sbjct: 384 TTVSCELKALSTTVSCQSK 402 >SB_40118| Best HMM Match : DREPP (HMM E-Value=0.085) Length = 512 Score = 32.7 bits (71), Expect = 0.27 Identities = 26/69 (37%), Positives = 35/69 (50%) Frame = -3 Query: 566 TTVFDNDSLRGLPRLAAKGLNLLDNFHAFNNIPKDNMSAIQPGGLDSGDEELGTISISTG 387 T V +N + PR A +GL D F+ K+ MS I+PGG D +EE T S G Sbjct: 431 TKVPENVQPKPKPRRAGEGLPHSDFKSGFSY--KEYMSGIRPGGPDMEEEEKATPQ-SNG 487 Query: 386 ISHGEDARS 360 + E A+S Sbjct: 488 DASDEKAQS 496 >SB_24760| Best HMM Match : PT (HMM E-Value=0.17) Length = 422 Score = 31.5 bits (68), Expect = 0.63 Identities = 18/46 (39%), Positives = 20/46 (43%) Frame = -1 Query: 496 TTSMPSTTFPKTTCLPSSQEVLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGP 359 TT PST P T PS+ E +T WEP P PGP Sbjct: 34 TTGEPSTWEPMTGA-PSTWEPMTGAPSTWEPWTDGPGPYPTDGPGP 78 Score = 31.1 bits (67), Expect = 0.83 Identities = 15/37 (40%), Positives = 19/37 (51%) Frame = -1 Query: 469 PKTTCLPSSQEVLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGP 359 P TT PS+ E +T WEP+ AP+ T GP Sbjct: 32 PFTTGEPSTWEPMTGAPSTWEPMTGAPSTWEPWTDGP 68 >SB_6387| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 197 Score = 31.5 bits (68), Expect = 0.63 Identities = 14/47 (29%), Positives = 22/47 (46%) Frame = -1 Query: 499 LTTSMPSTTFPKTTCLPSSQEVLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGP 359 L+ + + FP TT P + + T + EPL+ P +R P P Sbjct: 13 LSATQLTAAFPTTTTTPVTTQTTTTDVSRTEPLIELPTAQEKRKPCP 59 >SB_32934| Best HMM Match : K_tetra (HMM E-Value=7.79963e-42) Length = 1207 Score = 30.7 bits (66), Expect = 1.1 Identities = 17/55 (30%), Positives = 27/55 (49%), Gaps = 1/55 (1%) Frame = -3 Query: 164 DVTSQL-NNNFSQWGIVNSDVEEYSW*RHFAGISNVSNLQNHHNDNASLVNAGRK 3 DV S L S WGI + D+E+ W + I+ L++ H D+A ++ K Sbjct: 90 DVCSTLFQEELSYWGINDRDMEQCCWAHYKRQINTEETLKSFHLDSARKMDGKEK 144 >SB_19689| Best HMM Match : VWA (HMM E-Value=0.0035) Length = 885 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 1.5 Identities = 15/28 (53%), Positives = 18/28 (64%) Frame = +3 Query: 123 APLGKIVIELRSDVTPKTCENFRALCTG 206 AP I+I L S V+PKT E+ R LC G Sbjct: 569 APKIDIIIALDSGVSPKTFEDERQLCAG 596 >SB_3760| Best HMM Match : SVA (HMM E-Value=0.19) Length = 259 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 1.5 Identities = 15/43 (34%), Positives = 25/43 (58%), Gaps = 5/43 (11%) Frame = -1 Query: 472 FPKTTCLPSSQE-----VLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGP 359 FP+ + LP S E +LT++++N P ++APA + P P Sbjct: 81 FPQPSLLPPSSESFDITLLTILLRNICPTLTAPATGWDALPAP 123 >SB_55393| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1597 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 2.5 Identities = 18/54 (33%), Positives = 29/54 (53%) Frame = -3 Query: 170 GSDVTSQLNNNFSQWGIVNSDVEEYSW*RHFAGISNVSNLQNHHNDNASLVNAG 9 G++ + NNN++ GI N++ Y+ +G SN N N +N+NA N G Sbjct: 352 GANNNNNKNNNYNS-GINNNNNNNYN-----SGSSNGRNTNNGNNNNAGTSNVG 399 >SB_19447| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 1110 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 2.5 Identities = 15/43 (34%), Positives = 24/43 (55%), Gaps = 5/43 (11%) Frame = -1 Query: 472 FPKTTCLPSSQE-----VLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGP 359 FP+ LP S E +LT++++N P ++APA + P P Sbjct: 81 FPQPPLLPPSSESFDITLLTILLRNICPTLTAPATGWDALPAP 123 >SB_51093| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 253 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 3.4 Identities = 18/62 (29%), Positives = 27/62 (43%) Frame = -1 Query: 517 PKVSICLTTSMPSTTFPKTTCLPSSQEVLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGPVCLRVKF 338 P+ TTS PST+ P+T ++ T N AP+ + RT + LR Sbjct: 87 PRTGSTTTTSAPSTSTPRTGSTTTTSAPSTSTTSN--STTRAPSTSTPRTGSTITLRTST 144 Query: 337 SS 332 +S Sbjct: 145 TS 146 >SB_30500| Best HMM Match : No HMM Matches (HMM E-Value=.) Length = 2014 Score = 28.7 bits (61), Expect = 4.4 Identities = 14/46 (30%), Positives = 24/46 (52%), Gaps = 2/46 (4%) Frame = -1 Query: 202 VHRARKFSHVLGV--TSLLSSITIFPSGASSTVTSKNTRGRDILPV 71 + + KF+H+ G+ TS T+F +T T TR RD++ + Sbjct: 168 IQQLHKFTHIHGMLSTSSRGRYTLFRGQYDTTATQIYTRSRDVIDI 213 >SB_26973| Best HMM Match : DUF471 (HMM E-Value=1.1) Length = 674 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 5.9 Identities = 14/35 (40%), Positives = 19/35 (54%) Frame = +1 Query: 208 RKASVTRAPFSIVSSPISCCKEGTSPTITALGESP 312 +K R S V SC +EG SPT T+ G++P Sbjct: 276 KKPFSNREAHSCVELCRSCVREGCSPTPTSRGDAP 310 >SB_10643| Best HMM Match : ShTK (HMM E-Value=2.9e-23) Length = 2123 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 7.7 Identities = 16/57 (28%), Positives = 23/57 (40%) Frame = -1 Query: 529 PDWLPKVSICLTTSMPSTTFPKTTCLPSSQEVLTVVMKNWEPLVSAPALAMERTPGP 359 P P + TT+ P TT P+TT P + T + P + P +T P Sbjct: 1767 PPHSPPTTTTTTTTTPETTAPRTT-TPETTTPETTTPRTTTPETTKPRTTTPKTTTP 1822 >SB_15696| Best HMM Match : DUF282 (HMM E-Value=2.5) Length = 128 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 7.7 Identities = 20/44 (45%), Positives = 23/44 (52%), Gaps = 2/44 (4%) Frame = +1 Query: 193 PCALARKASVTRAPFSIVSSPISCCKE-GTSPTITA-LGESPST 318 PCALA SV+ P S VSS + G S TI+A SP T Sbjct: 48 PCALATAPSVSEVPASTVSSSSPLRRSPGPSGTISASTSGSPRT 91 Database: nematostella Posted date: Oct 22, 2007 1:22 PM Number of letters in database: 16,821,457 Number of sequences in database: 59,808 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 22,457,327 Number of Sequences: 59808 Number of extensions: 525348 Number of successful extensions: 1618 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 29 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 1451 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 1610 length of database: 16,821,457 effective HSP length: 79 effective length of database: 12,096,625 effective search space used: 1693527500 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
- SilkBase 1999-2023 -