BLASTX 2.2.12 [Aug-07-2005] Reference: Altschul, Stephen F., Thomas L. Madden, Alejandro A. Schaffer, Jinghui Zhang, Zheng Zhang, Webb Miller, and David J. Lipman (1997), "Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: a new generation of protein database search programs", Nucleic Acids Res. 25:3389-3402. Query= MFBP01_F_A06 (983 letters) Database: spombe 5004 sequences; 2,362,478 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value SPAC4F10.15c |wsp1||WASp homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1... 41 3e-04 SPAC25G10.09c ||SPAC27F1.01c|actin cortical patch component, wit... 32 0.14 SPAC4F10.16c |||P-type ATPase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1||... 30 0.44 SPAC23A1.17 |||WIP homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual 30 0.44 SPCC1235.01 ||SPCC320.02c|sequence orphan|Schizosaccharomyces po... 29 0.76 SPBC21D10.06c |map4||cell agglutination protein Map4|Schizosacch... 29 1.0 SPCC622.15c |||sequence orphan|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3||... 28 1.8 SPCC895.05 |for3||formin For3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||... 28 1.8 SPAC1F5.04c |cdc12||formin Cdc12|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1... 24 2.2 SPAC16E8.01 |||cytoskeletal protein binding protein Sla1 family ... 28 2.3 SPAC9G1.02 |wis4|wak1, wik1|MAP kinase kinase kinase Wis4|Schizo... 27 5.4 SPBC13E7.09 |vrp1||verprolin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||M... 26 7.1 SPAC29B12.10c |||OPT oligopeptide transporter family|Schizosacch... 26 7.1 SPAC4F8.12c |spp42|cwf6|U5 snRNP complex subunit Spp42|Schizosac... 26 9.4 SPBC776.14 |plh1||phospholipid-diacylglycerol acyltransferase Pl... 26 9.4 SPCC962.06c |bpb1|sf1|zinc finger protein Bpb1|Schizosaccharomyc... 26 9.4 >SPAC4F10.15c |wsp1||WASp homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 574 Score = 40.7 bits (91), Expect = 3e-04 Identities = 37/140 (26%), Positives = 41/140 (29%), Gaps = 7/140 (5%) Frame = +3 Query: 576 PPPX*XAAXXTXXXGXNXGXPXPXXEPPLPXXNPXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXAFXXFXX 755 PPP AA P P P P P +S P A Sbjct: 341 PPPRSNAAGSIPLPPQGRSAPPPPPPRSAPSTGRQPPPLSSSRAVSNPPAPPPAIPGRSA 400 Query: 756 P*XTPPPPGEXA---VXFXXXPPXXXP--PPTXPP--PPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPP 914 P PP G + PP P PP+ PP PP P PP Sbjct: 401 P--ALPPLGNASRTSTPPVPTPPSLPPSAPPSLPPSAPPSLPMGAPAAPPLPPSAPIAPP 458 Query: 915 XPRGXXXSPXFXPRAPXXPP 974 P G +P P AP PP Sbjct: 459 LPAGMPAAPPLPPAAPAPPP 478 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.44 Identities = 33/120 (27%), Positives = 35/120 (29%), Gaps = 6/120 (5%) Frame = +3 Query: 636 PXPXXEPPLPXXNPXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXAFXXFXXP*XTPPPPGEXAVXFXXXPP 815 P P PP P +P S P P A P PPP + Sbjct: 251 PAPPPIPP-PSNGTVSSPPNSPPRPIAPVSMNPAINSTSKP-PLPPPSSRVSAAALAANK 308 Query: 816 XXXPPPTXPPPPXXXR--XGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPPXPR----GXXXSPXFXPRAPXXPPP 977 PPP PPP R G PP PR G P AP PPP Sbjct: 309 KRPPPP--PPPSRRNRGKPPIGNGSSNSSLPPPPPPPRSNAAGSIPLPPQGRSAPPPPPP 366 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.44 Identities = 21/72 (29%), Positives = 24/72 (33%) Frame = +3 Query: 675 PXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXAFXXFXXP*XTPPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPPTXPPPPX 854 P P P + + P G + P PPPP A PP P PPPP Sbjct: 312 PPPPPPSRRNRGKPPIGNGSSNSSLPPP---PPPPRSNAAGSIPLPPQGRSAP--PPPPP 366 Query: 855 XXRXGTGFXXXP 890 TG P Sbjct: 367 RSAPSTGRQPPP 378 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 24/77 (31%), Positives = 26/77 (33%), Gaps = 7/77 (9%) Frame = +3 Query: 768 PPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXX-------PPPTXPPPPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPPXPRG 926 PPPP + PP PPP PPPP G+ P G PP P Sbjct: 311 PPPPPPPSRRNRGKPPIGNGSSNSSLPPP--PPPPRSNAAGS-IPLPPQGRSAPPPPP-- 365 Query: 927 XXXSPXFXPRAPXXPPP 977 P P PPP Sbjct: 366 ----PRSAPSTGRQPPP 378 >SPAC25G10.09c ||SPAC27F1.01c|actin cortical patch component, with EF hand and WH2 motif |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1794 Score = 31.9 bits (69), Expect = 0.14 Identities = 13/29 (44%), Positives = 14/29 (48%) Frame = +3 Query: 765 TPPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPPTXPPPP 851 TPPPP PP PP+ PPPP Sbjct: 1706 TPPPPPMSVPPPPSAPPMPAGPPSAPPPP 1734 Score = 27.1 bits (57), Expect = 4.1 Identities = 13/43 (30%), Positives = 14/43 (32%) Frame = +3 Query: 813 PXXXPPPTXPPPPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPPXPRGXXXSP 941 P PT PPPP P G PP P +P Sbjct: 1699 PPQMSAPTPPPPPMSVPPPPSAPPMPAGPPSAPPPPLPASSAP 1741 >SPAC4F10.16c |||P-type ATPase |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1367 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.44 Identities = 13/39 (33%), Positives = 21/39 (53%) Frame = -2 Query: 343 NFLRYSLLPTASTRERGRLEVRSALGTVHVICTVVDRFV 227 NF ++P STR+R + +R G +H+IC D + Sbjct: 756 NFRVLDIIPFTSTRKRMSVIIRDEDGIIHLICKGADTVI 794 >SPAC23A1.17 |||WIP homolog|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1611 Score = 30.3 bits (65), Expect = 0.44 Identities = 38/164 (23%), Positives = 45/164 (27%), Gaps = 7/164 (4%) Frame = +3 Query: 507 AGXSPLWRVXGIPXXKKXFAXLXPPPX*XAAXXTXXXGXNXGXPXPXXE---PPLPXXN- 674 +G P+ GIP K P P A + P P PP+P + Sbjct: 1080 SGAPPVPAPSGIPPVPKPSVAAPPVPKPSVAVPPVP-APSGAPPVPKPSVAAPPVPVPSG 1138 Query: 675 PXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXA---FXXFXXP*XTPPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPPTXPP 845 P P S P P G P P G V PPP+ P Sbjct: 1139 APPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSGAPPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSSGIPPVPKPAAGVPPVPPPSEAP 1198 Query: 846 PPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPPXPRGXXXSPXFXPRAPXXPPP 977 P G P P G P +AP P P Sbjct: 1199 PVPKPSVGVPPVPPPSTAPPVPTPSAGLPPVPVPTAKAPPVPAP 1242 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.76 Identities = 30/116 (25%), Positives = 35/116 (30%), Gaps = 2/116 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 636 PXPXXEPPLPXXN--PXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXAFXXFXXP*XTPPPPGEXAVXFXXX 809 P P PP+P + P P S P P P PP P + +V Sbjct: 1153 PAPSGAPPVPKPSVAAPPVPAPSSGIPPVP-KPAAGVPPVPPPSEAPPVP-KPSVGVPPV 1210 Query: 810 PPXXXPPPTXPPPPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPPXPRGXXXSPXFXPRAPXXPPP 977 PP P T PP P G P PP P +P P P Sbjct: 1211 PP----PSTAPPVPTP---SAGLPPVPVPTAKAPPVPAPSSEAPSVSTPRSSVPSP 1259 >SPCC1235.01 ||SPCC320.02c|sequence orphan|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 658 Score = 29.5 bits (63), Expect = 0.76 Identities = 16/55 (29%), Positives = 29/55 (52%) Frame = +3 Query: 138 PTLKETATNLLTTARTSLILPKTTTLMETATNLSTTVHITWTVPKADLTSSLPLS 302 PT++ T T ++ T T + +TTT+ + T + T T P + T+ LP++ Sbjct: 102 PTVETTTTPMVETT-TITPMVETTTITPMVEAMITLMEETMTTPMEETTTILPMA 155 >SPBC21D10.06c |map4||cell agglutination protein Map4|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 948 Score = 29.1 bits (62), Expect = 1.0 Identities = 16/50 (32%), Positives = 29/50 (58%) Frame = +3 Query: 156 ATNLLTTARTSLILPKTTTLMETATNLSTTVHITWTVPKADLTSSLPLSL 305 A+ L +++ T+ + P +T ET ++ S+ T T+ + TSS P+SL Sbjct: 234 ASTLESSSLTNTVSPTESTFYETKSSTSSVP--TQTIDSSSFTSSTPVSL 281 >SPCC622.15c |||sequence orphan|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 557 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 1.8 Identities = 16/39 (41%), Positives = 19/39 (48%), Gaps = 4/39 (10%) Frame = +2 Query: 203 DYNPNG-NGYEPIDNGAYYVDRPQG---RPYFKPTPFPG 307 DYN N N Y PI N Y+++ G PYF PG Sbjct: 119 DYNNNRKNFYPPIQNSTYFINATGGIDSMPYFGLNNAPG 157 >SPCC895.05 |for3||formin For3|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 1461 Score = 28.3 bits (60), Expect = 1.8 Identities = 21/73 (28%), Positives = 22/73 (30%), Gaps = 4/73 (5%) Frame = +3 Query: 768 PPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPPT----XPPPPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPPXPRGXXX 935 PPPP V P PPP PPPP G P PP P Sbjct: 733 PPPPPAVIVPTPAPAPIPVPPPAPIMGGPPPPPPPPGVAGAGPPP----PPPPPPAVSAG 788 Query: 936 SPXFXPRAPXXPP 974 + AP P Sbjct: 789 GSRYYAPAPQAEP 801 Score = 27.5 bits (58), Expect = 3.1 Identities = 22/75 (29%), Positives = 24/75 (32%) Frame = +3 Query: 654 PPLPXXNPXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXAFXXFXXP*XTPPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPP 833 PP P P P P P G P PPPPG PPP Sbjct: 735 PPPAVIVPTPAPAPIPVPPPAPIMGG--------PPPPPPPPGVAGAG---------PPP 777 Query: 834 TXPPPPXXXRXGTGF 878 PPPP G+ + Sbjct: 778 PPPPPPAVSAGGSRY 792 >SPAC1F5.04c |cdc12||formin Cdc12|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1841 Score = 24.2 bits (50), Expect(2) = 2.2 Identities = 9/18 (50%), Positives = 9/18 (50%) Frame = +3 Query: 825 PPPTXPPPPXXXRXGTGF 878 PPP PPPP G F Sbjct: 945 PPPPPPPPPLVSAAGGKF 962 Score = 21.8 bits (44), Expect(2) = 2.2 Identities = 7/12 (58%), Positives = 7/12 (58%) Frame = +3 Query: 813 PXXXPPPTXPPP 848 P PPP PPP Sbjct: 942 PAFPPPPPPPPP 953 >SPAC16E8.01 |||cytoskeletal protein binding protein Sla1 family |Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1420 Score = 27.9 bits (59), Expect = 2.3 Identities = 13/32 (40%), Positives = 14/32 (43%), Gaps = 3/32 (9%) Frame = +3 Query: 765 TPPP---PGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPPTXPPPP 851 +PPP P A P PPP PPPP Sbjct: 166 SPPPSFQPPSAAAPATSLPSDYNPPPPPPPPP 197 >SPAC9G1.02 |wis4|wak1, wik1|MAP kinase kinase kinase Wis4|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 1401 Score = 26.6 bits (56), Expect = 5.4 Identities = 10/36 (27%), Positives = 17/36 (47%) Frame = +1 Query: 229 RTYRQRCILRGPSPRPTLLQAYPFPWCSRWEVKNIL 336 R + ++C R P RP + PW + + K I+ Sbjct: 1280 RDFIEQCFERDPEQRPRAVDLLTHPWITDFRKKTII 1315 >SPBC13E7.09 |vrp1||verprolin|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 309 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.1 Identities = 19/72 (26%), Positives = 22/72 (30%), Gaps = 1/72 (1%) Frame = +3 Query: 636 PXPXXEPPLPXXNPXPTPXASXFXPRXPGXXGXAFXXFXXP*XTPPPP-GEXAVXFXXXP 812 P P PP+P P P A+ P P PPPP + V Sbjct: 159 PIPSKAPPIPSSLPPPAQPAAP-VKSPPSAPSLPSAVPPMPPKVPPPPLSQAPVANTSSR 217 Query: 813 PXXXPPPTXPPP 848 P PP P Sbjct: 218 PSSFAPPAGHAP 229 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.1 Identities = 23/77 (29%), Positives = 24/77 (31%), Gaps = 10/77 (12%) Frame = +3 Query: 771 PPPGEXAVXFXXXP-----PXXXP--PPTXPPPPXXXRXGTGFXXXPGGXXXXPP---XP 920 PPP + A P P P PP PPPP P PP P Sbjct: 172 PPPAQPAAPVKSPPSAPSLPSAVPPMPPKVPPPPLSQAPVANTSSRPSS--FAPPAGHAP 229 Query: 921 RGXXXSPXFXPRAPXXP 971 SP F R P P Sbjct: 230 NVTSESPKFPNRGPSIP 246 >SPAC29B12.10c |||OPT oligopeptide transporter family|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 851 Score = 26.2 bits (55), Expect = 7.1 Identities = 15/49 (30%), Positives = 20/49 (40%), Gaps = 1/49 (2%) Frame = +3 Query: 123 LCWLWPTLKETATNLLTTARTSL-ILPKTTTLMETATNLSTTVHITWTV 266 LCW+WP K N L + L ILP T + N + W + Sbjct: 361 LCWIWP--KNRVVNQLFGYNSGLGILPLTFDWQQVVYNSNPLASPWWVI 407 >SPAC4F8.12c |spp42|cwf6|U5 snRNP complex subunit Spp42|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 1|||Manual Length = 2363 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 9.4 Identities = 13/32 (40%), Positives = 14/32 (43%) Frame = +3 Query: 756 P*XTPPPPGEXAVXFXXXPPXXXPPPTXPPPP 851 P PPPP PP PP+ PPPP Sbjct: 5 PPGNPPPP---------PPPPGFEPPSQPPPP 27 >SPBC776.14 |plh1||phospholipid-diacylglycerol acyltransferase Plh1|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 2|||Manual Length = 623 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 9.4 Identities = 11/27 (40%), Positives = 17/27 (62%) Frame = +2 Query: 200 KDYNPNGNGYEPIDNGAYYVDRPQGRP 280 K Y +G G +P + G YY + P+G+P Sbjct: 479 KIYCVHGVG-KPTERGYYYTNNPEGQP 504 >SPCC962.06c |bpb1|sf1|zinc finger protein Bpb1|Schizosaccharomyces pombe|chr 3|||Manual Length = 587 Score = 25.8 bits (54), Expect = 9.4 Identities = 11/23 (47%), Positives = 11/23 (47%) Frame = +1 Query: 907 LPPXPGAXXPPXXFXPGPPXXPP 975 LPP PGA P PP PP Sbjct: 505 LPPIPGAPGMPNLNMSQPPMVPP 527 Database: spombe Posted date: Oct 4, 2007 10:57 AM Number of letters in database: 2,362,478 Number of sequences in database: 5004 Lambda K H 0.318 0.134 0.401 Gapped Lambda K H 0.279 0.0580 0.190 Matrix: BLOSUM62 Gap Penalties: Existence: 9, Extension: 2 Number of Hits to DB: 3,017,394 Number of Sequences: 5004 Number of extensions: 58581 Number of successful extensions: 239 Number of sequences better than 10.0: 16 Number of HSP's better than 10.0 without gapping: 139 Number of HSP's successfully gapped in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's that attempted gapping in prelim test: 0 Number of HSP's gapped (non-prelim): 194 length of database: 2,362,478 effective HSP length: 73 effective length of database: 1,997,186 effective search space used: 507285244 frameshift window, decay const: 40, 0.1 T: 12 A: 40 X1: 16 ( 7.3 bits) X2: 37 (14.9 bits) X3: 62 (25.0 bits) S1: 41 (21.7 bits)
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